In this short book is exclusively devoted to BattleMechs which all have original art created by the author using 3D Software. Back in the 1984 a board game called BattleTech was released as a table-top wargame set in the BattleTech universe! It is powerful, fast, has jump jets and can even mount electronic countermeasures (ECM), enhanced optics, and an advanced gyro. The Vulcan was designed to combat infantry in urban environments. In practice its long range, high speed, and low profile allow it much success against other light 'Mechs. Absent from the Inner Sphere for centuries, they returned in 3049 fielding 'Mechs of considerable sophistication and power. 'Mechs feature prominently in the franchise's board games, computer games and published fiction, and vary considerably in size, power, speed, and armament. Those that are designed for combat prefer hit-and-run tactics or brutal ambushes to minimize return fire. The Sentinel is a lighter ‘Mech designed for infantry support and garrison duties. In MechWarrior 4, few other 'Mechs can carry equal firepower. Justin Allard and later his son Kai piloted a customized version dubbed Yen-Lo-Wang after the Chinese god of the seven hells. Mech (and weapons) by era I'm quite new to Battletech lore in general, is there a list of mechs by Era? ", The Thor heavy OmniMech came with Clan ER PPC, Clan LRM10, and a Clan Ultra Autocannon. The Ostscout is the best scout ‘Mech in the Inner Sphere - at the expense of everything else. Machine's weapon heat problem is only liability. The Thanatos was originally intended as an OmniMech, but for cost-saving reasons, this plan was scrapped. Kittens. Look for them at your local game store! Different from BattleMechs, BattleArmor are smaller than a ‘Mech's foot, yet they can pack quite a punch. The Whitworth was originally designed as a heavy scout ‘Mech, but its slow speed makes it a poor choice, fortunately its long range punch and good armor make it a good long-range support ‘Mech. My goal was to be as faithful as possible to the originals to deliver something recognizable and iconic, yet still come up with something original. BattleMechs are robotic war machines central to the BattleTech wargaming and science fiction series. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The original Thanatos came with extended-range large laser, two extended-range medium lasers, one medium pulse laser, and a 20-tube medium Range Missile launcher. In the BattleTech universe, the first BattleMech ever developed was the Mackie MSK-6S, described as a 100 ton box with legs. The Wyvern's low speed hampers it in any other terrain, however. This monsterous weapon is able to destroy light mechs with a single hit and seriously threaten medium and heavy mechs. The mod is coded so that the new weapons are also used by the enemy 'mechs, and will appear on late-game enemies. 'Mechs feature prominently in the franchise's board games, computer games and published fiction, and vary considerably in size, power, speed, and armament. The Gladiator OmniMech is a favourite amongst Clan Ghost Bear for its high power and ability to use jump jets. *Note* The Black Hawk is the Inner Sphere version of the Nova. This "classic" (or "newseen" as the fans call it) set of mechs is intended to refresh the art for some early era mechs. The Mechs removed from Technical Readout 3025 Revised were: Locust; Wasp; Stinger; Valkyrie; Ostscout; Phoenix Hawk; Shadow Hawk; Griffin; Wolverine; Thunderbolt; Ostroc; Ostsol; Rifleman; Crusader; Archer; Warhammer; Marauder Because of its devastating short-range weaponry it has also become popular in ambushes. Pirates. 'Mechs feature prominently in the franchise's board games, computer games and published fiction, and vary considerably in size, power, speed, and armament. With the versatile skeleton of the original Vulture, this remake upgrades its capabilities with beam and ballistic weapons. Cockpit Mods … Designed mostly as an up-gunned Locust, the Cicada maintains the smaller 'Mech’s speed while carrying twice the firepower and more armor. It is a second line fire-support ‘Mech used primarily by the Capellan Confederation military. They are apparently expensive, as planetary militias do not have power armor, according to Commander Natalia. In addition to those, four more distinct non-canon ones can be identified:[1], Your BattleTech News Roundup For November 2020. While not the fastest ‘Mech in its class, it carries some of the most sophisticated sensor technology available to the Inner Sphere making it an invaluable scout. The Hermes is an extremely fast scout ‘Mech that skimps on firepower and armor for speed. All in all it's a great supplement, that honestly has been long missing in the product line. Older 'Mechs have seen combat for decades if not centuries and are absolutely battle proven. Full of Clan mechs and new weapons, a “modern” and much different BattleTech than before. Originally designed as a replacement for the Locust, the Mongoose came into its own as a command vehicle for light lances and companies. The machine’s twin LRM launchers, twin Gauss rifles, and secondary weaponry are a powerful combination. Battletech Mods - Battletech Enhanced - More Gear More Options. It is fast and carries a heavy weapons loadout, but sometimes runs into problems with heat generation. Over 2600+ 'Mechs: From the pirate commando with infernos, to the Massive King Crab-0001 with twin Gauss rifles, to the clan mechs like the Mad Cat Mk2, face off against all kinds of enemies. The Firefly is an exceptionally well armed light scout ‘Mech fielded only by the Wolf's Dragoons mercenary company. It was developed in 2439 by the Terran Hegemony, first deployed in 2443, and produced throughout the rest of the Inner Sphereafter its construction plans were stolen in 2455. This extremely fast ‘Mech. The Wolfhound is well armored for a light ‘Mech, but suffers serious overheating problems during extended combat. The machines are designed to work in large numbers and are usually a more cost-efficient support for the more solid 'Mechs. A versatile and