Particulate matter in styrene may be avoided by: 1. Flanges should be avoided due to leak potential. C) x 10-4 at 30 C x 10-4 at 40 C Density, (in air) Temp. SAFE HANDLING AND STORAGE OF ACRYLIC ACID EBAM European Basic Acrylic Monomer Group September 18 2012, Third Edition A Cefic Sector Group 3832 0 obj <> endobj Refer to Table 3A or 3B to determine proper amount of inhibitor to add. 1.2, CHAPTER 9 SAMPLERS AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES GENERAL A sample is a small portion of a substance used to inspect or to determine the quality of the substance. The pump shaft should be highly polished. For large r piping, butt welded fittings are preferred. Stoppe r the bottle before attempting to rinse the materi al from the outside. All rights reserved. 5, 2013) Date of issue:04/07/2018 Revision date: 04/07/2018 IN0001_P Version: 1.0 05/07/2018 EN (English) 1/8 SECTION 1: Identification 1.1. ), Vol. Not only can oxygen cause safety concerns and product degradation, but moisture, dirt, hydrocarbons. Hold in a desiccator while cooling to ambient temperature. The St J ames, LA plant was origina lly owned by Gulf Oil Chemical Company and has b een in operation since The plant was ISO 9000:2000 certified in 1994 with the latest recertificati on occurring in St. James has been an OSHA VPP Star site since Americas Styrenics safe and reliable operations combin ed with our market lead ing positions in styrene and polyst yrene provide a secure foundation in manufacturing logistics and customer service with which we build strong customer relationships. Roof and sidewall openings above the normal liquid levels in the tank should be of larg e diameter and the number kept to a minimum. 10. Styrene monomer has a high volume resistivity, and can pick up and hold a static char ge during transfer operations. Multi-layered polypropylene and T eflon are also recommended. 2. 7021, Viton, Teflon, Durable Nitrile, Grafoil GHE, o r its eq uivalent is satisfactory for flanged connections at ambient conditions. Styrene monomer should not be allowed to remain in any hose afte r use be cause the monomer will polymerize and form undesirable reaction products. 3500 Lacey Road, 10th Floor Downers Grove, IL 60515 USA 800-323-0749 or 630-829-2500, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET WWF -20 1 of 5 1 Gal Xtreme Blue -20 Windshield Washer Fluid. Rubber-based linings should not be used. 0. . As a result they operate with the refrigerant highly contaminated, A Health and Safety Guideline for Your Workplace What is static electricity? Socket weld fittings are preferred for small connections. Never u se brass, bronze, or any line material containing copper. Warm monomer is withdrawn from t he top, circulated through the chiller, and discharged at the bottom, cooling the tank from the bottom up. Flanged or welded connections are suggested. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the purpose of properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: (1), SECTION 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name : Product Code : A7804F Recommended use : E2 hand wash and sanitizer Product dilution information : Product is sold ready to use. For large fires, water spray or fog may be effective. Styrene Monomer cargoes should be stowed as per relevant international and IMO regulations with respect to compatibility, heat adjacency and other requirements. ( C) mm/hg % Thermal Conductivity Temp. Signs and symptoms of styrene exposure and action to be ta ken and medical conditions aggravated by exposure to styrene. G. W. Jones, G. S. Scott, and W. E. Miller, Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44, Selected Values of Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds. Blending with non-colored styrene. The styrene is usually stored in large tanks from which shipment is periodically made. HK182 Version No. Cartridge type filters with a fine or medium replaceable cartridge or ba g filters are suggested. A good policy is to ad d additional inhibitor when th e level drops to the minimum specification level. Keep vessel vented. Chicago, IL Amercoat 346 Ameron Protective Coatings Division 201 North Berry St. Brea, CA Other equivalent or comparable coatings are undoubtedly available and may be equally satisfactory, but it would be advisable to check their resistance characteristics and obtain information on their pe rformance for this application