To ensure your serratus anterior is working properly, here are six of the best exercises you can do to help them get and stay healthy. Stretch only to the point of light discomfort and hold that position without bouncing. 4 years ago […] Exercise to Cure Serratus Anterior AMNESIA – which occurs as a result of the ability of the serratus anterior to fire first, then its strength and endurance. The Shoulder [P]Rehab Program is a physical therapist developed, step-by-step program that teaches you how to optimize your shoulder health. You have the option of externally rotating your shoulder as you elevate, this will help inhibit the pecs which often take over during shoulder elevation. Place pressure into the wall to ensure you are engaging your scapula, which will make it easier to avoid excessive elevation of your shoulder girdle. Lie down on a bench with a barbell over your forehead, pressing your weight upward (in a similar way to a bench press), keeping it over or behind your head. Demonsgtration of a self-stretching technique for the serratus anterior muscle. Martin, R. M., & Fish, D. E. (2007). In order to achieve full overhead motion, you need to ensure that you have adequate mobility at the glenohumeral joint, scapulothoracic joint, and thoracic spine. Stand up tall with a straight spine. That being said, I’d start with the Scap Pushup and Activator exercises 3 days/week for 2-3 sets each to make sure you can activate serratus for 2 weeks on their own. The Serratus Anterior is responsible for stabilizing the scapula against the posterior chest wall. “It gets its name from its serrated shape, like a knife blade, as it attaches to the ribs, and is anterior (forward to) the shoulder blade,” says Phoenix Carnevale, Daily Burn 365 trainer and martial artist. Serratus Anterior Exercises with Weights Notice how I rotate my shoulder EXTERNALLY, but pointing my thumbs towards the ceiling? Another issue that can cause dysfunction of the serratus anterior are contracted, rigid, or overactive muscles – specifically your shoulder internal rotators and pec minor. The muscle is named from Latin: serrare = to saw, referring to the shape, anterior = on the front side of the body. To Summarize. That lateral movement is necessary for elevating and raising our arms above the head.

A strong serratus anterior will make these actions a breeze. The serratus anterior is a muscle that originates on the surface of the 1st to 8th ribs at the side of the chest and inserts along the entire anterior length of the medial border of the scapula.The serratus anterior acts to pull the scapula forward around the thorax. By actively contracting the antagonists, we’re eliciting a neuromuscular reflex called reciprocal inhibition. Wall Press Exercise for Strengthening Serratus Anterior:. There’s some really helpful info in this article. When performing an uppercut, oftentimes one will overcompensate with the pectoral muscles! Pain Science Part 2 of 3, Lunge Directions – Forwards, Backwards, Sideways, Rotational. hey Eric, Your scapulohumeral rhythm will get a reset and your scapular control will be challenged. The truth it, it depends on you and how you need to or want to function in your life. If the muscles that surround the shoulder as well as the shoulder blade are weak and/or inhibited, it may lead to potential issues, such as shoulder instability. When a person is lean and muscular enough, you … With serratus anterior active, it pushes the ribcage up away from the hand. (This whole blog post will be going through a range of different Serratus Anterior Exercises) The serratus anterior muscle, also known as the boxer's muscle, is located below the armpits and is a key feature to make you look more jacked. ... And the serratus anterior is an often neglected muscle that can have profound effects on how one’s shoulder feels. The techniques I offer for Functional Integration typically involve more than one joint and lean more toward closed chain versus open chain movements. If you are looking for a more in-depth exercise progression for the serratus in a closed chain environment, check out this post. With both of these exercises do NOT arch the low back. Muscle anatomy and serratus anterior pain is … This article will demonstrate the best serratus anterior exercises to improve activation and control of this scapular stabilizer! The serratus anterior is such an important muscle for shoulder girdle performance and health, yet it often becomes neglected by individuals during exercise programming! We list serratus anterior plyometric, stretches, flexibility, and cardiovascular serratus anterior exercises with pictures showing how to do the exercises properly. One can make this more functional by elevating the shoulders in the scapular plane of movement, by horizontally abducting your shoulders 30 degrees. Eric Wong (aka Coach E) is the founder of Precision Movement and has a degree in Kinesiology from the University of Waterloo. Serratus Anterior, which is also known as the “Big Swing Muscle” or “Boxer’s muscle” due to its effectiveness of protracting the scapula. 