However, additional laboratory tests, with soil-BC mixtures at field capacity, revealed that BC addition to soil, which caused a decrease in bulk density, also resulted in a significant decline in soil thermal conductivity (p < 0.001). A lack of information on the effects and interactions of minimal soil disturbance, permanent residue cover, planned crop rotations and integrated weed management, which are key CA components, can hinder its adoption. The Spanish original has been published in Paraguay by the Ministry Interested in research on Conservation Agriculture? Although farming systems are multifunctional, and environmental and socio-economic factors need to be considered, our analysis indicates that the potential contribution of no-till to the sustainable intensification of agriculture is more limited than often assumed. Genetic diversity found among different populations and biotypes of parthenium weed, based on geographic, edaphic, climatic, and ecological ranges, might also be a strong contributor towards its invasion success. In Australia, severe erosion events, and the obvious advantages of conservation farming practices, led to rapid adoption, and currently around 90 % of farmers use some form of conservation agriculture. Construction of CF planting basins (40 cm x 15 cm, while 20 cm deep), using hand-hoes, is a commonly used minimum tillage practice among small holders in southern Africa, effectively requiring tillage of only 10 % of a field. Soils from naturalized grasslands and other previously cropped plots with Zea mays and Solanum tuberosum were analyzed in laboratory for soil biochemical properties, enzyme activity, and AMF colonization to determine the effect of the soil management over its quality. Right now, CA is followed on approximately 157 million ha arable land worldwide. Climate smart agriculture (CSA) describes agricultural practices aimed at adapting to climate change, mitigating the impact of agriculture on climate whilst maintaining and increasing productivity. The concept set out by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) states “Sustainable agriculture is the successful management of resources for agriculture to satisfy the changing human needs, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of environment, and conserving natural However, any expansion of conservation agriculture should be done with caution in these areas, as implementation of the other two principles is often challenging in resource-poor and vulnerable smallholder farming systems, thereby increasing the likelihood of yield losses rather than gains. (DIA/MAG). The study included basins under regular CF and under CF with 4 t ha⁻¹ pigeon pea biochar (CF + BC). 3. Residual biomass was higher in vetch and wheat stubble assigned to treatment VWS. the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) of the Republic of It could also play a major role Along with OM depletion, erosion and soil salinization are aggravating the problems of resource depletion several times. Soil Fertility and Soil Microbiology. Overall, our results show that no-till reduces yields, yet this response is variable and under certain conditions no-till can produce equivalent or greater yields than conventional tillage. The present English version has Each method of direct drilling sometimes gave substantial yield increments, though generally yields failed to equal or exceed those from conventional practice. WS lambs spent more time on walking and standing, while V and VWS lambs allocated more time on biomass uptake. As the glaciers retreated and plant life patterns and growth areas changed in response, it meant that the need to move so often became slightly less essential - though undoubtedly the lifestyle carried on for thousands of years as people sought to maximize their resource acquisiti… The Shift to Agriculture. Yet for some, the environment has paid a price that some agricultural scientists have tried to address. It provides a clear, systematic review of important classes of policy issues in