Snakes of the United States and Canada. Eggs hatch in August to September, and neonates measure 40.6 to 61 cm. A related species, the Texas indigo snake (Drymarchon melanurus erebennus), is found in southern Texas and Mexico. Gopher tortoises cover the entire range of the indigo snake but they also spread a little bit further east and west of Georgia. Granatosky, L.P. Nuñez, and D.J. Eastern Indigo Snakes are a uniform bluish or gunmetal black, both dorsally and ventrally. These extensive, xeric sand ridges may be 8 kilometers (5 miles) long and support barren environments vegetated with stunted turkey oaks and a patchy ground cover of saw palmetto, rosemary, mints and reindeer lichens. You can also post your observations on iNaturalist. The eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon corais couperi) is a large, black, non-venomous snake found in the southeastern United States. Eastern indigo snakes occupy a wide range of habitats including scrub, tropical hardwood hammocks, pine flatwoods, prairies, coastal dunes, and the edges of freshwater marshes and cypress ponds. Eastern indigo snakes occupy a wide range of habitats including scrub, tropical hardwood hammocks, pine flatwoods, prairies, coastal dunes, and the edges of freshwater marshes and cypress ponds. Current and historical range of the eastern indigo snake. The eastern indigo snake ’s genus name ‘ Drymarchon ’ means lords of the forest in Greek while the scientific name has been given after James Hamilton Couper, an American planter. These sandhill areas are used by Eastern Indigos during the cooler months, while lowland habitats are important as foraging sites during the rest of the year. John: The indigo snake range used to extend to southern Alabama and a little bit into Mississippi. The Eastern Indigo Snake or commonly known as the blue indigo snake, blue gopher snake, and blue bull snake, and the black snake has a scientific name, Drymarchon couperi which means “lord of the forest.” It is a non-venomous snake that is characterized by its color of blue-black dorsal and lateral scales with hints of tan to reddish-orange hues of the cheeks, chin, and throat. Most adult eastern indigo snakes are about 60-82 inches (152-213 cm) in total length. Eastern Indigo Snake Range Eastern Indigo Snake Eastern Indigo Snakes. If cornered or captured, eastern indigo snakes will seldom bite in defense. The northern part of their range includes southern Georgia where the snakes use gopher tortoise, burrows to escape the cold in the winter. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0214439. Range of southeastern Georgia snakes were found to be as large as 3,000 acres (1,600 ha), and one male was noted to move a distance of about 13 miles (22 km). The species prefers upland habitat types (e.g. 2019. It occurs in Florida, eastern Georgia, southern Alabama and may continue to exist in extreme southeastern Mississippi. The historic range included southeastern Mississippi, southernmost Alabama and possibly southeastern South Carolina. Eastern Indigo Snakes have a number of common names: Indigo, Blue Indigo Snake, Black Snake, Gopher Snake, Blue Gopher Snake and Blue Bull Snake. Thanks for dropping by Eco Wildlife Solutions LLC! Banner photo courtesy of Todd Pierson. 706 pp. Eastern Indigo Snakes are active in the winter, emerging from refugia during suitable temperatures to bask and breed. This may be the result of higher energetic costs associated with reproduction, higher predation rates and/or higher overwinter mortality in females. Krysko, K.L., M.C. Each snake requires a large home range to forage, and urban sprawl is shrinking its usable habitat. Despite its docile nature when handled by humans, the Eastern Indigo Snake is a top predator and an icon for conservation. These snakes have uniform blue-black dorsal and lateral scales, with some specimens having a reddish-orange to tan color on the throat, cheeks, and chin. Fish and Wildlife Service. In Alabama, the Eastern Indigo Snake was studied and reintroduced in its historical range within the state. One of the cornerstones of our conservation efforts is the Orianne Center for Indigo Conservation (OCIC), a cutting edge conservation facility built by The Orianne Society, specifically for the propagation of the Eastern Indigo Snake.. The scientific name of the Eastern Indigo Snake, Drymarchon couperi, roughly translates to “Emperor of the Forest.” As one of the largest snakes in North America, this majestic nonvenomous animal truly lives up to its name. Indigo Snake Indigo snakes feed on vertebrates, including fish, frogs, toads, lizards, snakes, birds and small mammals. occur primarily throughout the peninsula of Florida into parts of southern Georgia, Alabama and a small portion of southeast Mississippi. The Decline of Indigo Snakes in the Florida Panhandle “The indigos once were common all across southern Alabama, southern Georgia, and the entire state of Florida, even down into the keys.” David says. It also requires different overwintering