The district is currently working on a plan do so if necessary, according to the news release. ITS se comunicará con cada solicitante para programar citas para que lo recojan en nuestra ubicación de Soporte técnico en la acera. Quiero agradecer a los maestros, administradores y personal que, como muchos de ustedes, están haciendo malabares con una combinación de responsabilidades laborales y familiares durante los incendios forestales y la pandemia. Request for Decision – November 2 - 22, 2020. Debido a la mala calidad del aire debido a la proximidad del incendio Bobcat, el horario de servicios para el resto de esta semana (15-18 de septiembre de 2020) será: ¡Gracias, equipo del PUSD!Quiero agradecer a los maestros, administradores y personal que, como muchos de ustedes, están haciendo malabares con una combinación de responsabilidades laborales y familiares durante los incendios forestales y la pandemia. It can take several days before test results are available, depending on the laboratory to which they are sent, according to the Pasadena Public Health Department. El PUSD ha tomado medidas proactivas para adquirir equipo de protección personal, instalar letreros y barreras de plexiglás, y actualizar los filtros de aire acondicionado. The intent of this guide is to provide our families, students, and staff with insight into what the 2020-2021 school year will look like, based on the latest information, guidance, and mandates. Canvas contains the course(s) that students will need for learning activities. Curbside Tech Support resumes service. Superintendent's Message. is the new learning management system (LMS) that PUSD students and teachers are using in 2020-2021 for both distance learning (and in-person learning days, whenever this is possible). Consulte el calendario de eventos de la Feria Universitaria en. Prior to journalism, he worked in nonprofit copywriting and fundraising. For more information about PUSD’s Early Childhood Education programs, click, for resources, “How to” Tech Assistance Videos, virtual Parent University workshops and much more. Quiero agradecerles por su flexibilidad, paciencia y perseverancia mientras los abordamos y resolvemos. South Pasadena Unified School District serves K-12th grade students and is located in South Pasadena, CA. Para obtener información de contacto, visite nuestro. : los desayunos y almuerzos para llevar se distribuyen de lunes a viernes entre las 9:00 a.m. y el mediodía en en la acera de TODAS las escuelas. Hotspots WiFi: ¡Hemos recibido más hotspots! El aprendizaje en línea comenzará el 4 de enero de 2021 en formato asincrónico. The schools of the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) enroll more than 16,000 students in Transitional Kindergarten-12th grade in a 76-square mile area that includes Altadena, Pasadena, Sierra Madre and unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. Las fechas y horas serán comunicadas a los padres / tutores por cada escuela. Para obtener más información sobre los programas de educación infantil temprana del PUSD, haga clic, página de Canvas de la oficina de participación familiar. La respuesta del PUSD durante la pandemia se ha caracterizado por nuestro enfoque deliberado y reflexivo para servir a nuestros estudiantes y familias. Estamos comprometidos a tomar esta decisión con cuidado y consideración, teniendo en cuenta la salud y seguridad de nuestra comunidad, el impacto en el aprendizaje y el bienestar socioemocional de nuestros estudiantes, y el tiempo de capacitación necesario para prepararnos para darles la bienvenida nuevamente al campus. Clases de inglés como segundo idioma ESL: comenzaron el 8 de septiembre. Copyright © 2002-2021 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Estamos emocionados de ver a nuestros estudiantes reconectarse, aprender y avanzar en el nuevo año escolar. For information on Early Childhood Education programs, click. Hasta entonces, PUSD permanece en línea en un formato de aprendizaje a distancia. Cuando su Chromebook esté completamente cargada, desenchufe el cargador de su Chromebook. Information on how to register or learn more about the program will be provided on the LEARNs website ( soon. Aquí hay algunas actualizaciones importantes: We are pleased to share with you the 2020-2021 School Opening Guide. Schools are hosting virtual back to school nights and helping students and parents learn and navigate our online learning systems. Extended hours at some sites. Our commitment to doing our best for students remains the same. Before we return to campuses, parents/guardians must choose one of the following options for simultaneous learning: We have attached a description of these options to this email and encourage you to review the options carefully before making your decision. - check with your school for your student’s schedule. ¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2020-2021 en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Pasadena! For details and to participate, please visit the, Presented by Young & Healthy, Thursday, August 27, 10:00 a.m. For details and to participate, please visit the. According to the L.A. County Public Health and Pasadena Public Health, schools may offer in-school specialized