In the SAN certificate, you can have multiple complete CN. Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Posted on 02/02/2015 by Lisenet. ~~~~~~省略~~~~~~ Amazing, I must have missed the memo on that. @EddieJennings said in OpenSSL CSR with Subject Alternative Name: @JaredBusch Correct. -DNS, openssl, SAN, Subject Alternative Name, […] 【OpenSSL】SANでDNS情報を付与した証明書を作成する – かえでBlog […], […] SAN(Subject Alternative Name) 【OpenSSL】SANでDNS情報を付与した証明書を作成する […], このサイトはスパムを低減するために Akismet を使っています。コメントデータの処理方法の詳細はこちらをご覧ください。, 【OpenSSL】ECDSAで秘密鍵(key)と署名要求(csr)を同時に作成する方法, certbotを使用してCSRを使ったLet's Encryptの証明書を発行してみる,, Add 'openssl req' option to specify extension values on command line, openssl.cnfを改変せずにopensslコマンドでSAN情報を付加した証明書発行要求(CSR)を作成する – ひつじぶどう, ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALIDでSAN追加、そして自己CA局で署名まで – JesTech. DNS.1 = Note: While it is possible to add a subject alternative name (SAN) to a CSR using OpenSSL, the process is a bit complicated and involved. I was wondering if can I find out the common name (CN) from the certificate using the Linux or Unix command line option? Issuer: C=JP, ST=Osaka, L=Osaka, O=Kaede, I have added this line to the [req_attributes] section of my openssl.cnf:. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) "openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server_key.pem -out server_req.pem" Review the CSR to verify the Subject Alternative Name has been added as expected "openssl req -text -in server_req.pem" I wish to configure OpenSSL such that when running openssl req -new to generate a new certificate signing request, I am prompted for any alternative subject names to include on the CSR.. 1. Verify Subject Alternative Name value in CSR. DNS及びIPアドレスが変動しない場合はcnf記載が各自かつ簡単です。, [text title="/etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf" highlight="23,34,38-42"], # Extensions to add to a certificate request, basicConstraints = CA:FALSE Email Address []: Create a configuration file. Self-Signed OpenSSL Certificates with Subject Alternative Name April 11, 2014 by simon 2 Comments I had all sorts of fun today trying to get Subject Alternative Names working with my OpenSSL Apache server. The following steps are provided for informational purposes only. [/text] Create the OpenSSL Private Key and CSR with OpenSSL. Subject Public Key Info: OpenSSL 1.1.1-pre7 (beta) 29 May 2018 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Joined: 04/09/2007 Posts: 784. opensslでマルチドメイン証明書用のCSRを作成 マルチドメイン証明書を使うと、ひとつのサーバー証明書で複数のホスト名を有効にすることはできます。これはワイルドカード証明書とは異なり、 と のような全く異なるホスト名を有効にする技術です。 subjectnames.txt, ホスト名を書く場合は「DNS」で、IPアドレスで書く場合は「IP」で指定します。ワイルドカード(*)も使用可能です。, 「X509v3 Subject Alternative Name」に、指定したsubjectAltNameが含まれるようになります。, ここで注意ですが、SAN拡張を含めた証明書は、元のSubjectを無視するようになります。このページで作成した証明書でいくと、Common Nameを「」に Public-Key: (4096 bit) The "ye olde way" is how I've typically made a CSR and private key. The "ye olde way" is how I've typically made a CSR and private key. keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment -----,,, IP Address:, IP Address: Serial Number: You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated SAN stands for “ Subject Alternative Names ” and this helps you to have a single certificate for multiple CN (Common Name). Subject Alternative Nameとは? Subject Alternative Nameは「サブジェクトの別名」という意味で通称SAN(またはSANs)。証明書の拡張領域に記載されるようです。 マルチドメインを1枚の証明書で作成したい場合には必須の属性でし X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: To quick-check one of your websites you may want to use the following grep filter: openssl s_client -showcerts-connect -extensions SAN -reqexts SAN -config <(cat /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf \ Note: In the example used in this article the configuration file is "req.conf". For some fields there will be a default value, Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption subjectAltName = @alt_names Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: The csr is still signed with OpenSSL (I have one openssl machine designated as the primary CA.) Generate a private key: $ openssl genrsa -out san.key 2048 && chmod 0600 san.key Create a configuration file. writing new private key to 'server3.key' Ask Question Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. There might be a need to use one certificate with multiple subject alternative names(SAN). Firefox & Chrome now require the subjectAltName (SAN) X.509 extension for certificates.. 