developing countries and discusses the emerging international consensus on viable approaches to the issues. and mitigation of climate change by increasing carbon sequestration, etc. recent conservation agriculture efforts focusing on smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. From Egypt, those societies took direct influence once the country was conquered by Alexander the Great and later by the Roman Republic. soil carbon levels and nitrogen reserves in particular. A combination of research, education and good policy development to remove economic/institutional and social barriers to uptake are required to ensure the continued success of NT. nutrient indices of health i.e. Biomass and nutritive value of vetch and wheat stubbles were decreasing from the start to the end of the grazing period. For treatment 2, the sheep were grazing 3 hr on wheat stubbles in morning and 3 hr on dried vetch in the afternoon (VWS). production systems according to soil fertility and major crops. The results showed that creating a suitable organizational structure is a very significant driving factor for CA development in Iran.  )RU LQVWDQFH VRLO HURVLRQ ZDWHU ORVVHV IURP UXQRII DQG VRLO, ZLWKVXEVWDQWLDOO\OHVVSURGXFWLRQFRVWV7DEOH, *UHDWGXVWERZODQGVWDUWRIFRQVHUYDWLRQDJULFXO, 'HYHORSPHQWRIGLUHFWVHHGLQJPDFKLQHU\ILUVW, %RRNRQQRWLOOLQPRGHUQDJULFXOWXUHHQWLWOHG, 1RWLOOGLUHFWVRZLQJRIFURSVZDVILUVWVXFFHVV, ([SHULPHQWVRQYDULRXVFRPELQDWLRQVRIWLOODJHDQG, &RPPHUFLDODGRSWLRQRIQRWLOOLQWKH86$ /LQGZDOODQG6RQQWDJ, 3DUDTXDWZDVUHJLVWHUHGDVILUVWKHUELFLGHIRUEURDG, /RQJWHUPQRWLOOH[SHULPHQWVZHUHVWDUWHGLQ2KLR, )LUVWQRWLOOH[SHULPHQWVLQ$XVWUDOLD %DUUHWHWDO, 'HPRQVWUDWLRQWULDOVRQGLUHFWGULOOLQJV\VWHPVLQ, )LUVWQRWLOODJHWULDOVLQ,WDO\ 6DUWRULDQG3HUX]]L, )LUVWQRWLOOGHPRQVWUDWLRQLQ%UD]LO %RUJHV, /RQJWHUPQRWLOOH[SHULPHQWVZHUHVWDUWHGLQ, )LUVWUHSRUWRQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIKHUELFLGHUHVLV, )LUVWQRWLOOGHPRQVWUDWLRQLQ%UD]LODQG$UJHQWLQD )ULHGULFKHWDO, %RRNRQ&$HQWLWOHG³2QHVWUDZUHYROXWLRQ´E\, *O\SKRVDWHZDVUHJLVWHUHGIRUJHQHUDOEURDGVSHF, ,QWURGXFWLRQDQGRQIDUPGHPRQVWUDWLRQRI&$LQ, ,QWURGXFWLRQRI&$LQ=LPEDEZH )ULHGULFKHWDO, 7KHILUVW1DWLRQDO1RWLOO&RQIHUHQFHKHOGLQ3RQWD, ,QWURGXFWLRQRIQRWLOOLQ6SDLQ *LUiOGH]DQG*RQ]iOH], 'HYHORSPHQWRIILUVWJO\SKRVDWHUHVLVWDQWWUDQVJHQLF, 'HYHORSPHQWDQGFRPPHUFLDOUHOHDVHRIUHOLDEOH, &RPPHUFLDODGDSWDWLRQRI&$LQVRXWKHUQ%UD]LO, ,QWURGXFWLRQRI&$LQ,QGLD3DNLVWDQDQG,  6XVWDLQHG JRYHUQPHQWDO SROLFLHV DQG, 6WDUWRI&$UHVHDUFKLQ&KLQD 'HUSVFKDQG)ULHGULFK, &RPPHUFLDOODXQFKRIWUDQVJHQLFJO\SKRVDWHUHVLV, ,GHQWLILFDWLRQRIZHHGULJLGU\HJUDVVUHVLVWDQWWR, ,QWURGXFHGQRWLOODJHV\VWHPVLQ.D]DNKVWDQ 'HUSVFKDQG)ULHGULFK, ,Q&$V\VWHPVVPDOOVHHGHGZHHGVSHFLHVDUHIDYRUHG&KDXKDQ, 3KHQROLFVLQWKHVXUIDFHUHVLGXHPD\UHGXFHWKH, JO\SKRVDWH DQG JOXIRVLQDWH FDQ HIIHFWLYHO\ FRQWURO ZHHG VSHFLHV ZKLOH, UHVHDUFKWRFRQWUROWKHUHVLVWDQFHDQGDYRLGWKHIXWXUHVSUHDGRIUHVLVWDQW, &$UHVHDUFKKDVSURJUHVVHGEXWDGRSWLRQDWWKHIDUPHUOHYHOLVD. CCT. From Foraging To Farming: Explaining The Neolithic Revolution. FRQVHUYDWLRQDJULFXOWXUHQGHGQ&$%,: 6HUUDM56LGGLTXH.+0&RQVHUYDWLRQDJULFXOWXUHLQGU\DUHDV)LHOG&URSV5HV±, SURSHUWLHV DQG JUDLQ \LHOGV RI D GU\ODQG ZLQWHU ZKHDWVRUJKXPFRUQIDOORZ URWDWLRQ LQ WKH, VRLOZDWHUFRQWHQWLQ=DPELDDQG=LPEDEZH6RLO7LOO5HV±, $( )RZOHU '% HG :KHDW SURGXFWLRQ LQ &DQDGD²D UHYLHZ8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6DVNDWFKHZDQ, IOX[ LQ DJULFXOWXUH FRPSDULQJ WLOODJH SUDFWLFHV LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV$JULF (FRV\VW (QYLURQ, :LWPHU-(+RXJK*ROGVWHLQ-$3HVHN-'*URXQGGZHOOLQJDQGIROLDUDUWKURSRGVLQIRXU, FURSSLQJ V\VWHPV JURXQGGZHOOLQJ DQG IROLDU DUWKURSRGV LQ IRXU FURSSLQJ V\VWHPV (QYLURQ. In Europe, little changed before the rise of the kingdoms around the 11th century when the Church became major landholders and traders, leaders, educators and held both temporal and spiritual powers. Soil moisture decreased in the order CF + BC > CF > conventional farming. The first 3 are scientific and practical definitions while numbered 4 to 8 are legal definitions and meaning of agriculture. Most students will come at it from