from the m anufacturer before use. General Vaporizers are constructed in numerous designs and operated in many modes. (Requirements for the preceding are discussed in detail in the Styrene M onomer Storage Section of this publication.) Outside or detached storage is prefe rred. A tight, nonporous, nonwettable, smooth surface prevents retention and attachment of the con densed uninhibited monomer droplets, and they rapidly drain back into the in hibited liquid monomer before polymerization takes pla ce. T he training program should include the following: 1. This ensures uniform blending of the TBC and supp lies an adequate amount of di ssolved oxygen in the monomer for effective inhibition. The Styrene Monomer Safe Handling Guide 2018 update has been published, as a result of several months collaborative work with the main styrene manufacturers and under the coordination of PlasticsEurope (the association that represents plastics manufacturers active in the European plastics industry, including styrene manufacturers and its derivatives). 4. 121 Landmark Drive Greensboro, NC 27409, USER INSTRUCTIONS FOR 10 LITRE PORTABLE DEHUMIDIFIER MODEL NO. Box 816 Harvey, LA Modified Epoxy 1. Styrene lying stagnant in a line may develop color and, if flush ed into a tank, may make the entire tank off color. If the car do es not have an e ductor pipe, insert a pipe through the open dome and pump its contents out that way. Filter cartridges should be inspe cted and renewed periodically. Study Resources. 6. Due to the nature of gas cylinders, special storage and handling precautions are necessary. Recommended storage temperature: 2 - 8 °C Light sensitive. : 01 -2119457861-32-0092 1.2. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product information Trade name : Use of the : Hard Surface Cleaner Substance/Mixture Company : S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited 1 Webster Street Brantford ON N3T 5R1, OIL CONDITION MONITORING: AUTOMOTIVE ANALYSIS Why Analyse Lubricants? Policy Scope, SOLVENT CLEANER MSDS Page 1 of 5 SAFETY DATA SHEET (To comply with OSHA s Hazard Communication Standard 29CFR 1910.1200/ANSI z400.1-1993) 1. Althoug h some particulate matter in styre ne originates from outside contamination via the re ceivingtransfer system, it is also formed by the reaction of concentrated TBC solutio ns with iron. Internal reflux, (the vaporization and condensation due to normal temperature differentials) will dissolve small amounts of this polyme r and carry it back into the tank, thereby increasing both the polymer content and the color of the stored monomer. PRODUCT IDENTIFIER Carbon Dioxide, Refrigerated Liquid, #158 PURE SYNTHETIC COMPRESSOR OIL ISO 32 THROUGH ISO 220, **** MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET **** 22204 - STABIL Fuel Stabilizer **** SECTION 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND MANUFACTURER IDENTIFICATION ****, WINDEX ORIGINAL GLASS CLEANER WITH AMMONIA-D, Material Safety Data Sheet Ampicillin, sodium salt MSDS, =.03% CO2 10/4/2012. 5. What is Static Electricity? Chem. Ship’s cargo tanks utilized for the carriage of Styrene monomer shall have separate … Small trial blend s should be made to determine the feasibility of this approach. TANKS In designing bulk storage facilities, certai n basic factors must be co nsidered. Interzinc 98 Matcote Co. 2. To minimi ze the hazard o f static electricity during these operations, bonding and grounding may be necessary but may not by themselves be sufficient. Metal Cutting & Fabrication Product Line CHEMICAL METHODS 20338 PROGRESS DRIVE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44149 Phone: 216-476-8400 Cutting Table Corrosion Inhibitors Water table (or cutting. DRUMS Drums of st yrene monomer should not be permitted to stand in the sun for more than a short period of time. 2. Several types of foam are effective. Appropriate Flammable Liquids, Guidelines for Selecting and Maintaining Glycol Based Heat Transfer Fluids, Trade Name of this Product Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 91% USP. Relative Density/(Specific Gravity)2. Contents . Rinse used bottles very thoroughly with water, detergent, and solvents and then treat as new bottles. STYRENE MONOMER is a colorless, oily liquid, moderately toxic, flammable. Styrene monomer fires can be extinguished with dry chemicals, halon, carbon dioxide and foams. Styrene polymerization is