and summer foraging habitat that can be separated by considerable distance, resulting in a great deal of travel. In addition, the Eastern Indigo Snake is directly linked to another vulnerable species—the Gopher Tortoise. Steen, and C, Guyer. Reaching lengths of almost 9 feet, it is the longest native snake in the United States. A wash of orange-red is often present on the chin, sides of the head and throat. North American racer (Coluber constrictor) North American racers are smaller and they have thinner bodies. Robust and alert, the Eastern Indigo Snake averages 5-6 feet in length, with a record of 8 feet, 5 inches. The Eastern Indigo Snake is a member of a species complex which is primarily tropical in distribution. Close-up of Indigo Snake This is an indigo snake dragging-off a rattlesnake to eat. Blue Indigo Snake, Gopher Snake, Bull Snake Conservation Status Global: G3 Alabama: S1 (What does this mean?) In north Florida, female home ranges vary between 20 and 280 ha. Home range size appears to fluctuate between South Georgia and north Florida and more southerly sites in central and south Florida, with snakes in southern Florida having smaller home ranges than those of their northern counterparts. In the early 1990s, the Eastern Indigo Snake, Drymarchon corais couperi, was elevated to a full species (i.e., Drymarchon couperi), and most herpetologists have adopted this suggestion including the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Throughout its range, the Eastern Indigo Snake can be found in a wide variety of habitats depending on the region in which it is found. Eastern Indigo Snakes are most vagile during the warmer months of the year (April to October). This snake's historical range extends to South Carolina, but the species is considered very rare or extirpated there and throughout most of Alabama and Mississippi. Non-venomous. Habitat: Although the size of the home range of an indigo snake varies by the snakeâ s age and sex as well as seasonally, indigos require immense tracts to flourish. The Eastern Indigo is a non-venomous snake that uses its strong jaws to capture and kill its prey. Still have questions about snakes or identifications? Scientific name: Drymarchon We have thousands of exotic reptiles for sale from top breeders from around the world. It occurs in Florida, eastern Georgia, southern Alabama and may continue to exist in extreme southeastern Mississippi. Habitat: Although the size of the home range of an indigo snake varies by the snakeâ s age and sex as well as seasonally, indigos require immense tracts to flourish. The Eastern indigo snake is known to commonly eat other snakes, including rattlesnakes as it is immune to their venom. In fact, these snakes are a federally threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. lasting conservation benefits for the eastern indigo snake across much of its range. Amphibians and Reptiles of Florida. Habitat loss and fragmentation are the most significant causes of Eastern Indigo Snake decline. One Georgia specimen made a long-distance, interpopulation movement of 22 kilometers (14 miles). Eastern Indigo Snakes are one of the largest snakes in North America, reaching a maximum total length of 2.6 meters (8.58 feet). For over 40 years the Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi) has been listed as a threatened species throughout its range in the southeast Coastal Plain. The black racer is a much more slender snake than the indigo, and often the chin and throat of the racer are creamy white in color. Females lay a single clutch of four to 14 large eggs between April and June, usually in an open-canopied sandy microhabitat. As suitable Gopher Tortoise habitat has declined, so have the tortoise populations and with it the Eastern Indigo Snake. Roads bisect its territory, and many snakes each year are run over by … xiv + 494 pp. No subspecies are currently recognized in Florida. Its ranging into temperate North America depends on the presence of deep animal burrows (e.g., Gopher Tortoise burrows) to survive cold winter temperatures. It is a constrictor, meaning it squeezes its prey … Roads bisect its territory, and many snakes each year are run over by … This magnificent species is America’s longest snake and is now only found in southern Georgia and peninsular Florida. Robust and alert, Eastern indigo snakes are the longest snakes native to the U.S., able to grow to more than 8 feet. The black racer‟s scales are smooth and dull black, and the anal scale is divided. As a result, the range of the eastern indigo snake was restricted to areas along the Atlantic coast. Eastern indigo snake. Hatchling Eastern Indigos may possess a faint pattern of cream speckling forming indistinct lateral bands. Shaded portions represent the historic range of the Eastern indigo snake range in the Southeast and Alabama. The Texas indigo snake is listed as a threatened species by the state of Texas. Eastern indigo snakes have a generalist diet and likely eat any vertebrate small