some of these core disciplines: archaeology... MBA in Sustainability and Compliance Degree, Online Masters in Energy Policy & Climate, Food and Agriculture Law and Policy Degree,,,,,,459.PDF,,,, uid=3738032&uid=2&uid=4,,,,,,,,, Deserts as Ecosystems and Why They Need Protecting. This publication is the result of activities developed within the framework The main aim of this study is to present a comprehensive model for CA development in Iran by identifying the institutional drivers that influence its promotion and determining the relationship between drivers. Parthenium weed, a well-known noxious invasive species, has invaded diverse climatic and biogeographic regions in more than 40 countries across five continents. series. CA systems, comprising minimum mechanical soil disturbance, organic mulch cover, and crop species diversification, in conjunction with other good practices of crop and production management, are now practiced globally on about 125 M ha in all continents and all agricultural ecologies, including in the various temperate environments. As the pragmatism of CA in various parts of the globe is governed by the biophysical and socioeconomic challenges, an adaptation of CA should be as per the site and farmer’s condition. The data presented in this paper, mainly based on estimates made by farmer organizations, agro-industry, and well-informed individuals provide an overview of CA adoption and spread by country, as well as the extent of CA adoption by continent. yield. The yield under CA system is at par with the conventional system. Treatment 3 consists of 6‐hr grazing of wheat stubbles only (WS). ... CA has been promoted by several scientists and institutions in these regions with the expectation that it can help reconcile these competing objectives and contribute to sustainable intensification. The adoption of CA has both agricultural and environmental benefits but there is a lack of information on the effects and interactions of key CA components which affect yield and hinder its adoption. At grain maturity stage, biomass yield of vetch averaged 7 tons DM/ha allowing a grazing period of 2 consecutive months. When we look at the south-western states, particularly Arizona and New Mexico, we see agriculture on an industrial scale - especially the cultivation of maize crops that were introduced from modern Mexico, the rest of Mesoamerica and beyond. Soil water analysis for irrigation purposes. The executing institutions of the Soil Conservation Project were We are still agreeing on global standards and trying to redefine the parameters of what is agriculturally and ecologically sound, catering to our crop needs while not damaging it for future generations. in Paraguarí, Edelira, Minga Guazú, Caaguazú, Guairá, Caazapá, and The adoption of CA has both agricultural and environmental benefits but there is a lack of information on the effects and interactions of key CA components which affect yield and hinder its adoption. .LUNHJDDUG-$&RQ\HUV0.+XQWD-5.LUNE\&$: VHQVHLQFRQVHUYDWLRQDJULFXOWXUHSULQFLSOHV, IDUPLQJV\VWHPV$JULF(FRV\V(QYLURQ±, QLWURJHQG\QDPLFVFURS\LHOGDQGQLWURJHQUHFRYHU\, /DO 5  0DQDJLQJ ZRUOG VRLOV IRU IRRG VHFXULW\ DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO TXDOLW\$GY $JURQ, VWUXFWXUHDQGSURGXFWLYLW\RIZKHDWFXOWLYDWLRQLQQRUWKHUQ&KLQD$XVW-6RLO5HV±, DQGUHVLGXHUHPRYDOLQHDVWFHQWUDO0LQQHVRWD6RLO7LOO5HV±, VXFFHVVWKHFDVHRIFRQVHUYDWLRQDJULFXOWXUHLQ=LPEDEZH,QW-$JULF6XVWDLQ±, WULHV-RKQV+RSNLQV8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV%DOLWPRUH, SDJHV)HDWXUH$UWLFOHV,GHDV/HDGLQJ7R1R7, LUULJDWLRQDQGWLOODJHLPSDFWRQUXQRIIORVV-(QYLURQ4XDO±, &KDPHQ:&75HLFRVN\'&5LEHLUR0)6-XVWLFH6(+REEV35HGV1RWLOODJHVHHGLQJLQ. CA involves changing many conventional farming practices as well as the mindset of farmers to overcome the conventional use of tillage operations. Here we conduct a global meta-analysis using 5,463 paired yield observations from 610 studies to compare no-till, the original and central concept of conservation agriculture, with conventional tillage practices across 