initiated by heat, lack of inhibitor and dissolved oxygen, and contact with peroxides and other free-radical initiators, ionic initiators, and redox initiators. ( C) JULY 2011 (PRINT) 3, 9 Property Entropy of gas at 25 C (S ) 2 Electrical Conductivity at 25 C Value kcal/(gm-mole)-dy. First developed in 1928, styr ene is today one of the mo st important monomers produced by the chemical industry. Details of the, 1. These uninhibited vapors and condensed monomer droplets are readily oxidized on contact with air. A suitable bo ttle for stori ng the sample is known as a Boston Round. This chapter shall apply to piping systems and their components used to transfer fuel oil from, Product Information DOWEX Resins as Organic Solvent Desiccants DOWEX* ion exchange resins can be used as desiccants for organic solvents, after having been dried to a low moisture level, in a manner similar, SAFETY DATA SHEET according to 197/26/EC, Article 31 Page 1/5 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Co ncentrated stock solution has a n indefinite storage life when stored in the dark at normal ambient temperatures. PREVENTION OF POLYMERIZATION Polymerization during storage may be prevented by close atte ntion to monome r temperature, inhibitor level, polymer conte nt and oxygen content. Slide 1 (of 23). Table 3B lists the amount of concentrate required to increase the bulk quantity by 1 p pm. Soc., 80, 73 (1958). Main Menu; Earn Free Access; Upload Documents; Refer Your Friends; Earn Money; Become a Tutor ; Scholarships. D6229 Trace Benzene in Hydrocarbon Solvents by Capillary Gas Chromatography 13. Styrene is one of the most important monomers produced by the chemical industry today. Given a functional oxy-fuel gas unit, instruction and demonstration of use, each student will be able to: University of Tennessee Safety Guidelines, During Various Aluminum Fabricating Operations, Notes. 3. We strive to be a model for the chemical industry by making optimal use of the planet s precious resources that we consume, and minimizing emissions and waste. All references to U.S. FDA, Health Canada, and European Union regulations include another country’s equivalent regulatory classification. (2) They can act as an antioxidant and p revent polymerization by reacting with oxidation products in the monomer. It should be noted that sufficient oxygen must be present for inhibition. mg/kg Aldehydes as Benzaldehyde.. % wt < Peroxides as H 2 O 2.. mg/kg <50 Benzene. All storage tanks and loading points should be fitted with sampling points. CVS Regular Chiller Model A-2, DEF Q&A. TBC/liter styrene) Gallons cc , , , , , , , , , , * Calculated using styrene density at 20 C JULY 2011 (PRINT) 17, 23 TABLE 3B - CC OF CONCENTRATE REQUIRED TO INCREASE TBC IN STYRENE BY 1 PPM (85% TBC and 15% METHANOL) Gallons Styrene CC of TBC Required Example: Current TBC level = 8 ppm; desired TBC level = 15; Difference = 7 ppm; Volume = 5,900 gallons of styrene (from table) X 7 = 162 cc of TBC required 18 JULY 2011 (PRINT), 24 ADDITION OF TBC TO STORED MONOMER Styrene monomer in storage should be checked periodically for TBC content and additional inhibitor added as required (see previous section on Inhibition). Samples of petroleum products are to be taken. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Midland 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Q & A BULLETIN SCR: The Leading Technology to Meet 2010 Emission Regulations Q. Emergency procedures for leaks, spills, and fires, including protective clothin g to be worn in such instances. Presence of an inhibitor lessens but does not eliminate the possibility of unwanted polymerization. Product Safety Summary Sheet DuPont Vinyl Acetate Chemical Identification, Product Identification or Common Name: CAS number: 108-05-4 CAS name: Acetic acid ethenyl ester EC Number: 203-545-4 IUPAC name: Overview Compressed gas cylinders are used in many workplaces to store gases that vary from extremely flammable (acetylene) to extremely inert (helium). 8. Take extreme care to prevent spills. Product identifier Trade name/designation : Styrene EC Index : 601 -026-00-0 EC No : 202 -851-5 CAS No. Table 2: Solubility of Gases in Styrene at 25oC Gas CC Gas/CC Styrene Ppme by wt. Pass, University of Tennessee Safety Guidelines Guideline Subject: Compressed Gases and Cryogenics Safety Guidelines Approval Date: 10/1/15 (Rev. Acidic or highly-activated alumina may cause the styrene to polymerize. Highly-colored styrene oxidation products may form in the liquid monomer or be introduced by polymer falling or dissolving from the walls and roof. A satisfacto ry type is Goodyear, rough-bore, style WH-7 with Viton tube, or t he equivalent. 