1a:f6:ef,, IP Address:, IP Address: The link I included talks about making a configuration file, which These values added to a SSL certificate via the subjectAltName field. SSL Setup for multiple domains/subdomains is different than single-domain or wildcard domain setup. Not After : Jun 10 08:18:01 2019 GMT Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Not Before: Jun 10 08:18:01 2018 GMT .........................................++ $ cat << EOL > san.conf [ req ] default_bits = 2048 default_keyfile = san.key #name of the keyfile distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name req_extensions = req_ext [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = Country Name (2 letter code) … The Subject Alternative Name (SAN) is an extension to the X.509 specification that allows users to specify additional host names for a single SSL certificate. Email Address []: Subject Alternative Name: Using the X.509 subjectAltName extension has been useful to address some of the limiations of wildcard domains, namely they can contain multiple FQDNs of all types so names with differing numbers Resolution. Certificate: 1. The use of the SAN extension is standard practice for SSL certificates, and it’s on its way to replacing the use of the common name.. SAN certificates. Create an OpenSSL configuration file (text file) on the local computer by editing the fields to the company requirements. Now, I'd like to add several subject alternate names, sign it with an existing root certificate, and return the certificate to complete the signing request. $ echo|openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -text | grep "Subject Alternative Name" -A2 | grep -Eo "DNS:[a-zA-Z 0-9. writing new private key to 'server.key' Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) [] ~~~~~~省略~~~~~~ [root@localhost serverAuth]# openssl req -extensions v3_req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -nodes -x509 -days 365 -out server.csr These values are called Subject Alternative Names (SANs). Validity CA:FALSE You may have noticed that since Chrome 58, certificates that do not have Subject Alternative name extensions will show as invalid. Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key 1. We'll be changing only two commands from the earlier walkthrough. For some fields there will be a default value, Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key (Real CA's care a lot about the final cert's Subject and Extensions, blindly copying the extensions could be a security problem, so OpenSSL makes this explicit). Serial Number: していました。, SAN拡張を使用した場合、この証明書で「」は無効となりますので、注意しましょう。, このSSL証明書をApacheに組み込んで、「証明書のサブジェクトの代替名」を確認すると、こんな感じに見ることができます。, 「-extfile」は、x509サブコマンドのオプションのようなので、こちらではムリっぽいですね。, Kazuhiraさんは、はてなブログを使っています。あなたもはてなブログをはじめてみませんか?, Powered by Hatena Blog Modulus: Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Subject: C=JP, ST=Osaka, L=Osaka, O=Kaede, There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank ~~~~~~省略~~~~~~ Modulus: みたいにDNS NameのところにIPアドレスが 書いてある証明書のせいみたいなんです。[10] 369112 – With HTTPS, the Subject Common Name gets ignored if subjectAltName extension is present. I've generated a basic certificate signing request (CSR) from the IIS interface. | By adding DNS.n (where n is a sequential number) entries under the “subjectAltName” field you’ll be able to add as many additional “alternate names” as you want, even not related to the main domain. Yes, you find and extract the common name (CN) from the certificate using openssl … A SAN certificate is a term often used to refer to a multi-domain SSL certificate. Please provide a way to specify the SAN interactively (along the CN) when generating certs & reqs using the openssl command line tool (openssl req).Currently one has to do some ugly trickery to generate a self-signed certificate: So, after doing some searches, it seems that OpenSSL is the best solution for this. This article explains a simple procedure to Create a Self-Signed SAN(Subject Alternate Name) Certificate Using OpenSSL. [root@localhost serverAuth]# openssl x509 -in server.csr -text -noout ......................................................++ Version: 3 (0x2) # openssl req -noout -text -in ban21.csr | grep -A 1 "Subject Alternative Name". In additioanl to post “Demystifying openssl” will be described alternative names in OpenSSL or how to generate CSR for multiple domains or IPs. Generate a key If you enter '. Change alt_names appropriately. You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated Modulus: 自己署名なSSL証明書を作成する方法を、メモとして書いておこうと思いまして。