48 crops and 63 countries. The concept Agriculture -- Missouri -- History represents the subject, aboutness, idea or notion of resources found in University of Missouri-Kansas City Libraries. improving the quality of life of rural families. What is known is based on evidence gathered from archaeological sites. The Concept of Sustainable agriculture Modern day world, and especially developing societies, faces numerous challenges; among which the progressive increase in the population and thus the increase of food consumption and the expansion of industrial production. It is, and has been since there was an agricultural market, one of the largest employers of people; in the USA today, agriculture represents 20% of the US economy (1). There have been questions about the use of some herbicides and pesticides and the last few decades have seen many harmful substances banned in North America and the EU. History of Agricultural Extension by Stephanie Mercier on Thu, 07/19/2018 - 18:42 State actors have been disseminating information about agricultural practices to their farmers for a very long time. In this chapter, an attempt has been made to describe how CA can modify and improve the soil physical environment. Therefore, dried vetch grazing could be a solution to make possible mulching and biomass uptake by sheep under the context of CA. The “hunter-gatherer” moniker can be a misnomer as it is believed today that nomadic communities didn't suddenly just decide one day to stop moving and to set up permanent settlements - though the reasons for the transition have been explored in great deal and is still not settled (4, p561-3). Furthermore, it describes the Analysis of 25 experiments found a slight increase in CA crop yields over time relative to CVT, indicating, The adoption and implementation of conservation farming principles have followed very different paths in Australia and New Zealand. It is also referred to as resource efficient or resource effective agriculture. In this chapter, we discuss the basic concepts and brief history of CA, and its impacts on agricultural systems. Promotion and adoption of CA in Iran have been receiving increased attention from the national government over recent years. There remains a shortage of agriculture graduates too, so it should not be difficult to find gainful employment. Agricultural History. No-till (NT) farming systems have revolutionized agriculture by improving erosion control, soil water storage, soil quality and, in many instances, yield and net farm income. The acid phosphatase activity was higher in naturalized grasslands and Z. mays cropped soils compared with that in the S. tuberosum cropped soils. Around 58% of the Indian population depend on agriculture for their livelihood. The Birth of a Concept and the Origins of the Neolithic: A History of Prehistoric Farmers in the Near East . Morphological advantages, unique reproductive biology, competitive ability, escape from natural enemies in non-native regions, and a C3/C4 photosynthesis are likely to play a vital role in parthenium weed invasiveness. With an undergraduate degree, you can manage farms and ranches, fisheries and forests, work with soil conservation or many other “outdoors” options. The objective of this publication is to offer a reference material for One year the field would have crops planted, the following year it would be used for livestock and the third it would be kept fallow (15). As the glaciers retreated and plant life patterns and growth areas changed in response, it meant that the need to move so often became slightly less essential - though undoubtedly the lifestyle carried on for thousands of years as people sought to maximize their resource acquisition (4, p574-5). Modern agricultural practices saw its final modern development in the 16th century when farmers came up with crop rotation - the idea that one could increase yields by switching land use around every year in order not to exhaust the soil. CA can effectively conserve and use the natural resources as it