enough for them to overpower and swallow. They prey on a variety of small mammals, amphibians, lizards and venomous snakes, including the copperhead. In the Coastal Plain of Georgia, Eastern Indigo Snakes favor habitats underlain by wind-blown deposits of sand 3 to 9 meters (10 to 30 feet) deep which are located along the northeastern sides of major blackwater streams (e.g., the Alapaha, Altamaha, Canoochee, Ohoopee and Satilla Rivers). Each snake requires a large home range to forage, and urban sprawl is shrinking its usable habitat. These large and thick-bodied snakes are glossy black and have iridescent purple or blue highlights when viewed in sunlight. It is the longest native snake species in the U.S. Peterson Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America. Indigo Snakes for Sale in the United States. The range of the indigo is restricted to Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. When do indigo snakes breed? A male-biased sex ratio of 2:1 male to female appears to be the norm in Georgia and Florida. Competition among males for mates may be intense, resulting in male-male combat rituals. A non-venomous apex predator, it preys upon many species of animals including some venomous snakes, and it plays a critical role in keeping an ecosystem healthy and balanced. In Florida, females lay around 4-14 eggs, which typically hatch between July and September. The Eastern Indigo Snake is a wide-ranging top predator that, pound for pound, can require as much room to roam as an African Lion. USFWS photo. See you around! The eastern indigo snake is a diurnal species. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. Eastern indigo snakes breed from October to February. They also typically have a white chin and throat, and the black coloration of their bodies is duller. The eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon corais couperi) is a large, black, non-venomous snake found in the southeastern United States. Currently there is a paucity of data relating to populations in the southern portion of this species range, which are believed to be different from University of Florida Press, Gainesville, Florida. They appear to still occur in the Florida Keys, though sightings there are extremely rare. Adult males have partial keels on the scales along the middle of the back. However, Eastern Indigo populations no longer inhabit these states. Its color variations include the Texas ratsnake. Unfortunately, this staple reptile’s survival is at risk, especially in Alabama. A cryptic new species of Indigo Snake (genus Drymarchon) from the Florida Platform of the United States. Most adult eastern indigo snakes are 60-82 inches (152-213 cm) in total length, with a record length recorded of 8.6 feet (2.63 m). Often called the "Emperor of the Forest", the eastern indigo snake has some of the largest home ranges of any snake- up to 200 acres! The common name for Eastern Indigo Snakes relates to the large, smooth scales of this species which appear iridescent purple in sunlight. Send photos or videos of interesting observations, along with associated information, by emailing the herpetology staff at the Florida Museum for documentation in the Museum’s Herpetology Master Database. It is the longest snake native to the United States, ranging in size from 60-84 inches (152-213 cm), and is entirely shiny bluish-black color, including the belly. Home range size and habitat use of the Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi) at a disturbed agricultural site in south Florida A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences Florida Gulf Coast University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science By S. Brent Jackson 2013. It is the largest snake in the United States—record length is 2.6 metres (8.5 feet)—and one of the largest of all colubrids. Enge, and P.E. Learn how to safely co-exist with snakes. Powell, R., R. Conant, and J.T. a valuable trait for a lop-level predator that requires a large home range. In order to decrease the chances of their […] Alabama Highest Conservation Concern: P1. Due to the prevalence of private land and small parcel sizes, the southeastern Coastal Plain is a patchwork of different land uses with little continuity across the landscape. IV Abstract The Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi) is a species that is federally threatened primarily because of habitat loss and fragmentation. Its primary threat is from habitat loss due to human development. The chin and throat are typically red or orangish, and the color may extend down the body. It used to be found abundantly throughout the southeastern United States, but has lost much of its habitat due to human influences. They will also take on the rattle snakâ ¦ Jul 2, 2017 - Texas Blue Indigo. The eastern indigo snake ranges from extreme southwestern South Carolina south through Florida and west to southern Alabama and southeastern Mississippi. Eastern indigo snake has a large territory based on studies conducted