2,4 Start by lying on the ground with your knees bent. You may have been told somewhere along the way to always try to keep your shoulder blades “down and back.”. To learn more about the topic of tendons, read our blog post below. With enough time and enough irritation, bursitis or tendonitis can occur. Scapular Muscle Activity from Selected Strengthening Exercises Performed at Low and High Intensities: Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. Origin: External surfaces of lateral aspect of 1st-8th ribs. With every rep, move your fingers to a slightly different spot on your pec, Stand with your back against a wall, fingers pointing down toward the ground and elbows slightly bent, Keeping your upper arm and elbow pressing into the wall, start to lift your right fingers and forearm away from the wall as you rotate them up, Let the back of your hand reach the wall, fingers pointed up, and pause, pressing both hands into the wall, As you rotate your right arm back down to the starting position, lift your left arm up, swapping positions, Continue to move, taking one hand up as the other moves down and pausing in between, Come into a quadruped position on the ground, Tuck the chin and start with a neutral spine, Keep the elbows locked as you retract the scapulae and hold for 1-2 seconds, Come into a regular pushup position on your toes, Slowly go through the full range of motion with control as you maintain straight elbows, Retract scapulae and hold, then protract and hold, Find a step or something level 3-4 inches off the ground and come to a push-up position with your hands on the step, Take your feet slightly wider than a normal push-up stance and keep your elbows straight, Keep both elbows straight as you retract your scapula and slowly lower one arm off the step and onto the ground, Protract your scapula to bring that arm back up to the step with control and repeat on the other side, Outstretching your arms, place ab wheel on wall and step back a few inches so that you’re leaning forward into the wall, Protract the scapulae slightly to activate your serratus anterior, Slowly roll up the wall, shrugging your shoulders to elevate your scaps as you do, Go as far up as you can, then roll back down with control, The exercises were shoulder abduction in the plane of the scapula above 120 degrees and a diagonal exercise with a combination of shoulder flexion, horizontal flexion, and … There’s one more thing I want to touch on that can lead to serratus anterior dysfunction – and it’s a big one. Difficulty: low. Over time, this impingement can cause irritation of the bursa or rotator cuff tendon. That’s when the arms roll like a cannon and fall inside it. Hold a weight in one hand and lift your arm above your face. When this happens, the medial border of the scapula starts to flare up, protrude, or wing outwards. If your serratus anterior fails to properly control your scapulae, the amount of space in the shoulder joint itself can be reduced, leading to the “catching” of muscles and ligaments that characterize impingement. Inactive serratus anterior muscles can lead to the winged scapula. Kneel in front of a stability ball and put your hands on top of it with your hands in a karate chop position. Here are a few exercises that target it. With the right routine, you can bounce right back in no time if there are problems present with your serratus anterior. This muscle also works in coordination with the lower and upper trapezius to rotate the scapulae upwards during shoulder flexion. Named for the serrated way the muscle connects to the rib cage similar to the shape of a knife blade, the serratus anterior muscle, also known as the “boxer muscle,” stretches from the upper eight or nine ribs to the … Primary Function: scapular upward rotation, external rotation, posterior tilt at the acromioclavicular joint, protraction of the clavicle at the sternoclavicular joint. Downward Dog Yoga. If you do not have strength and/or control of this very important muscle, it can lead to scapular winging. Keeping your elbows straight and reach overhead, focus on the extra scapula push-out when you are overhead, this will help with Serratus Anterior Activation! How many days a week can this routine be done? The serratus anterior is a very important muscle for shoulder health as well as proper scapular motion. If you are looking for a comprehensive break down of EMG activity with the  Serratus Anterior based on different exercises,  check out this chart. I have upper crossed syndrome. Now in order to then properly implement these serratus anterior strengthening exercises into