involves integrated management of soil, available water, and biological resources along with the judicial use of external inputs. Paraguay and the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). Verhoeven Marc. The global empirical evidence shows that farmer-led transformation of agricultural production systems based on Conservation Agriculture (CA) principles is already occurring and gathering momentum worldwide as a new paradigm for the 21st century. Most of Egypt was and still is desert with a few key oases, which means that the agriculture centered on a very small part of the country. The River Nile relied heavily on the seasons and each year, the river would flood its banks and part of the surrounding countryside (called The Inundation). The history of agriculture has a great impact on human civilization. Seedlings from a seed source where triazine herbicides had not been in continuous use were completely controlled by 1.12 or 2.24 kg/ha of either chemical, and partially controlled by 0.28 to 0.56 kg/ha. Rolf Derpsch Ken Moriya Archaeologists and palaeontologists have traced the origins of farming to around 10,000 years ago, to somewhere in the Indus Valley, and possibly as a separate development in China along the Yangtze River (6). Conservation agriculture becomes a fundamental element in sustainable production intensification; However, the full potential is rarely achieved because of various biotic and abiotic constraints. It describes the principal species of green manures and, at the There are many options for those wishing to study an agriculture-based degree due to the nature of the breadth of the subject. farmers perceptions on CA technology, and to determine the factors of CA technology adoption at farm level in 2017. Even as technology changes, agriculture adapts and could never become obsolete - even in a time when it might conceivably be vastly different from what it might have been at the dawn of agriculture. Soil drying after free drainage until permanent wilting point lasted longer under CF + BC (18.4–22.3 days) than under both CF and conventional farming (13.3–18.4 days and 14.9–17.8 days, respectively). of the “Soil Conservation Project MAG – GTZ”, implemented from 1993 Common lambsquarters, pigweeds, and fall panicum were the most commonly found seeds in all soils. The wealth of this work is that it brings together the experiences of farmers, When the Corn Laws in England were repealed, it began the global food economy; about the same time, Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution put agriculture on the modern path of a science as we began to understand the development of crops. It's certainly not true that the Native Americans had no agriculture; indeed, there is evidence for some limited agricultural practices (16) but it was not universal across the tribes. As the CA systems maintain Invasive plant species not only change the dynamics of species composition and biodiversity but, Soil fertility analysis for nutrient management of crops and maintaining soil health. The study revealed that CA technology adoption is still going on in the study areas. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission). combining high production with the provision of environmental services. 1 edn, Springer International Publishing, Germany, pp. This is because these interactions can have positive and negative effects depending on regional conditions. For most of our existence, humans were hunter-gatherers. illustrated, it strives to facilitate the adoption and diffusion of No-Tillage, Test your understanding of The History of agriculture concepts with's quick multiple choice quizzes. It is also likely that they had herds of livestock that they took with them wherever they moved, keeping them secure to exploit for milk, meat, fur and other resources. Rural extension, for instance, includes non-agricultural activities such as microenterprise development (Echeverría 1998), a priority which is being advanced by the Inter-American Development Bank. 75-87. Concentration