So it looks like there is no “apply for” on the dependencies in the director, so it won’t work on an array (like host.vars.parents = [ “hostA”, “hostB” ]). So here is what I did. Hi William, Please use the specific sub categories for Icinga 2, Icinga Web 2, Director, etc. We are using icinga2 for monitoring. Anything related to Icinga. If Service1 on Host1 is OK, Service2 at Host2 should not be checked. It throws the error: “Failed to load icinga_host “host.vars.parents” (DbObject.php:628)”. In that file I put the following: Now all works. Director is designed for those who want to automate their configuration deployment and those who want to grant their “point & click” users easy access to the configuration. That is a nifty trick. Icinga2 Director - Services Dependencies! Icinga 2 is a network monitoring system and parallel development branch to Icinga 1. If you are using Icinga Director go ahead and define the necessary Data Fields. Icinga 2 stores Host definitions with object attributes used for service rules, notifications, dependency, and scheduled downtime objects in hosts.conf file which is located in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/ directory. object Host “3850_12X_ToyRoom” { I get lost when it comes to the programming language in the config files. parent_host_name = parent In this second part we will use Icinga2 to monitor this list of metrics and be preemptively notified when the values go over preset threshold. To create a new service template, click the 'Add' button. I can now proceed with project. That command returned no results. Icinga2 is a rewrite in Python of NAGIOS, and it's compatible at the plugin level. This is a good community. So I would create 2 fields for the host. A project by icinga in … steps to Director as a policy for our Icinga2 instances we build - solved the multi-parent problem by defining a dummy “aggregate” host with IP, who then regularly fpings the list of parent hosts via a data field, listing hosts. After entering the parent host as related object, I want to enter the service name. 3. import “generic-host” Is it because the director treats servicesets in another way so I can not add any services from servicesets? I try to add a service dependency. } I would like to configure a Host-to-Host dependency on Icinga2, however, one of the Hosts has an HA configuration, so I need the to trigger it only when both HA devices are down. The following commands will swap out the /var/lib/mysqldirectory: The only values it will take is an acutal host name. The Director aims to be your new favourite Icinga config deployment tool. Would this help? Icinga Web 2.4 caused some minor issues for 1.2.0. You will also need some servers to monitor. You Rock!!! So, in the best case you have a limited number of dependencies - which would make the stuff below easier. You can find our packaging scripts on GitHub.If you experience any issues with the packages, please report them here. Zuerst muss man sich das […] assign where host.address && host.vars.parents One has Parent Host: host.vars.mummy and the 2nd has host.vars.daddy as parent in the director config. Now click the 'Services' and click the 'Service Templates' option on the page. No fear, just try it out But you should better start with an empty dedicated Icinga 2 instance nonetheless. Type details about your service details. So Director will not solve your problem to automatically assign one or more parents to your hosts. Let’s create a linux template. Hi Manfred, the Parent Host field will not take the value, “host.vars.parents”. All the other missing services are assigned with “servicesets”. Open Monitoring Distribution in different flavours with different cores. The "upgrade_dependencies.sql" file under mysql-migrations may help get those added if … In this tutorial, we will go over the installation of Icinga, an open source monitoring system, on Ubuntu 14.04. I do not see a more generic solution where you iterate over an array of parents. I have no idea, why I didnt find this issue. Icinga Director 1. Icinga Director IcingaCamp Berlin – 01/03/15 2. Hi Marcel, nope the host field does not seem to take any variables. parent_host_name = parent Host preview in Director should look like this: object Host “ap-01” { address = “” apply Dependency “Parent” for (parent in host.vars.parents) to Host { Attached is what I have, but it does not work. I am not sure if I get the question correct but I’ll try to help. But you can combine both - file based config and Director. If you are having issues you may want to verify that the tables icinga_dependency , icinga_dependency_inheritance , and icinga_dependency_states_set have been created in your Director DB. Before starting this tutorial, you should have completed the previous tutorial in this series, How To Install Icinga and Icinga Web on Ubuntu 16.04. }. Token, Datenbank, Passwörter usw. Host1 Healthcheck is OK. Brilliant!!! But I will only get suggestions for two services, but not the one I need (we have about 10 services on the host). So far - so good. As we are working with about 50 people on the configuration, we dont want to mix up local configfiles with director configuration. In short, it enables users to add hosts to Icinga 2 from sources outside the … Variables. Changelog¶ next (will be 1.2.0)¶ Breaking Changes¶. I might miss something but with the leading and trailing $ it should work and allow a solution where you inherit the value from the host object. is missing. The Ins and Outs of Icinga Director. ==>> No notification (rule 1), Host1 Healthcheck is CRIT. parent_host_name = parent We - who try to restrict all config. To avoid the dependency loop, I thought about a dummy Services, which will do the same check as the healtcheck, but with another name, so I could have this dummy as parent and not the real services. I mentioned that Icinga Director can be used to link Icinga to pre-existing Configuration Management Database (CMDB) systems to simplify data import. you can also go for the Icinga Director which 1) imports existing facts with sync rules 2) talks to the Icinga 2 API and manages your configuration packages. 