Males can get quite enthusiastic during the courtship and push the female hard. Saint Mary. The tank should be shallow for the fry to reach the surface. These fish may not do well if multiple males of the same species are kept together, especially in a small tank. Jordanella: named in honour of ichthyologist and founding president of Stanford University David Starr Jordan (1851-1931).. floridae: named for the state of Florida, United States.. My problem is that my females dart in and rob eggs and will eat the babies when they hatch. Etymology. Fish Biol., 65: 760-768, 2 figs.} Some aquarists have successfully kept the American flagfish in community tanks, but you have to be careful about potential tankmates. When it comes to keeping males together, include a lot of decorations and plants that they can use to establish territories. They can survive better with the slowest tank fish you can think of. If you'd like a shipping quote, please email us an exact order and shipping address: You can cancel or modify your order before it is finalized. Plants are especially appreciated as Florida Flagfish nip at leaves, eating softer leaves, algae, and the microscopic organisms (”aufwuchs”) that grow on these surfaces. The Flag fish is a unique specimen for several reasons. Could be that my fish are not acting in the accepted way, but they are doing exactly what I’m relating. Chiefly a micropredator feeding on small aquatic crustaceans, worms, insect larvae and other zooplankton although algae and other plant material is taken as well. {Animal Behaviour, 69 (3): 661-668. The key with this fish is to make your aquarium as natural as possible. Great article, Michael! It is better to keep them with fast swimmers like tetras. Now he is so much smaller than the others it’s pretty difficult to recognize him as one of them, especially since he does not congregate with the others when they decide to parley LOL. sachs systems aquaculture inc. 1185 thompson bailey rd., st. augustine, fl 32084. phone: 1.904.824.6308 It’s very obviously not about the territory, ALL about the nest with my guys. The American flagfish thrives when kept in groups so you should get a bigger tank to accommodate six of them or more. Here is a link to an article in which the author describes two different spawning strategies that he has observed: Depending on the depth of the tank, the fish spawned in both ways described here. {Animal Behaviour, 70 (3): 685-691, figs.} The American flagfish is likely to display different traits with other fish species. In fact, it’s more than a hobby, because I’ve spent countless hours doing research on different fish species. Endemic to peninsular Florida in the United States, south of the Ochlockonee and St. Johns river basins and does not occur in Mexico. I’d say the fish in the video is a reproductively-active, and therefore territorial, male but it doesn’t appear to be protecting eggs. Make sure that the water flow generated by filters is as low as possible. This species inhabits the St. Johns river system in Florida state, U.S.A., here seen south of Sanford city. It is advised to find a filter which has a water flow between 4-5 times the volume of your aquarium. It sounds like you have a female, but you can be sure if the dorsal fin has a strong black spot. The incubation period is influenced by temperature but usually 7 – 14 days with the fry large enough to accept Artemia nauplii, microworm, etc., as soon as they become free-swimming. Furnish the set up with floating plants, an air-powered sponge filter, a fine substrate, and spawning areas. The fish likes minimal current, so do not install a very powerful filter. Hey, I'm Fabian, chief editor at Aquarium Nexus. As stated in the profile, this species does not construct nor defend a nest and does not guard its eggs. The American flagfish is a Killifish that is well-known for being a voracious algae eater.This fish is basically an aquatic lawnmower on steroids, and will happily help rid you of any algal blooms in your tank. Kevin McCarthy, the award-winning author of “South Florida Waterways” (2013 – available at for $7), can be reached at Males are the most colorful, … Reviewing the abstracts of these articles, and others on related topics from a Google search, it seems that biologists are quite convinced that male flagfish do exhibit parental care. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. This peaceful, small fish displays different vibrant coloration with males becoming more colorful than females. But if you are planning to keep your American flagfish with some more placid or slow swimming fish, it is advisable to consider an effective aquascape. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Such are rocks and driftwoods. They establish resting positions near the base of plants, although they will hide if kept with bullying tankmates. Re diet, my fish do eat algae, but not to the extent claimed by some sources. You can also select dark-brown varieties if you have dark fish such as black mollies in the aquarium. They do not “nest”, but have really loved the bowers that I constructed of vegetation and a 2 1/2″ Marimo ball for each. The American Flagfish is an undemanding Killifish that is highly sought after for its algae-managing services. Use a soft filtration system since the juveniles do not like strong currents. If the aquarium or container doesn’t contain filamentous algae introduce a good quality dried product with added vegetable, ideally algal, content to the diet. The American flagfish is adaptable, but you should maintain a pristine aquatic environment. Eggs are released singly or in small batches and attached to algae or other surfaces by means of small filaments, and there is no additional care from either male or female once they’re deposited. They usually grow up to around 2.2 inches, so you can go with a 10+ gallon tank. The males are more colourful and they grow to 2.5 inches. Usually the damage is minimal though. They are aggressive little fellas while seeing after the nest, usually for between seven and ten days. In the tank, the American flagfish is often preoccupied with the search for algae. Cyprinodon floridae (Goode & Bean, 1879). The Java moss is a favorite of this fish since it creates thickets that the fish can hide in. Provide plenty of cover in the form of aquatic plants, wool mops, etc., and if using filtration air-powered, sponge-type units are best as these will not harm eggs or fry. Sand and gravel-based substrates are ideal choices for an American flagfish tank. The American flagfish is a darling in the aquarium trade because of its colors and algae-eating behavior. So I watched a tankful of algae grow for a year. Although flagfish are considered easy to keep fish, there are still some requirements you need to take in consideration: The fish are quite small, and they can be kept in a minimum of 10 gallons. This column usually deals with much larger fish, the kinds that can be found in our oceans and rivers, but it seemed appropriate on this Independence Day to honor the American flagfish. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. In an aquarium, you can expect it to grow to around 2 inches or 5.0 – 5.5 cm. The American Flagfish is extremely colorful and peaceful fish. Perhaps what you are seeing is territorial males? American Flagfish Tank Requirements (source). American-Flag Fish are easy to sex from a very early age. In the aquarium dried foods are accepted in most cases but regular meals of small live or frozen fare such as Artemia, Daphnia or bloodworm should also be offered. I forget what the proper term is, but clearly there is a smaller cuckolding male that lives on the fringes and breeds behind the back of the more typical large, brightly colored male that typically defends a territory. The American Flagfish is extremely colorful and peaceful fish. It is found in the aquarium trade. A Quick Background on the American Flagfish The American flagfish, also known as Cyprindon floridae, is a kind of Killifish that is known for being an algae eater. The color pattern of the male is quite distinctive. These fish will accept a variety of foods including small worms, crustaceans, insects, plant matter such as spinach or lettuce, as well as pellets and flakes. The men are amazing and both are incredibly tolerant … Young adult male from the Singapore aquarium trade. The American Flagfish is an undemanding Killifish that is highly sought after for its algae-managing services. Klug, H., A. Chin & C.M. Feed them brine shrimp and microworms to boost their growth. }, And many encouragements for seriouslyfish. American flag fish are a generally hardy fish. There is a lot of very serious stuff published on this subject. When it comes to filtration, the fish will be fine with a turnover of 4-6 times an hour. 2005. Reproductive Fitness Consequences of filial Cannibalism in the flagfish, Jordanella floridae. This is a (rather blury) video of a flagfish guarding its spawn:, Another video in a natural environment: They do nibble at my plants, but not enough to surpass plant growth. This is one of the hardiest fish you can find in the hobby and does well in a variety of setting ranging from a community aquarium to outdoor ponds. It grows to about 2 inches (5-6 cm), and it has a colorful and bulldog-like body. Classification. Hello, For that reason, you must keep it in a tank with a hood, lid or canopy. The American Flagfish - so named for the colourful markings on the flanks of the male fish which, during the breeding period, bear a remarkable resemblance to the Stars & Stripes - is known from heavily vegetated ponds, lakes, and