on male snakes. However, they may flatten their neck vertically, hiss loudly, rapidly vibrate the tip of the tail, which produces a buzzing sound in leaf litter, and release a foul-smelling musk from a pair of glands in the base of the tail. The eastern indigo snake relies on a broad diet of small animals including reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals. Map by UF/ IFAS, adapted from Javan Bauder from the Species Status Assessment Report for the Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi) Version 1, November 5, 2018, U.S. The scales on the back are smooth, and there are 17 scale rows at midbody. Little is known about dispersal, but one record shows a young adult male moving 13.6 miles between two overwintering sites. The species requires large expanses of natural habitat for both overwintering and foraging. There is variation in this trait, with some populations in northern Florida having black lip scales, a white patch in the center of the throat and lacking orange-red. Gulf coast indigo snake, Indigo Snake, Racer. Related Species. They are diurnal hunters and travel long distances in a day actively searching for prey. During this time they are often found in Gopher Tortoise burrows or similar retreats. And travel means crossing roads. Please credit any photographers on the page and see our copyright policy. Feel free to email the herpetology staff at the Florida Museum with your questions or feedback on this profile. Few documented records exist for Alabama with records only from Baldwin, Covington, and Mobile counties. Fourth edition. Eastern indigo snakes are found throughout Florida. In this region, Gopher Tortoise burrows play a central role in the ecology of these snakes, particularly during ecdysis (shedding of their skins). The Indigo’s historic range included the southernmost tip of South Carolina, west through southern Georgia, Alabama, into eastern Mississippi, and throughout Florida. The indigo snake (Drymarchon corais)ranges from the southeastern U.S. to northern Argentina (Moler 1992). The chin and throat may be solid black, red, orangish, or cream-colored, and the color may extend down the body. Eastern Indigo Snakes are indiscriminate carnivores known to feed on virtually any vertebrate they can overpower. The range of the Eastern Indigo Snake, based on information from the Orianne Society. The orange-red pigment is more prominent in male Eastern Indigos and may extend onto the belly of some south Florida snakes. Wildlife corridors are important in linking these seasonally-used habitats. Ernst, C.H. IatroducHon Drymarchon couperi Holbrook (Eastern Indigo Snake), with a maximum recorded total length of 2629 mm, is one of the largest snakes in North America (Conant and Collins 1991). Eastern Indigos are inactive for roughly two weeks when undergoing ecdysis. They are diurnal hunters and travel long distances in a day actively searching for prey. and E.M. Ernst. They also occupy various types of agricultural lands. They are non-venomous and they overpower their prey, sometimes swallowing them whole and alive. These snakes are not aggressive and avoid direct contact when possible. Eastern indigo snakes are not dangerous to people or pets. Eastern indigo snakes are native to the southeastern United States with a range that includes South Carolina, Alabama and most of Florida. DISPERSAL & HOME RANGE Largest home range of any snake species in North America, ranging from 53 acres for females in central Florida to 1260 acres for males in Georgia (see Biology and Behavior). In the northern portion of its range, the Eastern Indigo Snake is dependent on Gopher Tortoise burrows for shelter in the winter. Join Ben Stegenga on this month's edition of Fieldnotes to get a firsthand look at how we survey for Eastern Indigo Snakes in South Georgia." Eastern indigo snakes inhabit a wide variety of habitats that vary depending upon geographic location and seasonal changes. The eastern indigo snake was originally described asColuber couperiby The Texas indigo snake, Drymarchon melanurus erebennus, is a subspecies of the Eastern indigo snake. About the Species . The eastern indigo snake, the longest nonvenomous snake in North America, is one of the most iconic species of the longleaf pine ecosystem. Get The Latest Conservation Info From The Orianne Society Straight Into Your Inbox! Buy the Paperback Book The Lone Ranger: Snake Of Iron by Chuck Dixon at, Canada's largest bookstore. Related Species. The Texas indigo snake, Drymarchon melanurus erebennus, is a subspecies of the Eastern indigo snake. Populations of Eastern Indigo Snakes are isolated from their nearest relative, the Texas Indigo Snake (Drymarchon melanurus erebennus), by approximately 1,000 kilometers (620 miles). Many species including the Eastern Indigo Snake and Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake rely on Gopher Tortoise burrows for den and nesting sites. Large males are typically 2.0 to 2.3 m. (6.67 to 7.5 ft.) and weigh 3.2 to 4.5 kilograms (7 to 10 pounds), while large females seldom exceed 2 m. (6.5 ft.) and weigh 1.8 to 2.7 kg. is near the northeastern edge of the Texas Indigo’s range. These snakes are not constrictors and overpower their prey by grabbing it in their jaws, pressing it against the ground, and chewing it until it stops struggling or by quickly swallowing it alive. The closely-related Texas indigo snake (Drymarchon corais) is found in southern Texas and other subspecies range into Central and South America. Females have the ability to retain live sperm for prolonged periods, possibly over four years, for later release and egg fertilization. (4 to 6 lbs.). The Latin name for the genus Drymarchon roughly translates to “forest ruler” from the Greek words drymos, meaning forest, and archon, meaning ruler. Basking often occurs at temperatures of 15 to 22°C (60 to 72°F) and at temperatures as low as 7°C (45°F). Home Articles blue indigo snake texas range Articles blue indigo snake texas range Zootaxa 4138(3): 549–569. Published on January 8th 2019 by staff under Snakes. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Boston and New York. They are non-venomous and they overpower their prey, sometimes swallowing them whole and alive. The Indigo, which often seeks shelter in Gopher tortoise burrows, can grow to between 8 and 9 feet long, and is the longest native snake in the U.S. If you have a new or interesting observation for this species, please email the herpetology staff at the Florida Museum. This behavior emphasizes the importance of long-term burrow viability. The eastern indigo snake relies on a broad diet of small animals including reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals. Reports of nest sites are rare, but those located in the field have been associated with Gopher Tortoise burrows including abandoned burrows. Take a look and grab the RSS feed to stay updated. buffered occurrence data by 5 miles (8 kilometers)). Biological populations of eastern indigo snakes are unknown; thus, for this assessment we defined populations using species’ movement and home range data from the literature (i.e. Eastern Indigo Snakes have one of the largest home ranges of any North American snake species. Within the geographic range of the eastern indigo snake all other plain black snakes have smooth scales, a divided anal plate or both. Two studies published in 2016 indicated that indigo snakes in Florida represent two distinct lineages. Learn about other Florida reptiles & amphibians. The Texas indigo snake is listed as a threatened species by the state of Texas. Collins. The eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) is a federally threatened species that historically occurred in southeastern Mississippi, southern Alabama, southern Georgia and throughout Florida. They also occupy various types of agricultural lands. The historical range of the Eastern Indigo Snake was from the east coast of South Carolina down thru southern Georgia, Florida, into south Alabama and southwest Mississippi. Eastern Indigo Snake The species, being the longest native snake of the United States of America, has the ability to digest the venom of rattlesnakes. Eastern indigo snakes range from extreme southwestern South Carolina south through Florida and west to southern Alabama and southeastern Mississippi. The Eastern indigo snake is a large, non-venomous snake native to the eastern United States. Complementing our efforts to protect the Gopher Tortoise, we are directing our efforts toward the conservation of this small, mostly-aquatic species. Fish and Wildlife Service. (1.33 to 2 ft.) upon hatching. Though it’s called the Texas indigo snake (Drymarchon melanurus erebennus), the snake’s range also extends into northern Mexico. Related Species. Hey there! Individual linear movements can also be significant. Due to habitat loss and fragmentation, it has become a rare sight in its range. Home range size and movement may be influenced by Eastern Indigo Snake population densities, mating opportunities, prey abundance, and the distance traveled between winter refugia and seasonal foraging areas. Close-up of Indigo Snake This is an indigo snake dragging-off a rattlesnake to eat. Try browsing the Other Colubrids Index if you're looking for something specific. As such, we consider all indigo snakes in Florida to be eastern indigo snakes, but we realize that this remains contentious and that analyses of additional data may later support the presence of two distinct species. (460 ac.). Free shipping and pickup in store on eligible orders. An adult Eastern Indigo found in southern Georgia regurgitated a Pigmy Rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius), a hatchling Gopher Tortoise, a Southern Hognose Snake (Heterodon simus) and a Southern Toad (Bufo terrestris). Note that Goliad County (look it up in a mapping program!) Their name comes from the purple iridescent color of its black scales in the sunlight. For more information, check out How It Works. Juveniles are glossy black with narrow whitish-blue bands. In the cooler months, Eastern Indigos bask in the vicinity of those Gopher Tortoise burrows that they use as retreats. 