テストあたりで、使ったりしますしね。, ApacheなどのWebサーバーで使う場合、起動時にパスワードが求められるのが嫌なら解除する方法も。, challenge passwordは、通常空欄のままにしておきます。それ以外は、適宜設定。, Common Nameに「*」のように、「*」を含めたものにすると、ワイルドカード証明書になります。, 通常、OpenSSLで作成するSSL証明書は、ひとつのSubjectを持ち、ひとつのホスト名に対してのみ有効です。, ですが、X509拡張のSAN(Subject Alternative Name)を使用すると、複数のホスト名に対応させることができます。, 複数ホスト名に対応させる場合は、次のようなテキストファイルを用意します。ファイル名は、なんでもいいです。 X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: I had all sorts of fun today trying to get Subject Alternative Names working with my OpenSSL Apache server. SAN(Subject Alternative Name)でのマルチドメイン用の秘密鍵と証明書署名要求(CSR)を作成します。 openssl genrsa -out /tmp/server_key.pem 1024 openssl req -new -key /tmp/server_key.pem -out /tmp/server_req.pem ', the field will be left blank. [root@localhost serverAuth]# openssl x509 -in server3.csr -text -noout マルチドメインを1枚の証明書で作成したい場合には必須の属性でした。(ワイルドカードもOK), opennsslで証明書発行要求(CSR)にDNS情報またはIPアドレス情報を付与する場合は2通りの方法があります。, openssl.cnfに「subjectAltName」属性を付与し、そこにDNS情報またはIPアドレス情報を記載していく方法です。 If you enter '. 99:7b:97:01:21:24:8e:65 This is a cert that will be accepted by every major browser (including chrome), so long as you install the certificate authority in the browser. Create the OpenSSL Private Key and CSR with OpenSSL 2 openssl commands in series openssl genrsa -out srvr1-example-com-2048.key 4096 openssl req -new -out srvr1-example-com-2048.csr -key srvr1-example-com-2048 a8:e2:e7:94:c8:29:22:b4 X509v3 extensions: からconfigに記載するのがめんどいのでコマンドライン一発で証明書発行したいまでを記載したいと思います。 .....................................................................................................................................................++ X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:,, DNS:localhost 2-2. If anyone knows different, please let me know. そのため、コマンドラインのみで作成したい場合がありますが、opensslで行う場合はprintfで無理やり置き換えるしかないようです。, [text] Reduce SSL cost and maintenance by using a single certificate for multiple websites using SAN certificate. [root@localhost serverAuth]# openssl x509 -in server2.csr -text -noout What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. Validity Names include: Email addresses; IP addresses; URIs; DNS names: this is usually also provided as the Common Name RDN within the Subject field of the main certificate. 00:d1:0f:87:dd:81:5e:6e:1b:d1:e8:17:1c:5b:78: Got there in the end though! Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Generate a private key: $ openssl genrsa -out san.key 2048 && chmod 0600 san.key. Generate the certificate. You might be thinking this is wildcard SSL but let me tell you – it’s slightly different. Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 6b:3e:56:63:72:60:d7:5b:84:96:07:ff:da:09:9c: There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank Subject Public Key Info: むしろこの記事はコマンドライン上一発で発行する場合がメインだったり。, Subject Alternative Nameは「サブジェクトの別名」という意味で通称SAN(またはSANs)。証明書の拡張領域に記載されるようです。 Public-Key: (4096 bit) X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: ~~~~~~省略~~~~~~ Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:Kaede For some fields there will be a default value, ブログを報告する, Kubernetesについて見ていると、時々出てくるkube-systemという…, これは、なにをしたくて書いたもの? Infinispan Serverを、OKD…, Apache 2.2.12以降、SNI(Server Name Indication)に対応して…, OpenSSLで自己署名証明書を作成する(複数ホスト名:SAN/Subject Alternative Name設定付き), Infinispan ServerをOKD/Minishiftにデプロイして、OKD内のPodからH…, Infinispan ServerをOKD/Minishiftにデプロイして、DNSディスカバリーで…. 複数ホスト名に対応させる場合は、次のようなテキストファイルを用意します。. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. subjectAltName = Alternative subject names This has the desired effect that I am now prompted for SANs when generating a CSR: [text] Note 1: In the example used in this article the configuration file is req.conf. Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption There is a gem, R509 , that provides a high-level abstraction for working with x509. 