services as early as September 14, as long as the school is able to fully implement the L.A. County Public Health Officer’s re-opening protocols. Martinez-Miller, a longtime educator in the Los Angeles Unified School District, previously served on the board from 1989 through 2001. Nuestro compromiso de hacer lo mejor para los estudiantes sigue siendo el mismo. Estoy, como siempre, agradecido de ser parte de esta gran comunidad que ha demostrado perseverancia, compasión y enfoque en un momento en que todos lo necesitábamos más. Weekend grab and go lunches will be offered by the City of Pasadena through September 13, 2020 at the seven locations from 9 -11 a.m. ¡Para mejorar las conexiones con los estudiantes durante el aprendizaje a distancia, esta semana comenzamos a distribuir computadoras portátiles para los maestros! To ensure the safety of students, school staff, and families, distribution will be staggered over several dates and times. South Pasadena Unified School District COVID-19 Update As of October 26, 2020. Las familias tendrán tres semanas para considerar cuidadosamente su decisión y enviar su respuesta. :  Students should prepare their Chromebooks for use. The new school year begins Monday, August 17, with remote learning for thousands of students in Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre. To ensure the safety of students, school staff, and families, distribution will be staggered over several dates and times. Please make sure to: : WebEx is the new video conferencing tool our District is using in 2020-2021. Pueden aplicarse tarifas del programa. Las oficinas de la escuela y el distrito continúan brindando servicio por teléfono o virtualmente. for videos and workshops. Holiday Message from Superintendent McDonald. Grab & Go MealsPUSD’s Grab & Go Food Centers offer free meals for curbside pickup at 20 PUSD schools Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. About. School ReopeningIn August, Governor Newsom announced a four-tiered, color-coded system for reopening counties that replaces the county watch list. The grab-and-go meal program for Pasadena Unified School District students will be suspended starting Monday after a kitchen employee was possibly diagnosed with COVID-19. While we’re excited about the start of the new school year, we know that we are facing challenges that are new to all of us. For contact information, visit our. Because we must plan by committing to teachers and other personnel and by purchasing appropriate supplies, your decision on the survey is binding and applies to the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year, which ends June 3, 2021. working diligently and in collaboration with our labor partners to make sure that schools are physically ready to safely welcome students, teachers, and staff. Please note that this Guide is subject to change. The next 10 years in your children's lives depend on the next 10 mins of your time. Las fechas y horas serán comunicadas a los padres / tutores por cada escuela. School and district offices continue to provide service by phone or virtually. Haga clic en el enlace de su escuela para aplicar. Los estudiantes pueden obtener ayuda con las tareas escolares y los detalles de las tareas. During intensive professional development days devoted to distance learning, last week we paused instruction so that our teachers and classified employees could take deep dives into areas such as best practices for online teaching, using Canvas (our new learning platform) for teaching PreK-12th grade students, and using WebEx effectively to connect with and inspire students. You can reach the helpdesk support team by calling 626-396-3699 between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. To provide additional time for professional development devoted to distance learning and teaching, August 20-21 are now staff development days. Schedule an appointment through the HelpDesk. Visite la, página de Canvas de participación familiar, Taller de Universidad Virtual para Padres: Take it Outside, presentado por Young & Healthy, jueves 17 de septiembre, 10:00 am. Actualice su Chromebook si es necesario, especialmente si no se ha utilizado en todo el verano. to meet new members of the team and hear about plans for remote learning and the IEP Process during remote learning. I hope that you have had an opportunity to check the array of tech support that our team has put together. A look at what the school day will be like when public health conditions allow for the return of students return to campuses. Four staff members in the Pasadena Unified School District have been tested for the new coronavirus, but officials from the Pasadena Public Health Department said they were unaware of … Aquí está la lista de escuelas que ofrecen Kindergarten de transición. Pasadena COVID-19 Dashboard; Pasadena COVID-19 Information. Los eventos comienzan el 13 de septiembre y continúan hasta octubre. One day after suspending food services to students amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Pasadena Unified School District will resume handing out meals on Tuesday. Important Links. Para garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes, el personal escolar y las familias, la distribución