of seeds decreased with depth but the effect of tillage on seed depth was not consistent among soil types. During the 1990s, due to scarcity of water, energy and labor resources vis-à-vis enhanced production cost and diminishing farm profits, initiatives were taken for adoption of resource conservation technologies. that CA can compete with CVT on a purely crop production basis and also has well-established environmental benefits. Weisdorf JL. Origins of agriculture - Origins of agriculture - Agriculture in ancient Asia: On his way across the Pamirs in search of Buddhist texts (518 ce), the Chinese pilgrim Song Yun noted that the crest of the bare, cold, snowy highlands was commonly believed to be “the middle point of heaven and earth”: Yet, heaven provided. Rainfed agriculture is used to describe farming practices that rely solely on precipitation for water. Soil previously cropped with S. tuberosum showed the highest glomalin content; at the same time, naturalized grassland and Z. mays cropped soils showed higher hyphal length. After five years of field trials, soil samples were drawn as per 2-factors factorial randomized block design. ... CA and associated carbon management has the potential to mitigate climate and respond to food demands while minimizing environmental damage through improvements in carbon cycling and energy flow (Janzen, 2015;Reicosky and Janzen, 2018). ARS. Biological activities determine quality, sustainability, health, and fertility of soils. That Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA ) is an approach to guide the management of agriculture in the era of climate change. Why Environmental Engineering Is Vital for Our Future, Geoscience: Unlocking the Planet’s Nature, Environmental Law: Government and Public Policy Towards the Environment, Geospatial Technology: An Introduction and Overview. Though earlier societies had used it to a certain extent, only in the 16th century was the method perfected. Rising temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations and changing rainfall patterns, all within the present day climate change prediction range are favorable for parthenium weed growth, its reproductive output, and therefore its future spread and infestation. cover crops to crop rotations tended to improve nitrogen recycling via reduced nitrate leaching risks, New plastics as well as the development of nitrates (19) allowed even greater yields once more and it has through this system, now in place for almost a century, allowed greater access to food much more cheaply. In some areas of Europe, we can see the remnants of the agricultural system today in the form of medieval ridge and furrow strip farming. Residue retained on the surface of soil helps in improving soil quality, plant health, and overall resource use efficiencies. not so obvious, and the perceived risks have resulted in adoption rates of less than 10 %. “Sustainability” is the buzzword today as we look to balance several conflicting needs - to protect the environment and to instigate practices that protects it while providing for the growing needs of the future population growth. ,QWHUQDWLRQDO)RRG3ROLF\5HVHDUFK,QVWLWXWH: +HDS ,  7KH LQWHUQDWLRQDO VXUYH\ RI KHUELFLGH UHVLVWDQW ZHHGV KWWSZZZ, +LOOHO'2XWRIWKHHDUWKFLYLOL]DWLRQDQGWKHOLIHRIWKHRLO)UHH1HZ<, +LOOHO'(QYLURQPHQWDOVRLOSK\VLFV$FDGHPLF6DQ'LHJR, UHYLHZLQJWKHHYLGHQFH$JULF(FRV\VW(QYLURQ±, ILFDWLRQVXVWDLQDELOLW\DQGXSWDNH,QW-$JULF6XVWDLQ±, .DVVDP$+)ULHGULFK7'HUSVFK5, &RQVHUYDWLRQDJULFXOWXUHLQWKHGU\0HGLWHUUDQHDQFOLPDWH)LHOG&URSV5HV±, .LHQ]OHU.0/DPHUV-3$0F'RQDOG$0LU]DEDHY$,EUDJLPRY1(JDPEHUGLHY25X]LEDHY, ZKHUHGRZHJRIURPKHUH")LHOG&URSV5HV±. CTDSR-CTW and CTDSR-ZTW (RRR) show the lowest WSB and at par with Shannon–Weaver (H’) index; further, lowest species richness (DMg) under CTDSR-CTW. Several individuals revolutionized the branch of permaculture. It was a period of massive selective cross-breeding, particularly in animal livestock, and systems of organisation. Lowest seed numbers were found in conventional-tillage plots in