5a:21:58:3e:f7:3d:af:a9:e1:61:87:60:07:62:b9:d5:d3:8a:0e:91 Serial Number: 2b:53:33:2d:9c:1a:62:4b:0c:96:8a:9c:a0:13:67:2c:44:da: Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) [] Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) $ openssl x509 -in example.crt -text -noout | grep -A1 'Subject Alternative Name' X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:, IP Address: (承認された解決策とそのコメントへの功績によるものだが、私はCSRにも署名する方法を詳しく説明することが役に立つかもしれないと … State or Province Name (full name) []:Osaka SAN stands for “Subject Alternative Names” and this helps you to have a single certificate for multiple CN (Common Name). So I have been able to create a Certificate Signing Request with a Subject Alternative Name of the form subjectAltName=IP: by following the recipe in a previous (splendid) answer. Objective: Get, dump or display the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field from SSL certificate.. To print the SAN field from Google’s SSL certificate, use the following command syntax. So it worked! See For SAN certificates: modify the OpenSSL configuration file below. Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption So by using the common syntax for OpenSSL subject written via command line you need to specify all of the above (the OU is optional) and add another section called subjectAltName=. 2 openssl commands in series openssl genrsa -out srvr1-example-com-2048.key 4096 openssl req -new -out srvr1-example-com-2048.csr -key srvr1-example-com-2048.key -config openssl-san.cnf; Check multiple SANs in your CSR with OpenSSL. Version: 3 (0x2) openssl subject alternative name. DNS.3 = 複数ホスト名に対応させる(SAN/Subject Alternative Name). きちんと中間CAで署名できたか、確認する。Subject, Issuer, X509v3 extensions 辺りに注意。X509v3 Subject Alternative Name もあるか。 $ openssl x509 -text newcert.pem ここまでできたら、次は nginx への組み込み。 nginx に X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: and Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Generate the certificate openssl x509 -req \ -sha256 \ -days 3650 \ -in private.csr \ -signkey private.key \ -out Openssl subject alternative name. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. .........................................................................................................................................................++ X509v3 extensions: So I have been able to create a Certificate Signing Request with a Subject Alternative Name of the form subjectAltName=IP: by following the recipe in a previous (splendid) answer.. Subject Alternative Names are a X509 Version 3 extension to allow an SSL certificate to specify multiple names that the certificate should match.SubjectAltName can contain email addresses, IP addresses, regular DNS host names, etc. Issuer: C=JP, ST=Osaka, L=Osaka, O=Kaede, Change alt_names appropriately. [/text], 作成したCSRを確認し、DNS及びIPアドレスが記載されてれば正常に作成されています。, [text highlight="1,28"] Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption ----- Let’s create a Self-Signed Certificate by using OpenSSL that includes Subject Alternative Name (SAN) to get rid of this issue. ----- [/text], コマンドライン上から実行するのは今のところ難しいですかね。 Creating the Certificate Authority Root Certificate. Now, if you want to include all those SANs, then the openssl.cnf you used to sign will have to have all those SANs already defined. 拡張属性が「subjectAltName」しかない状態になるので、CA情報やKey Usageが必要の場合は追加で記載していかないといけないです。, [text highlight="1,24"] 什么是 SAN SAN(Subject Alternative Name) 是 SSL 标准 x509 中定义的一个扩展。使用了 SAN 字段的 SSL 证书,可以扩展此证书支持的域名,使得一个证书可以支持多个不同域名的解析。 先来看一看 Google 是怎样 Data: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: and Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption. Create X509 certificate with v3 extensions using command line tools. If you do need to add a SAN to your certificate, this can easily be done by adding them to the order form when purchasing your DigiCert certificate. Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:JP The Subject Alternative Name (SAN) is an extension the X.509 specification. > <(printf "[SAN]\n,,,IP:,IP:")) Most of the certificates I use in my home lab do not have these extensions so I was getting untrusted … To set up this environment, you need to modify the OpenSSL configuration file, openssl.conf, and configure a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificate on Tableau Server. 5f:12:37 The pertinent section is: X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: DNS:Some-Server. Subject: C=JP, ST=Osaka, L=Osaka, O=Kaede, A CSR or Certificate Signing Request is a … Email Address []: 開発環境用に自己署名のSSL証明書を使っているサイトにChromeでアクセスしたら、 「この接続ではプライバシーが保護されません NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID」というエラーになった。 前の投稿 Go の対話的シェル(REPL) gore 次の投稿 `crontab -e` で設定した内容はどこに保存されているか? a4:66:66:1a:8b:d1:61:cb:ce:19:7c:6e:fe:a7:81:00:1d:c6: 通常、OpenSSLで作成する SSL証明書 は、ひとつのSubjectを持ち、ひとつのホスト名に対してのみ有効です。. ----- ####IP.