The smell was extremely strong. Oil-Based Paint Poisoning is caused by the ingestion (swallowing) of oil-based paint. Water-based paints (called acrylic or latex) use water as the solvent but small amounts of dangerous solvents can be in the mix. In general, paint is made up of pigment particles (color) in a liquid base called the medium. Ozone occurs long after the solvents have "left the building" up in the stratosphere somewhere. If was awhile ago and want much and was ventilated and baby … Paint Fumes So why does paint smell so bad? Don't worry if you painted or were exposed to paint fumes before you knew you were pregnant, as the chance that you harmed your baby is very small. However, solvent-based paints and old paintwork (which may contain traces of lead) may pose a greater risk. This is the historical standard for home and industrial paint. It is the evaporation of solvents that create paint fumes. Answer: The paint smell is not really dangerous for brief exposures. Water-Based Verses Oil-Based Oil-based paints contain high concentrations of VOCs due to the typical exterior application of these paints. Oil-based paints contain a solvent that consists of VOCs which are released during paint application and as it dries. Solvent-Based Paint. Oil paints are thinned or cleaned with paint thinners. The risk of harm to your baby may be slightly greater from solvent-based paints and old paintwork, which may contain traces of lead. There are also paints made from plants, milk, minerals, or clay that are less toxic to the environment. But it’s still worth avoiding painting in the first 13 weeks, as this is when crucial baby development happens – so it may be best to minimise any risk, however low. The fumes from oil-based paint are way worse than from latex paint. Oil-based paint poisoning occurs when large amounts of oil-based paint get into your stomach or lungs. However, the odor of fresh paint can be irritating and unpleasant. Environment Protection Agency, or EPA, oil-based paints also can irritate the eyes and skin, even causing the skin to crackle. The risk of fumes from modern household paints harming your baby is low. Latex paints produce less fumes and so are recommended for indoor use. what to do if baby inhales oil based paint fumes? There are two broad categories of paint: oil paints (oil/alkyd based medium) or latex paints (water based medium). Dr. Kenneth Horlander answered. We are going to paint the rooms in our house and I have a 1-year-old and a 2-month-old baby. While it is not always possible, the best way to avoid heavy fumes is to select a low or zero VOC (volatile organic compounds) paint formula. latex (water) based paint, however, if in a well ventilated room, should not harmful to the fetus. However, today when I returned home from work, my husband had painted the ceiling, and used oil based paint. for a baby, i would think that the same rules apply (oil-based stay away, water based safe all day). However, if you want low voc paint, it's more expensive, but if it will make you more comfortable, do it. I am almost 11 weeks pregnant, and my husband has been painting with latex paints which didn't have a strong smell. The low-voc difference in oil-based products is that they removed the paint thinner (mineral spirits) from the formula. These fumes can cause headaches, dizziness and a possible blackout. This article is for information only. DO NOT use it to treat or manage an actual poison exposure. Latex paints are thinned or cleaned with soap and water. I opened the windows and went upstairs. Well, turning a liquid to a solid requires evaporation. Go to er now. what to do if baby inhales oil based paint fumes? We had the ceiling fan going and window open but I'm worried about exposure because I'm 10 weeks and 5 days pregnant. The oil enamel paint was still strong. Oil-Based Paint Poisoning may be also referred to as Oil-Based Paint Toxicity. With environmental exposure to moisture, wind and sun, the VOCS enable the paint to dry hard and withstand harsh weather conditions, according to the Yosemite Environmental Protection Agency 2 . If the paint doesn’t come off, it is oil-based and if it comes off, then it is water-based. A child sleeping in freshly painted room is an issue so make sure you properly ventilate the room first. Risk of paint fumes and decorating materials. My husband painted our front door with an oil based paint. There would be a concern if the babies were exposed daily for a long period. Dr. Kenneth Horlander answered. Will my exposure to the fumes harm my baby? The worst part about oil-based paint is the fumes that are emitted while it is drying, which can take about 3 days. Casey 49 years experience Pulmonology. In general, paint is made up of pigment particles (color) in a liquid base called the medium. Oil-based paint fumes can sometimes cause irritation and may not be good for your health. Solvent-based paints are also called oil-based. Go to er now. Here’s a tip: To know whether the paint is water or oil-based, simply wipe it with denatured alcohol. It's highly unlikely that painting or being around paint fumes while you're pregnant will harm your unborn baby, as the risk from most modern household paints is very low. Fumes: The amount of exposure is very important - if you think was severe the. By definition, oil-based paints are also solvent-based. For this reason, you should avoid using solvent-based paints and stripping old paintwork while you're pregnant. And turpentine emits highly toxic fumes. Learning how long after