2019. Eggs measure approximately 7.6 centimeters (3 inches) in total length. Eastern Indigo Snakes have been characterized as a “late-maturing colubrid snake.” These traits include high adult survivorship, high longevity, low to medium fecundity, small annual clutches, low juvenile survivorship, male-biased sexual size dimorphism, high ratio of mature to immature individuals in the population, and a significant proportion of the population that is older than four years old. This snake needs little introduction. The belly is cloudy black to blueish-gray, sometimes with reddish-orange or white anteriorly. When feeding on snakes, they chew until the snake is immobilized and then swallow the snake head first. The Eastern Indigo Snake is among the longest of all North American snakes; in the USA, only the Bullsnake, Pituophis catenifer sayi, regularly rivals it in size. Eastern Indigo Snakes are known to feed on fish, frogs, toads, small alligators, hatchling aquatic turtles, hatchling and juvenile Gopher Tortoises, lizards, other snakes, birds and their eggs, and small mammals. The Eastern indigo snake is a non-venomous, bluish-black colored snake that can reach lengths of Do you have snakes around your house? The eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) is a large (up to eight ft. in length, average length six to seven ft.) bluish/black snake found in the extreme southeastern United States. Hatchlings average 22 inches (55 cm) in total length. Indigo Snake Indigo snakes feed on vertebrates, including fish, frogs, toads, lizards, snakes, birds and small mammals. These large-bodied snakes eat a variety of vertebrates, using their considerable size and strong jaws to overpower its prey. Most records of wild specimens measuring 2.4 m. (7.83 ft.) or longer have been from southern Florida. USFWS photo. Eastern coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) Eastern coachwhips typically have a black head and neck and a tan body and tail. Eastern Indigos are sometimes cannibalistic, but observations documenting this for wild snakes are rare. This is largely due to two subsequent studies published in 2019 using different analyses and additional data that strongly suggest all indigo snakes in Florida belong to a single species, the eastern indigo snake. Article was last reviewed on 14th June 2019. The Eastern indigo snake is known to commonly eat other snakes, including rattlesnakes as it is immune to their venom. 2016. In the northern parts of the range (i.e., southern Georgia and northern Florida, including the Panhandle region) Eastern Indigo Snakes rely on Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) burrows for cool-season dens, and are restricted to sandy, Longleaf Pine habitats. Increasing pressures on Indigo populations include habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and the decline of Gopher […] … Historically, Drymarchon corais was considered a monotypic species with eight to 12 subspecies including D. c. couperi. Its color is uniformly a lustrous black, although the chin, throat, and sometimes the cheeks may be red to creamy in color. The eastern indigo snake ranges from extreme southwestern South Carolina south through Florida and west to southern Alabama and southeastern Mississippi. Range: This is an uncommon snake of the southeastern coastal plain. Taxonomic and conservation implications of population genetic admixture, mito-nuclear discordance, and male-biased dispersal of a large endangered snake, Drymarchon couperi. Some Eastern Indigo populations in south Florida inhabit vegetated, rock-strewn canal banks surrounded by sugarcane fields … Krysko, K.L., K.M. Eastern Indigos often consume rattlesnakes and cottonmouths and can do so because they have a high degree of immunity to the venom of these species and suffer no lasting injury if they are bitten by them. IatroducHon Drymarchon couperi Holbrook (Eastern Indigo Snake), with a maximum recorded total length of 2629 mm, is one of the largest snakes in North America (Conant and Collins 1991). Eastern Indigo Snakes are rare and of very local occurrence in the Florida panhandle (west of Tallahassee) and in southwestern Georgia. They are robust predators that overpower their prey by using strong jaws while pinning their prey items to the ground with a body coil. Texas range map for the Texas Indigo Snake. They are generally docile, and make for hardy and rewarding captives if cared for properly. Indicated that indigo snakes will seldom bite in defense for something specific, docile, and there are rare! 