sluggish streams. It’s a fractional spawner with females depositing eggs on a more-or-less continuous basis when a warm temperature is maintained though ideally it should be permitted to breed on a seasonal basis in spring and late summer as it would in nature. This species is a long-standing aquarium favourite and is produced on a commercial basis with wild fish very rare in the aquarium hobby outside the U.S.A. A highly-deformed ‘balloon’ strain has been line-bred and is available on occasion. Saint Mary, C.M., E. Gordon & R.E. You can use rocks, driftwood, and roots to provide hiding spaces for the fish. It can adapt to various water conditions and environments. Not only is the American Flagfish pretty, but also it can take care of the accumulated algae in freshwater aquarium. While the large boss male was elsewhere in his territory with several females, he took advantage of a female who decided to lay eggs while the territorial male’s attention were focused on the other females. The American flagfish is present in Florida to the Yucatan Peninsula. Jordanella floridae - Flagfish Described by: Goode & Bean, 1879 Named for: David Starr Jordan, the first president of Stanford University. For example, the article linked by Michael states it to be a specialised algae eater, yet this is not the case in any other member of the family Cyprinodontidae (currently 140+ species on at least 5 continents), plus its mouth shape is not that of a typical herbivorous fish. The American Flagfish, or Flagfish, is a North American native killifish and one of a rare handful of American pupfishes. If an egg falls off of the Marimo ball that they seem to love to nest on, he will pick it up very gently and return it to the ball. American flag fish are quite interesting to watch. I bought into the whole get your plants right before you get any fish. It is easy to keep and breed the fish, and you can keep it with schools of tetras and danios. Death Valley Pupfish – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, Golden Wonder Killifish – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, Least Killifish – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, « Java Fern Plant – Care, Growth, Propagation, Light, Angolan Tilapia – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding ». Their diet has been flake and frozen bloodworms. Tank is planted with Java fern, several types of sword, anubius coffeefolia, moneywort, and a few others. Provide high-quality flakes and live or frozen food like brine shrimp, blackworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. They can become too energetic and harrass slower fish. Then recently by sheer chance I caught him in the act of spawning with a much larger female flagfish in the classic surreptitious way sneak spawner males breed without the use of established territories. My own fish have not yet spawned. American Flag Fish? Lighting is unimportant but can be used if you wish, and growth of filamentous algae should be encouraged if possible. The fish is native to Florida which contributes significantly to its scientific name. They prefer to live in schools of their own kind in a quiet, dimly lit tank. {Ethology, 107 (11): 1035-1052.} 2004. Seriously Fish is undergoing some improvements to its interface, primarily with a view to making loading times and general use of the site significantly quicker. Hi Crackerjim. The eggs attach to the surface via a sticky thread and are often deposited in a hole created in the substrate. Over time however while they more than tripled their size, he hasn’t grown at all. On the sides of the body are stripes that appear red and ‘white,’ which is more creamy-green than white. Its scientific name is Jordanella floridae in honor of the American ichthyologist David Starr Jordan, and it is related to the Yucatan flagfish. This little male is barely identifiable as a male based on coloration, and is barely 1/3rd the size of the normal sized male and female flag fish. A dark substrate will create a stunning contrast with the colors of the fish. The floating type nearly any address in the Florida flagfish SynonymsTop ↑ in some environments eat! How much parental care frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, and it belongs to the few. To spawn, dominant individuals showing more intense colouration male ’ s that! Made it if kept with bullying tankmates with floating plants, but not to plants. Water conditions both in the tank should be kept between 1.000-1.005 links, which resembles the of. Colorful than females this subject schooling varieties like neon tetras and rummy nose tetras are good tankmates dark-brown varieties you! Jordanella floridae is the most frequently sold of these active and hardy fishes boxes live fish or can... 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