152. Now icinga director created for you all the available commands to let you use service checks and it’s ready to adding new hosts. If you happen to have a CMDB, NDO database, PuppetDB/Foreman, etc. To add a new host you have to create a template first. the dummy host is only “up” as long as at least one of the parents is reachable.) Login to Icinga2 dashboard using your admin user and password, then Click the 'Icinga Director' menu on the left. So we assume you have at max 2 parents. Put only the following block into a file and include it into your icinga2.conf: apply Dependency “Parent” for (parent in host.vars.parents) to Host { Normally in etc/icinga2/conf.d/hosts.conf I would create the dependency and hosts like this: apply Dependency “Parent” for (parent in host.vars.parents) to Host { This will leave you with the Icinga core and Icinga Web interface running on a single host, which we’ll refer to as the icinga-masternode throughout. Hey everyone, I'm on debian 8.7 and tried to setup Nagios Web-Interface 2 (because it's gorgeous and gives a great Overview! You can actually use host vars. The following number of packages including the dependencies will be installed as shown. This should be easy with dependencies in the director. williamk (William K) June 12, 2019, 11:59pm ... What am I missing? Wen adding a windows machine no problem when you add a service to monitor lots of errros. So creating the separate conf file and adding it to the icinga2.conf file, basically allowed me to cheat and add something to director that is not normally allowed by default? Did I do it wrong? object Host “Zues” { Host2 Healthcheck is CRIT. vars.parents = [“Zues”] I prefer to move MySQL databases to a dedicated hard drive with LVM. }. ==> ALARM. In this file you can add a new host definition in order to be checked by Icinga2 monitoring process. In this article we will create a little "dummy CMDB" with MySQL and automatically import and deploy host information. Icinga Director. It is also worth noting that the outlined solution works both with and without Icinga Director. Thanks! After entering the parent host as related object, I want to enter the service name. By using Director set variable type array, within files you have to use syntax [“parent1” “parent2”], To verify functionality, look for dependency objects within your running icinga2 Thomas Gelf Web 2 Product owner Module prototyping machine Principal Consultant @netways OMD. Die Einrichtung erfolgt im Browser unter http(s)://monitor.domain.tld/setup (oder /icingaweb2/setup). I tried a workaround with an apply rule and was able to create the dependency. Director is not able to manage existing configuration, this will probably never work with Icinga 2. Parent1 & Parent2 (or primary and secondary or mummy and daddy for example) and just create 2 dependencies. ==>> No notification (rule 2), Host1 Healthcheck is CRIT. Wie man dieses umsetzt werde ich an einem einfachen Beispiel, einer CSV-Datei hier beschreiben. I try to add a service dependency. alain3888 wrote: i have installed it with the director still the web frontend show up with lots of errors. OMDLabs, CheckMK Raw Edition (CRE) or plain Nagios/Naemon with additional addons. Do you know how to build a dependency in both directions, without building a loop? Willkommen also, Icinga Director! 2020-11-06T12:21:13Z Julian Brost Update CMake At the moment, builds output lots of "New Boost version may have incorrect or missing dependencies and imported targets" warnings. Following is an example for monitoring the SSH service. } check_command = “hostalive” Even its not a real solution there, I can track the status. introduced This release brings Schema migrations, which can be applied with a single click in the Frontend. You’re welcome. address = “” ), but sadly I have unmet dependencies and I cannot find a way to install them! It tries to target two main audiences: Users with the desire to completely automate their datacenter; Sysops willing to grant their point & click users a lot of flexibility; What makes Icinga Director so special is the fact that it tries to target both of them at once. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled,,, Icinga Web2: unmet dependencies and no way to install? Director is designed for those who want to automate their configuration deployment and those who want to grant their “point & click” users easy access to the configuration. Be sure that the variable “parents” is always an array. Seems like we build a kind of loop with our dependencies and its known limitation to have a max of 256 ( and . You can use just the Apache portion of the LAMP tutorial mentioned aboveto set these up. The Director aims to be your new favourite Icinga config deployment tool. I have a very simple use case where I want to disable my check_cert service when httpd service is down. Added this data field to your host template (template is in cluster zone. display_name = “3850_12X_ToyRoom_1.179” Icinga Web 2 is the successor of Icinga web which is lightweight, fast and flexible to embed into other projects that supports multiple authentication methods like Active Directory, LDAP or database and multiple monitoring back ends. Well, OK. In the off chance th Thanks to everyone else who responded as well. the way you showed as config files should work - I did it in the same way. Published On: July 28, 2017 by Michael Perez Icinga Director is a module for Icinga Web 2, designed to make Icinga 2 configuration handling faster and easier. These two services are assigned by “Service Apply Rules” in the director. I’ve tested it in my lab, you’re right - there are only hostnames of your setup allowed, but no variables. Because its a failover Host, I created two dependencies: But that escalated quickly … We are also waiting for the version where this is fixed. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. In etc/icinga2 I created file visgence.conf. Wer dieser Anleitung gefolgt ist, der hat Icinga Web im DocumentRoot installiert. So far - so good. In my last article I focussed on Icinga 2 and the new configuration utility Icinga Director. import “[tmpl-host-generic]”, display_name = “Accesspoint ap-01” Then you can put the dummy host in the Parent field of the dependency. Die Einrichtung ist die eine, die Inbetriebnahme und Nutzung dann wieder eine andere Sache — … This should be easy with dependencies in the director. Introduction. Any ideas? Es werden viele Importe im Icinga Web 2 Modul Director via Ldap / SQL-Ressource getätigt, aber viele übesehen eine einfache Möglichkeit bestehende Dateien mittels Icinga 2 Modul “fileshipper” in den Icinga Web 2 Director zu importieren. Read Also – How to Install and Configure Icinga 2 / Icinga Web 2 on CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 The default port that icinga2 uses for monitoring is 5665 & it should be opened up in firewall to maintain a connection between master & host (called parent & child for icinga2), Use below command to open 5665 port in … Package Repository. Then you should find a similar config in Preview as in filebased config. So it looks like there is no “apply for” on the dependencies in the director, so it won’t work on an array (like host.vars.parents = [ “hostA”, “hostB” ]). Command If Service1 on Host1 is OK, Service2 at Host2 should not be checked. Note that you can’t actually manage icinga host within icinga director and you will only be able to add new hosts. icinga2 object list --type Dependency. Even when entering the service name manually I get an error “Unable to resolve related property: “parent_service_id” (IcingaDependency.php:584)”. In director I have been able to create the vars.parents field and fill in the correct values. Icinga. This is my httpd service template: apply Service "httpd" { import "generic-service" check_command = "check_httpd_service" command_endpoint = host.vars.client_endpoint assign where host.vars.client_endpoint && host.vars.myserver } But I will only get suggestions for two services, but not the one I need (we have about 10 services on the host). include “visgence.conf”. Download the plugin and place it in your plugin directory. Host2 Healtchcheck is CRIT (because only one instance can run at the same time) assign where host.address && host.vars.parents It should work with $host.vars.parent1$ for example. This dependency is required for the visgence module. I had the data type set to string instead of array. 23. Icinga Director has been designed to make Icinga 2 configuration handling easy. address = “” Written from scratch, it builds on the success of Icinga 1 and deals with shortcomings inherited from Nagios as a fork. Director Missing Dependancies I’m doing a fresh install of Icinga2, icinga2web, and director. Hi, there is an open issue: } Thanks much for your help. We have a lot service checks which are applied dynamically through apply rules. This is the Part 2 of the post we started in here. Searching the internet suggests that this is because the CMake version is too old to know about Boost 1.71.0. I restarted icinga2 service and ran command icinga2 object list --type Dependency . display_name = “Zues_1.1” Unfortunately I am one of those “point and click” users that Director was made for. When I’m adding director it keeps telling me that the IPL, Incubator, and React Module are all installed and enabled but when attempting to configure director for the first time it keeps telling me those modules are missing. We will cover some basic configuration, so you will be able to monitor network services and host resources via the web interface. assign where host.address && host.vars.parents Make sure to install any missing dependencies. Trying to figure out how make a dependency in icinga2 director. So you'll definitively do yourself a favour with making your very first steps with a vanilla Icinga 2. Then what would be a workaround to add a service dependency for a service from a serviceset, for a dedicated Host? - Icinga/icingaweb2-module-director I think that is a limitation of director and dependencies. However, am struggling how to create the dependency itself in director. check_command = “hostalive” vars.parents = [ “switch-01” ] It works, but an upgrade to Director 1.3.0 is strongly suggested; 1.2.0¶ Fixed a lot of issues and related features¶ You can find issues and feature requests related to this release on our roadmap; Permissions and restrictions¶ Permissions are now enforced. Option on the left out the /var/lib/mysqldirectory: the Director aims to your! Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled das Ergebnis darstellen you iterate over an of. Missing services are assigned with “ servicesets ” … ] Trying to figure out make... A serviceset, for a dedicated hard drive with LVM the only values it will take an! Dynamically through apply rules hat Icinga Web 2.4 caused some minor issues for.... At Host2 should not be checked our packaging scripts on GitHub.If you any! Ok ( because of automatic failover ) == > > no notification ( rule 1,! 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