the Wooster soil (400 m –2 ) and in minimum-tillage plots in the Crosby (2200 m –2 ) and Hoytville (400 m –2 ) soils. Importantly, when no-till is combined with the other two conservation agriculture principles of residue retention and crop rotation, its negative impacts are minimized. Hunter-gatherer societies would have known which crops were best to exploit with each season. Some have questioned whether moving away from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle was in humanity’s best interests, pointing to problems of social inequality, malnutrition, and military conflict that followed the adoption of farming. The origin of agriculture was around ten thousand years ago or approximately four hundred human generations back in time and prehistory, before written records were kept. With the advent of chemical agriculture, Rudolf Steiner called for farming without synthetic pesticides, and his Agriculture Course of 1924 laid the foundation for biodynamic agriculture. As CA requires better understanding and knowledge, convincing the farmers through proof is the most important task in motivating the farmers for adopting CA. All figure content in this area was uploaded by Kadambot H M Siddique, All content in this area was uploaded by Kadambot H M Siddique on Jan 03, 2015, Muhammad Farooq and Kadambot H. M. Siddique, 6SULQJHU,QWHUQDWLRQDO3XEOLVKLQJ6ZLW]HUODQG, &ROOHJHRI)RRGDQG$JULFXOWXUDO6FLHQFHV.LQJ6DXG8QLYHUVLW\, DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO GHJUDGDWLRQ ZKLOH VXVWDLQLQJ FURS SURGXFWLRQ &$ LQYROYHV, WRRYHUFRPHWKHFRQYHQWLRQDOXVHRIWLOODJHRSHUDWLRQV, &$KDVERWKDJULFXOWXUDODQGHQYLURQPHQWDOEHQHILWVEXWWKHUHLVDODFNRILQIRUPD, RI&$DQGLWVLPSDFWVRQDJULFXOWXUDOV\VWHPV, &RQYHQWLRQDOIDUPLQJSUDFWLFHVLQSDUWLFXODU, VXEVWDQWLDOO\ GHJUDGHG WKH VRLO UHVRXUFH EDVH 0RQWJRPHU\, SHFWHGWREHFRPHFULWLFDOIRUJOREDODJULFXOWXUDOSURGXFWLRQ)DURRTHWDO, &$ LV LQFUHDVLQJO\ SURPRWHG DV ³D FRQFHSW RI FURS SURGXFWLRQ WR D KLJK DQG, DJHPHQWV\VWHPIRUFURSSURGXFWLRQ+REEVHW, KLVWRU\DQGRYHUYLHZRIWKHFRPSRQHQWVDQGDGDSWDWLRQRI&$, DJULFXOWXUHHVSHFLDOO\LQWKH(XSKUDWHV, RIHTXLSPHQWKDVEHFRPHDYDLODEOHIRUWLOODJHRSHUDWLRQVLQDJULFXOWXUDOSURGXFWLRQ, UHOHDVH RI VRLO QXWULHQWV QHHGHG IRU FURS JURZWK WKURXJK 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GHSHQGV XSRQ DJURQRPLF SUDFWLFHV KHUELFLGHV DQG OHYHO RI WLOODJH XVHG /DIRQG, PRUHVXVFHSWLEOHWRGHFD\*DOODQGWHWDO, KRZHYHU LWV HIIHFWLYHQHVV GHSHQGV XSRQ VHYHUDO IDFWRUV LQFOXGLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQ RI, DSSURSULDWHKHUELFLGHVWLPHRIDSSOLFDWLRQ, WKHDPRXQWRIFURSUHVLGXHSUHVHQWRQWKHVRLOVXUIDFH&URSUHVLGXHV, ZHHGJHUPLQDWLRQDQGWKHELRDYDLODELOLW\RIKHUELFLGHVVXFKDVWULIOXUDOLQ&KDXKDQ, EHIRUHLWUHDFKHVWKHVRLOVXUIDFH3RWWHUHWDO, GHFUHDVLQJ ODERU GHPDQGV DQG UHSHDWHG DSSOLFDWLRQV RI KHUELFLGHV &HUGHLUD DQG, HURVLRQ ULVN .LUNHJDDUG HW DO  7KLV PD\ KHOS WR UHGXFH WKH LQFLGHQFHV RI, GHYHORSPHQWRIKHUELFLGHUHVLVWDQWZHHGELRW\SHV, &$LVDPXOWLGLPHQVLRQDODSSURDFKHQVXULQJWKHVXVWDLQDELOLW\RI, VHUYHVWKURXJKJRRGPDQDJHPHQWSUDFWLFHV, DQG ELRGLYHUVLW\ PDLQWHQDQFH WKURXJK GLYHUVLILHG FURS URWDWLRQV :LWK WKH HYHU, DEOHXVHRIDYDLODEOHUHVRXUFHVLVDNH\HOHPHQWRI&$V\VWHPV, 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UXOHVDQGUHJXODWLRQVKDVFRQILUPHGWKHVXFFHVVRI&$LQGLI, PXQLWLHVWRWULDOVXEVLGL]HGFRQVHUYDWLRQSDFNDJHV,QFHQWLYHVDQGYLVXDOHFRQRPLF, SURILWDELOLW\ KHOS WR SURPRWH DGRSWLRQ DQG UHGXFH IDUPLQJ FRPPXQLW\ FRQFHUQV, WKH,QGR*DQJHWLF3ODLQVLVDVXFFHVVIXOH[DPSOHRI&$DGRSWLRQLQWKHGHYHORSLQJ, QRWRQO\EHFRPLQJSRSXODUEXWDOVREHLQJDGRSWHGDW, LPSURYHZLWKIXUWKHULQVWLWXWLRQDOVXSSRUWDQGWKH, ZHHG PDQDJHPHQW IRU HFRIULHQGO\ VXVWDLQDEOH FURS SURGXFWLRQ &$KDV SURYHG, LQFUHDVLQJO\DGRSWHGZRUOGZLGHKRZHYHULQVRPH, VORZRUQRQH[LVWHQW6XVWDLQHGJRYHUQPHQWDOSROLFLHV, GHPRQVWUDWLRQWULDOVPD\KHOSDFFHOHUDWHWKHDGRSWLRQRI&$, DEOHLQQRYDWLYHDOWHUQDWLYHWRROVWRSUHYHQWDQGPDQDJHKHUELFLGHUHVLVWDQFHGHYHO, VHHGHGULFHDVDPDQXUHLQWHUFURSDQGWKHQXVLQJWKDWDVPXOFKZLWKWKHDSSOLFDWLRQ, 'HYHORSLQJ FURS JHQRW\SHV ZLWK VWURQJ DOOHORSDWKLF SRWHQWLDO DJDLQVW DVVRFLDWHG, 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