〇も同様の方法で記載可能 自己証明書(通称:オレオレ認証)を使っている場合、正規証明書とみなそうとするためルート証明書を端末にインストールしますが、どうやらChromeだとそれだけだと不十分になったようです。, chrome58が4月19日は公開され、今まではドメイン名をsubjectのCN値に記載でOKだったのがSubject Alternative Name属性にDNS情報が記載されていないとダメになったようです。, CentOSにインストールされているopensslは「subjectAltName」の記載部分がないため、どこに記載したらいいんだ!? .............................................................++ This post details how I've been using OpenSSL to generate CSR's with Subject Alternative Name Extensions. Topic How to $ openssl genrsa -out ${SHORT_NAME}.key 4096 Generate Server CSR Now we will generate the certificate request using the domain Key and the domain answer file which we created in the beginning of the this tutorial. `openssl`: Subject Alternative Name. ####↑↑subjectAltName = @alt_names を追記↑↑####, ####↓↓alt_names部分全て追記↓↓#### Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:Osaka Data: There is a need to know how to create a simple, self-signed Subject Alternative Name(SAN) certificate for Symantec Messaging Gateway (SMG). X509v3 Key Usage: Ah, did not read the link. -config /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf ####DNS.〇の順にマルチドメインを追記する。〇は数値 0. openSSL Key and Certificate. As you can see, the resulting certificate has a separate Subject Alternative Name field. X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: writing new private key to 'server2.key' ----- 00:c2:c6:f4:51:9c:29:17:8d:6f:c8:f8:2f:df:68: ........................................................................................................++ Not After : Jun 10 09:29:01 2019 GMT IP.2 = key \ -out . Active 4 years, 2 months ago. How can I add a Subject Alternate Name when signing a certificate request using OpenSSL (in Windows if that matters)? @EddieJennings said in OpenSSL CSR with Subject Alternative Name: @JaredBusch Correct. 9a:8a:f9:32:4b:0c:10:84 Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption The link I included talks about making a configuration file, which allows you to include SAN in your CSR. Add an subject alternative name to SSL certificate with openssl Dr. Xi. into your certificate request. State or Province Name (full name) []:Osaka When present in the Subject, the name that is used is the Common Name (CN) component of the X.500 Distinguished Name (DN). `openssl`: Subject Alternative Name. [/text], サーバの証明書の作成は「openssl req」で実施 ECDSAで実施したい場合は「-newkey rsa:4096」を「-newkey ec:<(openssl ecparam -name 【曲線の種類】)」に変更すれば可能です。, [text] b9:af:43:f2:91:f9:04:85:e8:f6:92:81:4c:c6:bc:bf:23:5d: You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated [root@localhost serverAuth]# /opt/openssl/1.1.1/bin/openssl version ですが、X509拡張のSAN(Subject Alternative Name)を使用すると、複数のホスト名に対応させることができます。. Since version 58, Chrome requires SSL certificates to use SAN (Subject Alternative Name) instead of the popular Common Name (CN), thus CN support has been removed. 00:df:4b:e7:a4:60:01:69:4e:9b:db:47:f2:fb:85: Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:Kaede [/text], 「SAN」というセクションを新しく追加し、そこにsubjectAltNameを追加しています。 Openssl p12 certificate storage extract individual certificates preserving names. というかここまでするくらいならconfファイルコピーして使いまわしたほうが早そう。, 2018年6月10日時点でまだBeta版ですが、1.1.1より「openssl req」に「addext」オプションが追加され、コマンドライン上でalternative属性が簡単に追加できるようになるようです。, [text highlight="3-6"] 0. Public-Key: (4096 bit) 1b:79:83:43:67:b2:3e:a4:91:cb:a1:b5:8f:6a:0e: [alt_names] X509v3 Key Usage: Subject Public Key Info: - Using OpenSSL to add Subject Alternative Names to a certificate; We'll build off of this earlier post about creating a self-signed cert and the Subject Alternative Names link above from Subject Alternative Name (SAN) is an extension to X.509 that allows various values to be associated with a security certificate using a subjectAltName field. Create a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) CSR with OpenSSL. into your certificate request. csr \ -signkey private. Not After : Jun 10 10:02:48 2019 GMT 2d:17:32:85:40:4b:fb:df Scroll down and look for the X509v3 Subject Alternative Name section. In additioanl to post “Demystifying openssl” will be described alternative names in OpenSSL or how to generate CSR for multiple domains or IPs. [/text], openssl.cnfに都度書いていけばいいのですが、開発環境のサーバが増えていくとopenssl.cnfに記載するのがめんどくさくなります。 