painting a room is it safe for toddler or baby isn’t difficult, but try to remember to reduce your child’s exposure to paint and paint fumes to a minimum. I think it was caused by: Olympic semi-gloss oil based paint. Most paint labels also have pregnancy clauses that encourage pregnant women to stay out of freshly painted areas. Though oil-based paints tend to be used outside, their fumes have been known to leach into buildings and make people sick. I have a 2 yr old granddaugher, and we only let her come back in the house after the paint had dried in the living room. Using a water-based paint can be a good alternative to solvent-based as a way of reducing the release of VOCs. I know that oil-based paint fumes are NOT good for children and pets to be around (from experience), but even if you are using latex-based, I would keep your baby away from the rooms you are painting till they are dry. initially I had the window open but it started pouring so I closed it then reopened when the rain stopped. Generally speaking, you have two kinds of paint to choose from – water-based paint or solvent-based paint. Scraping and sanding old paint should be completely avoided. I wasn't in the room when he was painting however I came in the room after he finished and was in there for several hours. Latex paint is also known as house paint, the alternative to oil-based paints for painting the indoor and outdoor walls of a building. Often, painters frustrated with the truly awful application characteristics simply stir the paint thinner right back in. According to the U.S. The risks from exposure to paint fumes is generally associated with oil-based paints, which are primarily used outdoors. There are two broad categories of paint: oil paints (oil/alkyd based medium) or latex paints (water based medium). Oil-based paint and stains are being banned in many areas for indoor use already, so the alternatives are improving dramatically. Fumes: The amount of exposure is very important - if you think was severe the. It may also occur if the poison gets into your eyes or touches your skin. 03/30/2012 22:58 Subject: question on oil-based staining fumes during pregnancy Is Oil-Based Paint Toxic? Oil paint releases fumes called volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. In a time when VOC's are very low in most water-based paints, you still have warnings on the label which declare "known" hazards including skin and eye irritation. Recommended solution for toxic fumes: Because water-based paint doesn’t bond well with the glossy surface of oil-based paint, remove as much gloss from the surface as possible before repainting. Latex paints are thinned or cleaned with soap and water. Isn't the paint smell dangerous for them? The smell upstairs has mostly vanished, but not downstairs. In reality, the fumes from the paint can still stink up your space long after the last coat dried. Some solvents like turpentine are very effective at cleaning brushes, but aren’t so great to mix with your paint. Lead-based paint was commonly used prior to the 1970s, so pregnant women should avoid removing old paint because of the risk of lead exposure. If you have wondered whether oil-based paint is toxic and what you can do to minimize its effects, here is a short guide on what you can do! If you must use an oil-based paint or primer, choose those that are marked as "low odor". What is paint? What are the Causes of Oil-Based Paint Poisoning? According to the NHS, it is “highly unlikely” that paint fumes can harm your unborn baby, as the risk from modern household paints is very low, . 49 years experience Pulmonology. Oil-based paint fumes may contain volatile organic compounds and other potentially toxic chemicals. Apart from the possible risk of inhaling paint fumes while pregnant, oil paints also give off a strong odour and have a ‘hard to clean’ texture. After you paint a room, the only thing that should linger is how much you love the color scheme you chose. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, exposure to lead paint increases the likelihood of lead poisoning and mental retardation. Paint companies are attempting to make paint a more easy to use product by making the fumes less harmful and making the painting process safer for all adults and infants. Like acrylic paint, latex paint is not toxic on the skin and can be easily washed, but it shouldn’t be ingested or used as face or body paint. 1 doctor answer. If you must be exposed to oil-based paints routinely because of your occupation, it's best to take the following precautions: Limit the amount of time you spend working with oil-based paints. I am so worried I have harmed my baby now with the fumes I … When painting a room in a house with an infant you should turn on the exhaust and open all the windows so that the fumes are not trapped within the house. There are numerous complaints with paint smell from Olympic and Benjamin Moore that has lasted more than 6 months. Exposure to these compounds may cause severe poisoning. The difficulty is trying to find one that is inexpensive, dilutes oil paint well, and cleans brushes thoroughly while at the same time considered harmless. Oil paints are thinned or cleaned with paint thinners. latex based paints are water based, so the way they dry is evaporation! The dangers vary, largely based on the health of the individual exposed to the fumes; however, babies, children and expectant women are particular susceptible to these toxins and should be kept away from rooms in which oil-based paints are required.