2. In hot weather, drums can be cooled with a water spray. Provision should be made either for circulating styrene through all li nes or for blowing them empty with nitrogen. 2.8 x mhos/cm Evaporation Rate (Relative to Butyl Acetate) 1.92 Flash point: 6 (Tag. 2. Product Data Sheet. Submerged filling is recommen ded for all flammable liquids. of styrene x PPM TBC - PPM TBC required in product x 503 1,000,000 POLYMER FORMATION DURING STORAGE The polymer formed under storage conditions will be discolored, cross-linked, and high in peroxides, aldehydes, and other oxidation products. The storage tank (or dru m) should always be re circulated or mixed after inhibitor is added. Pumps should not be subjected to fo rces beyond specified pump tolerances. 9. Decisions concerning what actions to take must be made on-site, but Americas Styrenics LLC may be contacted for guidance at The following suggestions are listed approximately in th e order recommended for hal ting a ru naway polymerization and de aling with an a dvanced runaway: JULY 2011 (PRINT) 13, 19 1. Chicago, IL Phenguard 7409, Sigma Coatings 7435 and 7436 P.O. After additi on, the storage tank should be recirculated until inhibitor is uniformly mixed and testing shows that target le vels have been achieved. TBC concentrate (85% TBC in 15% methanol) can also be obtained from Americas Styrenics LLC on an emergency basis. The inlet line should discharge at, or ne ar, the bottom and make electrical contact with th e tank to eli minate uncontrolled electrical discharge. Polymerization becomes self-sustaining above 95°C [MCA SD-37, 1971]. COLOR PROBLEMS Styrene in storage occasionally develops color which can be carried into the polym erization product. Oxy-Fuel Gas Welding. Product and Company Identification 60-5200-xx Glen-Pak TM DNA purification cartridge For Research Use. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Safety. Use only non-sparking tools. The tank should also be aera ted to provide the proper amount of dissolved oxygen. Contact EH&S (805-893-3194) for hazardous waste pickup. : 100 -42-5 REACH registration No. VALVES Ball valves with seat s of Viton are satisfactory for styrene service under ambient storage conditions. ( C) N D Solubility of Oxygen (from air) in Styrene Temp. press., 25 C, to form gaseous products ( H o ) 2 Heat of formation: 2 gas at 25 C( H f ) liquid at 25 C( H f ) Heat of polymerization at 90 C ( H) 7 Heat of vaporization at C 9 Molecular weight Odor Physical state at room temperature kcal/gm-mole C ( F) kcal/(gm-mole) kcal/(gm-mole) kcal/(gm-mole) kcal/gm-mole 8.82 kcal/(gm-mole) gms/(gm-mole) Characteristic, aromatic Liquid Refractive index: 4 Temp. 24 JULY 2011 (PRINT). Bonding and Grounding of Flammable Liquid Containers Provided by Harleysville s Risk Control Department 800-523-6344 ext 8100 Summary The movement of volatile liquids. Can cause rapid suffocation. A self-supporting-type dome roof is recommended for vertical storage tanks. TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Page Number SAFETY WARNINGS 2-3 RESPONSIBILITY 3 INTRODUCTION 3 PRE-BOIL OUT PROCEDURES 3-5 BOIL OUT PROCESS 5-9 Indeck Keystone Energy, LLC. Requirements of diking, tank spaci ng, and other features pertaining to safety are detailed in guidelines set by the National Fire Protection Association (see NFPA 30). Lined carbon steel tan ks are generally used for the bul k storage of styrene m onomer. 5. Heresite P403 Heresite Chemical Co. 822 South 14th Street Manitowac, WI Lithcote Phenolic Lithcote Corporation LC West Jackson Blvd. 2. At this conce ntration, 1 cc of the concentrate will raise the level of inhibitor 1 ppm in a drum of styrene having a net weight of 410 pounds. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIER Product Name STYRENE MONOMER - C1501 Product Code C695036 Company Name NUPLEX COMPOSITES a division of Nuplex Industries (Aust) Pty Ltd (ABN 25 000 045 572) Address 49 - 61 … Depending on the qua ntity of material being stored, serious consequences may result. Safety Data Sheet – Styrene Revision Nr: 2 Issue date: 18/09/2013 Supersedes: 20/11/2009 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Avoiding use of copper or copper alloyed material in contact with styrene monomer. Solution s of TBC may be obtained by contacting your Americas Styrenics LLC representative or through your purchasing agent. Valves. PIPING Piping is normally of ca rbon steel, although stainless steel and alumi num may al so be used. Infobox on Styrene monomer Example of Styrene monomer Facts Origin - Stowage factor (in m 3 /t) - Humidity / moisture - Ventilation - Risk factors See text Styrene monomer. CHEMICAL PRODUCT EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: COMPRESSED GAS, N.O.S. All lines mu st be adequately grounded to discharge static electricity. 109A (1963). If the inhibitor has b een depleted and polymerization has begun, inhibitor should be added immediately. 6. 2. .... n-Heptane. Styrene monomer is a basic building block of the plastics industry. Gaskets, TECHNIQUES FOR NATURAL GAS SAMPLING A DISCUSSION OF FIELD METHODS FOR OBTAINING SPOT SAMPLES. A Health and Safety Guideline for Your Workplace. All lines should be sloped so that they can be completely drained for maintenance. Vaporizers - Types and Usage 5.2.1. Styrene undergoes polymerization by all the common … Paying careful attention to cleanliness. 6. They should be fitted with closed impellers and mechanical seals. TBC is not an effective inhibitor for styrene monomer in the com plete absence of dissolved oxygen. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: WATER TABLE WINNERS! D7375 Trace Quantities of Water in Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Mixtures by Coulometric Karl Fisher Titration 17. Lower the bottle to near the bottom of the tank an d pull out the stopp er with a sharp jerk of the chain. Health: 0 (Least) * Appearance: Yellow Flammability: 1 (Slight), Issue Date: 04-Oct-2013 Revision Date: 19-Nov-2014 Version Number: 1. Vapor space inhibitors are available bu t are not viewed a s being adequately effective. This type of system will also perform satisfactorily where the outlet and inlet lines are reversed and the pump withdraws monomer from the bottom, circulates it through the chiller and discharges through the swing-pipe near the surface. (Tag. Additional accidental release, fire an d health information is presented in a su bsequent section of this brochure. 2. The time req uired for TBC concentrations to fall to a dan gerously low level varie s greatly because of different storage and handling conditions. We will also continuously review health, safety, environmental, and regulatory issues as they relate to Americas Styrenics customers, and industrial markets in which our products are used. Static Electricity. Acrylic Adhesives. Styrene Monomer: Safe Handling Guide. JULY 2011 (PRINT) 11, 17 When loading or unloading tank cars: 1. Reduce temperature of tank with water spray. Roof curb. All low point s should be provided with drains or some other means of rem oving the monomer. As soon as possible after being received, drums should be moved to a cool, shaded area. As a consequence, the level of styrene monomer fluctuates within the tank or … If the tank is insulated, the insulation should be removed as quickly as possible and prior to spraying with water. PRODUCT & COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Prepared on: Month, Year Manufactured, Monument Chemical bvba Johann Haltermann Ltd. Haven 1972, Ketenislaan 3 16717 Jacintoport Blvd. JULY 2011 (PRINT) 21, 28 All electrical equipment associated with the tank should conform to th e National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). 4. Equipment and pipelines … MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1 styrene monomer msds.docx Chemtrec 24 -Hour Emergency Telephone Domestic North America (800) 424-9300 International (703) 527-3887 This MSDS complies with 29 CFR 1910.1200 (Hazard Communication) 1. It serves as a Boston round mate rial selected by using a small bench Scale test brass. Th rough the do me connection or through the effective implementation of our O perating Discipline Management system ODMS... Styrene m onomer storage section of this approach by Capillary gas Chromatography 9 from air Temp. Karl Fisher Titration 17 polymer formation and oxidative degradation during shipment and subsequent.. The chain on the outside/inside of the oxy-fuel gas unit it to the tank are uninhibited formation and oxidative during! 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