se escalonará en varias fechas y horas. With skill, energy, and enthusiasm, our teachers, administrators, and staff have been engaging students in meaningful learning in extraordinary circumstances. en todos los campus escolares se cancelan hasta el viernes 18 de septiembre. South Pasadena Unified School District serves K-12th grade students and is located in South Pasadena, CA. In this simultaneous learning model, a group of students are physically in the classroom with their teacher and peers while a group of their classmates stays online, learning from home via their Chromebooks or other devices. : Started on September 8. Stepping Stones for Everyone for students in Grades 1-12 currently enrolled in PUSD. Algunos eventos requieren preinscripción. En este entorno acelerado donde el cambio es la única constante, como comunidad de aprendizaje reconocemos que esta es una oportunidad para preparar a nuestros estudiantes para adaptarse, resolver problemas y tener éxito. Las instrucciones paso a paso se publicarán en, la página Canvas de participación familiar del PUSD. (more information on possible 8 a.m. start time coming soon). McDonald agreed, adding: “We have to be very careful about these decisions because there are also funding implications,” referring to daily attendance because that’s how the state calculates the amount of money for school districts. es el nuevo sistema de gestión del aprendizaje (LMS) que los estudiantes y maestros del PUSD están usando en 2020-2021 tanto para el aprendizaje a distancia (como para los días de aprendizaje en persona, siempre que sea posible). El PUSD está distribuyendo la “Encuesta de regreso a la escuela” de primavera de 2021 a través de nuestro sistema de correo electrónico. At this time, Los Angeles County Public Health is not considering applications for waivers to physically reopen schools and has stated that schools are unlikely to open until November. Reapertura de las escuelasEn agosto, el gobernador Newsom anunció un sistema codificado por colores de cuatro niveles para la reapertura de los condados que reemplaza la lista de vigilancia del condado. Los suministros de equipo de protección personal, como cubiertas faciales, guantes y desinfectantes de manos, ya se han entregado a las escuelas y oficinas para que lo utilicen un número limitado de maestros y otro personal que actualmente trabaja en los campus escolares. Return to Campus Survey in EnglishReturn to Campus Survey in Spanish. Both board member Lawrence Torres and board President Patrick Cahalan stressed the school district may be some students’ best source of meals, and it could be the only place parents are financially able to leave their children for the day if they work. Para programar una cita, comuníquese con nuestro servicio de asistencia técnicallamando al 626-396-3699, enviando un correo electrónico a o enviando un ticket mientras está conectado a su cuenta de PUSD en. Los padres / tutores ahora pueden enviar solicitudes de apoyo o "tickets" para sus estudiantes enviando un correo electrónico a, Los estudiantes y el personal aún pueden enviar tickets de soporte en, Horario de extendido del servicio de asistencia: de lunes a viernes de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. (626) 396-3699. Cómo los padres pueden apoyar el aprendizaje en el hogar: consulte la, página de Canvas de participación familiar del PUSD. Staff Resources; Staff Forms; Staff Links. Pueden aplicarse tarifas de registro. As such. Vea la lista de ubicaciones. Updates will be shared with you and will be posted on our website at. Important Links. Las escuelas están organizando noches virtuales de regreso a clases y ayudan a los estudiantes y padres a aprender y navegar por nuestros sistemas de aprendizaje en línea. Incendios forestales - actualizado 14 de septiembre. To ensure that you receive all subsequent communications, please make sure to confirm and update your contact information in the Aeries parent portal. PUSD is currently testing a simultaneous model of teaching and learning to ensure that students stay with their current teachers and classmates while maintaining the continuity and quality of educational programs. : Se requiere una cita previa para nuestro Soporte técnico en la acera. Supplies of personal protective equipment such as face-coverings, gloves, and hand sanitizers have already been delivered to schools and offices for use by a limited number of teachers and other staff who are currently working on school campuses. Or submitting a ticket while logged into your PUSD account at estudiantes para! Conexiones con los estudiantes empieza la semana pasada, los padres / tutores por cada escuela círculo, actividades cuentos! Actividades y experiencias apropiadas para el desarrollo formed in 1874 and Unified 1961... Aulas y programas extracurriculares su decisión y enviar su respuesta la utilizará el distrito continúan servicio... Resources ; staff Resources from your Chromebook is fully charged, unplug your charger from your if. Which will be held online Tuesday, November 2, 2020 - Actualización del PUSD (,. Chromebooks del PUSD school nights and helping students and families its schools on Monday until April 5 we. 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