your routine, here’s what I’d recommend. Der Serratus anterior ist an der Oberseite von Brustkorb und Schulterblatt befestigt. Eric Wong (aka Coach E) holds an Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Waterloo. I used to body build so my pecs and upper traps are more developed so they are usually. It's easy to visualize this muscle contracting and pulling your shoulder blades forward just based on its origin on your ribs and insertion underneath the scapulae.Because your serratus anterior helps forward arm movements and provides a few more inches of reach to your punches, the muscle is sometimes called the boxer’s muscle. Also, not for nothing, this is also a solid core stability exercise. It’s stretched throughout the first through eighth or ninth ribs (it can vary) and allows the person to move their scapula forward around the thorax. Your videos and info are excellant! The Prehab Guys LLC 2020. We have blended science with our clinical expertise to provide you with the ultimate proven solution, we know it will help you too! So you can stretch and strength by adding some movement through downward dog (inverted V) pose. A variety of factors can cause dysfunction of the serratus anterior and eventually lead to some of those tricky issues like impingement and scapular winging.One such issue is damage to the long thoracic nerve, which runs from your neck down the side of your torso to innervate your serratus anterior. Learn more, Exercises #2 – Serratus Anterior Uppercut. For best results, stretch immediately after workouts that involve heavy use of the serratus anterior. Share This: Got a cool exercise for you today: the Serratus Punch. Serratus anterior Yoga Stretches? Serratus Anterior also referred to as the punching muscle is usually the most affected. As when I try to do most basic scap pushups, (it takes a lot of effort to avoid anterior tilt of ac joint) if I try to do it with control, there is a lot of shaking and instability. Also, just one set for each? The Serratus Anterior is the primary muscle that anchors the scapula flat onto the rib cage.. 6 Best Serratus Anterior Exercises for Men. These serratus anterior exercises are the best for weight lifting and can be completed by men or women. If this muscle is weak and/or inhibited, the shoulder blade will not move smoothly along the thorax (rib cage) the way it should with functional arm movements, such as reaching overhead. 2 Most athletes however do not show problematic shoulder mechanics until there arms are elevated past this range of motion. Thanks for what you’re doing and making so much education available. Reciprocal inhibition is a phenomenon where the muscle group opposite to the one being contracted reflexively relaxes. Serratus Anterior, which is also known as the “Big Swing Muscle” or “Boxer’s muscle” due to its effectiveness in protracting the scapula. Place your right arm behind your back with the right … Say you’re doing an overhead press, or swimming laps, or throwing a punch. This 4-phase program will expose you to various scapula and shoulder strengthening and stabilization exercises supported by science. The serratus anterior was activated maximally with exercises requiring a great amount of upward rotation of the scapula. You know how hard you can throw a punch, your max on military press, or how strong and stable your shoulders feel during push-ups…If your shoulders have been feeling a little more on the weak or achy side lately, your serratus anterior might be the culprit. Horrible editing and total disregard for the viewer. Overhead stability requires multiple moving body parts working together in synchrony. This creates a concentric contraction to … Es sei denn, du hängst mit nackter Boxer oder Bodybuilder viel ab - wenn ja, glücklich - dieser Muskel ist leicht zu übersehen. Difficulty: low. Inadequate Serratus Anterior muscle function has been associated with shoulder issues. This is why we have to address structural limitations causing flexibility limitations FIRST. It was only until I … As this happens, the shoulders can start to round forward and excessive kyphosis of the thoracic spine (aka a hunchback in the mid-to-upper back) starts to develop. Hold a weight in one … ASMR involves an active contraction of the muscles that are opposite (antagonists) to those being rolled or massaged (agonists). This last step helps you transfer your gains to the gym, life and sport – which is really what it’s all about, huh? : Begin by lying on your back with a band wrapped around your back. The majority of serratus anterior exercises will employ a pulling motion usually with a weight overhead or by having the arms come in front of the body with an arcing motion. I’ve spent a lot of time gathering information on this, and you summed it up and explained it the best!!! He now dedicates himself to helping active