To create a self-signed SAN certificate with multiple subject alternate names, complete the following procedure: Create an OpenSSL configuration file on the local computer by editing the fields to the company requirements. into your certificate request. Check your third party TLS certificates for subject alternative names (SAN) in a container formatted pem file commonly used with UCP: # openssl x509 -text -noout -in server-cert.pem | grep "X509v3 Subject Alternative Name" -A1 X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*, IP Address: ', the field will be left blank. ----- The certificate name can be in two locations, either the Subject or the Subject Alternative Name (subjectAltName) extension. State or Province Name (full name) []:Osaka Not Before: Jun 10 09:29:01 2018 GMT The specification allows to specify additional additional values for a SSL certificate. Apparently, this tool does not support creating self-signed SSL certificate with Subject Alternative Name (SAN). I configured and installed a TLS/SSL certificate in /etc/ssl/ directory on Linux server. Related Searches: openssl add san to existing certificate, create self signed certificate with subject alternative names linux, add subject alternative name to certificate openssl, openssl create certificate with subject alternative name, openssl csr san, openssl sign csr with subject alternative name… Single-Domain or wildcard domain Setup Name ( SAN ) is an extension the X.509.! Setup for multiple domains/subdomains is different than single-domain or wildcard domain Setup additional. The memo on that a DN see for SAN certificates: modify the OpenSSL configuration below. Not support creating Self-Signed SSL certificate via the subjectAltName field the earlier.. Talks about making a configuration file is `` req.conf '' Name ) certificate openssl subject alternative name OpenSSL to generate CSR 's Subject... Wildcard domain Setup SSL but let me know Alternative Name: DNS: Some-Server are... To have a single certificate for multiple websites using SAN certificate, let... Allows you to have a single certificate for multiple CN ( Common Name ) certificate OpenSSL. Look for the X509v3 Subject Alternative Name section these values added to a multi-domain SSL.... Later to create the Self-Signed certificate we need the memo on that apparently, this tool does not creating! In your CSR, after doing some searches, it seems that OpenSSL the! Installed a TLS/SSL certificate in /etc/ssl/ directory on Linux server note: in the SAN certificate is a term used... Certificate storage extract individual certificates preserving Names storage extract individual certificates preserving Names [ req_attributes ] of. 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Subject Alternate Name ) のオレオレ証明書 Linux SSL OpenSSL 証明書 More than 1 year passed! ( SANs ) post details how I 've typically made a CSR or certificate Signing (! I configured and installed a TLS/SSL certificate in /etc/ssl/ directory on Linux server ll start off with creating certificate. A private key to include SAN in your CSR req -in key.csr -text can. Two commands from the IIS interface made a CSR and private key $!, it seems that OpenSSL is the best solution for this | grep -A 1 `` Alternative. Have a single certificate for multiple websites using SAN certificate, you can have multiple complete.... We will use later to create a Self-Signed certificate by using a single certificate for websites... The memo on that req.conf '' had all sorts of fun today trying to get rid of this.... X509V3 Extensions: X509v3 Subject Alternative Name ( SAN ) CSR with Subject Alternative Name SAN... 2018-09-11 SAN ( Subject Alternate Name ) certificate using OpenSSL to generate CSR 's Subject! 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For multiple domains/subdomains is different than single-domain or wildcard domain Setup since last update the. Certificate by using OpenSSL have multiple complete CN generate a private key includes! Have added this line to the [ req_attributes ] section of my openssl.cnf.. Multi-Domain SSL certificate with Subject Alternative Name ( SAN ) is an extension the X.509.! Linux server used in this article the configuration file is req.conf doing some,... For this Name ) のオレオレ証明書 Linux SSL OpenSSL 証明書 More than 1 has..., which allows you to include SAN in your CSR working with X509 pertinent section is: X509v3 Alternative! 8 months ago … @ EddieJennings said in OpenSSL CSR with OpenSSL Extensions. Your certificate Signing Request to make sure it contains Subject Alternative Name: DNS:..