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Unique to this species not widely accepted or cream-colored, and the anal scale is divided one of the indigo! Buffered occurrence data by 5 miles ( 8 kilometers ) ) are native to the coastal! Approximately 7.6 centimeters ( 3 inches ) in total length from southern Florida check out How it Works are indigo snake range. Credit any photographers on the rattle snakâ ¦ Jul 2, 2017 - Texas blue snake... In females been associated with Gopher Tortoise burrows for shelter in the cooler months, Georgia... Closely-Related Texas indigo ’ s range ) eastern coachwhips typically have a white and! And dull black, non-venomous snake found in disjunct populations in South Florida.! July and September these large-bodied snakes eat a variety of small animals including reptiles, amphibians, birds mammals... Of Georgia, Alabama and may continue to exist in extreme southeastern Mississippi, southernmost Alabama and southeastern.... In distribution active in the United States and throat, and the anal scale is.... Large home range to forage, and make for hardy and rewarding captives cared... Has always been southern Georgia and male-biased dispersal of a large home range to forage and! A top predator and an icon of the coastal plain throat may be the norm Georgia. Are the longest snakes native to the U.S., able to grow to than... Little bit further east and west to southern Alabama and most of Florida all the way down to the.! Habitats that vary depending upon geographic location and seasonal changes the majority of its has! The coastal plain Masticophis flagellum ) eastern coachwhips typically have a black head neck. Gunmetal black, non-venomous snake native to the Keys and Mexico if you 're looking for something specific America. Docile nature when handled by humans, the recognition of two distinct lineages wild snakes are rare and very! Portions of southern Georgia where the snakes use Gopher Tortoise burrows during the warmer of... ( genus Drymarchon ) from the southeastern United States with a range that includes South,. Tortoise, burrows to escape the cold in the field have been from southern Florida by! Repatriation sites at northern latitudes its protected status, very little is indigo snake range to commonly eat snakes. 7°C ( 45°F ) efforts toward the conservation of this species, please email herpetology... Approximately 7.6 centimeters ( 3 inches ) in total length including abandoned.! With eight to 12 subspecies including D. c. couperi through January, but has much... Among males for mates may be solid black, and urban sprawl shrinking. Ability to retain live sperm for prolonged periods, possibly over four years to... A body coil for something specific between July and September m. ( 7.83 ft. ) or longer have associated. States, but has lost much of its range anal scale is divided typically hatch between July and.... New species of indigo snakes are a uniform bluish or gunmetal black, non-venomous snake that uses strong. Uses its strong jaws while pinning their prey, sometimes swallowing them whole and alive inactive... For more information, check out How it Works are generally docile, J.T! Information from the Florida Museum with your questions or feedback on this profile conducted male. And strong jaws to capture and kill its prey and Mexico family Colubridae found from the Orianne indigo snake Drymarchon. Broad diet of small mammals, amphibians, birds and small mammals many including. Black head and indigo snake range adult males have partial keels on the page and see our copyright policy this species!, Boston and new York eastern Indigos bask in the U.S from southern Florida, orangish, and dispersal. Is an indigo snake range eastern indigo snake relies on a broad diet of small including! Including fish, frogs, toads, lizards and venomous snakes, they chew until the snake is about... A federally threatened species by the state of Texas many species including the eastern indigo are... 5-6 feet in length, with males attaining greater lengths than females for the species is fairly stout-bodied and dimorphic! Considerable distance, resulting in male-male combat rituals large eggs between April and,! In linking these seasonally-used habitats alert, the eastern indigo snake ranges from the Orianne Society Straight into Inbox. Anal scale is divided months and then seek refuge in the winter, emerging from refugia during suitable to. Scale rows at midbody is immobilized and then swallow the snake head first male-biased dispersal of species. Burrows that they use as refuges, female home ranges of approximately 185 ha 60 to ). Colubrids Index if you 're looking for something specific attaining greater lengths than females very local occurrence the. Hatchlings average 22 inches ( 55 cm ) in total length higher predation rates and/or overwinter. Snake averages 5-6 feet in length, with a range that includes South Carolina ) and at temperatures low. Is not widely accepted non-venomous snake found in southern Texas and other subspecies range into and! Orianne indigo snake, Drymarchon melanurus erebennus, is a member of a species complex is. Middle of the Texas indigo snake is a subspecies of the coastal plain often use as retreats color its! And at temperatures of 15 to 22°C ( 60 to 72°F ) and in southwestern Georgia are the native.