people eliminate pain and improve mobility. All Rights Reserved. In this video of the Wall Slide Exercise for the serratus anterior, the black blob here represents the scapula. A strong foundation AKA a stable scapula is essential for optimal shoulder health! Another serratus anterior exercises benefit is that they help protract the shoulder blades properly. The serratus anterior also allows the scapula to move laterally. Look for YouTube’s red play button. It attaches onto the under surface of the shoulder blade and to the side of the rib cage. This way your only resistance will be gravity. Key Coaching Cues: Since the successful execution of this exercise is predicated on one’s ability to perform a plank position that doesn’t make me want to throw up a little, lets discuss that first: Because it’s not one you can easily see and people only work what they can see… unless of course you were cast in the movie 300, because all those guys had awesome serratus muscles! If these muscles are overactive, they can pull the shoulder into excessive internal rotation, causing the midline of the scapula to wing out and preventing the serratus anterior from functioning properly. Performing scapula exercises in a closed chain environment allows for better feedback. If your lower back is rounding, or your hips … Your shoulder internal rotators, including subscapularis and pectoralis major, fire to rotate your arm in towards the midline. The serratus anterior is most recognized by its serrated-looking appearance along the side of your body. If you keep telling yourself “down and back,” you aren’t allowing the serratus to do what it needs to (aka rotate the scap up or protract it forward) to help you lift your arm overhead or punch that arm powerfully. A list of serratus anterior exercises: Ab Extensions. You can feel this muscle by putting your hand just underneath your armpit. It results from the weakness of shoulder blade stabilizers. Without sufficient room in the subacromial space, any movement that has your arms at shoulder level or above may cause shoulder impingement and a painful pinching sensation. By protracting the shoulder blade the bone is in a more supportive position to allow the rotator cuff to do its job. This 4-phase program will expose you to various scapula and shoulder strengthening and stabilization exercises supported by science. The Serratus Anterior is the primary muscle that anchors the scapula flat onto the rib cage.. The serratus anterior is sometimes called the “boxing muscle” because you need this protraction to throw a punch. Begin by holding a pull-up bar in an overhand grip, hanging from it. Keep your core active and breathe throughout the motion so you're training proper breathing pattern (not holding your breath) with a stable core and shoulder movement. Be safe ???????? Sometimes winging might not cause any symptoms [6], and sometimes it can cause pain or weakness. My name is Dr. Sean Diamond. Begin in dandasana. I was reading one of your articles on strengthening your serratus anterior muscle. When this muscle is tight it pulls your shoulder blade forward and pointing downward, creating anterior tilt of the scapula instead of posterior, therefore causing your shoulder to be slouched forward. Not only does this muscle have a cool name, but it is also needed for a plethora of arm movements; weather open chain (punching/grabbing something out of the cabinet) or closed chain (pushups, planks, downward dogs, or handstands). Working these serratus anterior exercises will keep your shoulders mobile and strong, helping you avoid injury and live your active life. Shoulder blade protractions are a great exercise to prepare for the added weight your serratus anterior will meet during push-ups. These muscles are used to allow the rotation movement of the arm. Exercises to strengthen serratus anterior are important for those who wish to remain fit, who are involved in sports and athletics, those who have injuries causing weak serratus anterior or those with joint and muscle conditions. The more you elevate the hips towards the ceiling and lean back towards your knees the less challenging this becomes for your shoulders. The serratus anterior also allows the scapula to move laterally. So if your serratus anterior is acting up, how do you go about addressing it? Best Exercises to Strengthen you Serratus Anterior. Reduced space in this area can lead to a painful issue called shoulder impingement. It is also the muscle that is known as the ‘Superhero Muscle’ because it is always drawn highly defined (below the pecs and in front of the armpit) on superhero’s such as Superman and Wolverine.. Stretching. Commonly associated M/APs exist where one movement or activation pattern automatically leads to another. ​Active Self-Myofascial Release (ASMR) techniques are a great method for eliminating structural limitations in the form of tissue adhesions between/within muscle and fascia. The serratus anterior attaches to the outside edge of the shoulder blade and then connects to the ribs. The serratus anterior is sometimes called the “boxing muscle” because you need this protraction to throw a punch. Scapular winging: Anatomical review, diagnosis, and treatments. The serratus anterior is located on the sides of your body. With a band in each hand, bring your arms up and overhead as much as you can against the resistance of the band and return to the starting position. Serratus Anterior Muscle Exercises. ​Disrupting dysfunctional M/Aps can help correct habitual issues, activate inhibited muscles, and encourage eccentric contractions, which have been shown to be effective for building strength. Don't stretch beyond your body's capacity. From the ribs, your serratus anterior wraps around your side and back, where it runs underneath the scapulae (or shoulder blades) and attaches there, to the medial border of the underside of your scaps. With one arm supporting the body, if the serratus anterior is relaxed the ribcage sinks down towards the supporting hand (first picture.) Use this move to train asymmetrical scapular motion – one scap will be protracting while the other is retracting. Lie down on a bed with your back flat. The same serratus anterior muscle action can be used in the yoga pose called side plank. Let me know what you think. A progression of this exercise is shown with a, Lay on your back with a theraband wrapped around your back. But in most people this muscle is weak, inhibited and/or rarely considered in exercise programming. It is important to always educate yourself as well as understand what movement deficits may be driving an underlying issue of the body. Frequently we find the impairment to be due to the fact that the serratus has poor control, not that the serrratus has poor strength. Next comes Step 3: End Range Expansion. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Step 1 is to Address Structural Limitations. Dandasana (Staff Pose) Floor Push. ASMR Pec (Active Self-Myosfacial Release), Relax your left arm and cross it over your body and use your right fingers to press into the muscle just below the collar bone, Lift your left arm and externally rotate it to reach behind you with the palm up as you sit up tall, As you’re lifting your left arm, use your right fingers to run down the length of your pec muscles, until you reach your sternum, Do this for 1-2 min per side. Next, you release the muscles but maintain the joint position before generating tension in the muscles that will help you exit the range. To get your serratus anteriors working efficiently you can use the following exercises. The login page will open in a new tab. Thanks for sharing this! In addition to that, it allows you to pull your scapula forward as well as around the rib cage. Furthermore, if your serratus anterior is not stabilizing properly, you can develop something called winged scapula. Thank you, So when your yoga teacher tells you to, ‘push the floor away from you’ or to ‘lift up out of your shoulders’, it is the serratus anterior abducting the scapula which allows you to perform those actions. Therefore, strengthening this particular muscle at this height will have limited carry over for athletes who need help when their arms are overhead. Use this rollout to focus on upward rotation of the scapula during shoulder flexion (arms moving overhead). I'm sure you've trained pushups before and this is similar, except we're focusing on pure scapular movement without movement at the glenohumeral joint or elbow. Try laying down on your back, extend your arms up to the sky, and keeping them straight, extend your shoulders up off them ground, allowing them to protract (round at the top of the movement). Click here to learn more about Eric. This exercise will improve the protraction of the shoulder blades which will enable you … Due to its large role in stabilizing the scapula as well as contributing to overall shoulder health when weakness is present it often manifests with scapula winging or poor scapular control (1,2). A winged scapula is a shoulder plate that protrudes on your back instead of being flat. , fitness body, I neglected simple muscles that could have simply improved my aesthetics for several positions. The bone is in a closed chain serratus exercises, this is achieved when your body with movement. Your shoulders back with the pectoral muscles muscles but maintain the joint your pectoralis Major fire... It results from the hand | Privacy Policy | Terms of use shoulder! Info in this article will demonstrate the best for weight Lifting and can used! If you are available to do thru email and phone the punching muscle is usually most! 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