strong answer to the clan's heavy 'Mechs, it has good beam support with OmniMech-style hardpoints making it very flexible. Due to a lack of heavy Gauss rifles during the FedCom Civil War, a variant of the Fafnir, the FNR-5B, replaces the heavy Gauss with normal Gauss rifles and carries two ER large lasers and two ER medium lasers. As a result it is somewhat unpopular with pilots. A unique approach to warfare, the Stinger Land Air Mech is capable of transforming into a fully capable aerospace fighter. Xotl has an unofficial expanded random unit list for early era's on the main forums here. Catalyst Game Labs, the current owners of BattleTech, have divided history into six eras. A dedicated city-fighter that excels at its role. Beta. It tends to be ammunition dependent, but carries a good amount for each weapon system. Ballistic weapons Energy weapons Missile weapons Antipersonnel weapons Heat sinks: Disperse heat accumulated by the mech. Known for its high quality regimental command computer interface, the Cyclops belies its name, giving commanders unmatched control over the deployment of their forces. However, the design's only gleaming flaw is its slow speed. Although this light ‘Mech is not always as fast as some of the other 'Mechs in this class, it has sufficient firepower to make up for what it lacks in speed and electronics. That licensing deal went through before BattleTech began in the form of a 1984 board game. The Awesome’s default weaponry in the actual BattleTech canon is three PPCs and a small laser. The original version, the LGB-0W, had twin LRM20 launchers, two LRM15s, and a small laser. The Victor is a venerable assault ‘Mech easily recognized by its distinctive head shape and the use of heavy ballistic weapons in all variations (in some cases a Class 20 autocannon and in others a Gauss rifle)and short range missile rack in its torso and its jump jet engines for extra mobility. Higher speed mechs can position far better than slower mechs, allowing those mechs to flank the targets. The standard light ‘Mech for House Steiner, it balances good missile and laser support with sufficient speed to make it a good raiding ‘Mech. A flexible ‘Mech, the Trebuchet is dangerous at all ranges as long as it is kept supplied with missiles. That was akward. This era saw bleeding edge machines march off to war, while venerable ’Mechs continued to receive upgrades and facelifts. It makes every hit count and pays dearly for any one too many. BattleMechs are robotic war machines central to the BattleTech wargaming and science fiction series. It is the preferred heavy ‘Mech of Clan Wolf, though its effectiveness means it is found in the arsenals of nearly every clan to some extent. The Commando was designed as an alternative to the 20-ton scout 'Mechs used by the Star League. The vibro-katana is the most feared of these weapons capable of severing limbs off of fully armored elementals. The ultimate word in OmniMech technology, The primary weapons layout for the Daishi carries four ER large lasers, supplemented by two Class Five Ultra Autocannons, four ER medium pulse lasers, a couple of machine guns, and a rack of 10 Clan Long Range Missiles. This ‘Mech carries plenty of firepower in its arms and is equipped with jump jets, however it is slower than average for a medium ‘Mech. The Urbanmech is designed exclusively for urban combat. The ‘Mech was designed around four ER PPCs with an LRM rack thrown in for good measure. As with many other designs, it disappeared during the SLDF Exodus from the Inner Sphere. The Clans have designated it the Summoner. Designed by the Draconis Combine after the appearance of the clan elemental Kage power armor is relatively rare, usually only used by D.E.S.T. The Chimera is designed specifically to balance every component it can hold without favoring any one and handles its tasks in a similarly generic fashion. It is cheap, lightly armored and even more lightly armed, but blazingly fast and maneuverable. Designed more as an incendiary platform than as a warfighter, the Firestarter is ideal for flushing troops and BattleMechs from forests and urban areas. However, it is obtainable in MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries, by downloading Mektek's Mekpaks. Fast and maneuverable with jump jets, the Kodiak is a force to be reckoned with. It is well armored for a light ‘Mech. This ‘Mech bears a tremendous amount of energy firepower, but is slow and prone to heat difficulties. As all of those mechs are canon again, this supplement's unit generation tables are actually accurate and complete. Although the equipment required for this limits both armor and armament, the tactical flexibility this ability offers is easily worth the tradeoff. PPCs, Long Toms, Arrow IVs and heavy Gauss rifles. Originally designed with twin Gauss rifles, a large laser, and four medium lasers, this machine carries the maximum amount of armor possible. A very well-rounded BattleMech, the Hellhound can carry all three classes of weapons (beam, ballistic, and missile) while also mounting ECM and jump jets (although not by default). WikiLists is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. It gives a pretty good idea of how rare / common different 'Mechs should be within a factions force. Classic Battletech Day, open to anyone who wants to learn to play.-Games start at 1pm-2 person teams if possible-Mechs will consist of 3025 era (pre clans), with no Star League Tech-2 mechs per team minimum (but no more than 4)-Choose your mechs from a total tonnage of 160. In video games such as Mechwarrior 4, the ‘Mech is treated as OmniMech, trading weapons equipment at will. Colonists on marginal worlds resettle or perish. On paper the Hussar is terrible - it is the least well armored ‘Mech on the battlefield and it mounts only one weapon system. A bit of research went into that one, you wouldn't believe how many Star League era mechs went extinct and came back after the Clan Invasion. Download From Nexus Mods. When the ‘Mech first arrived in the Inner Sphere, it was named by Victor Steiner-Davion during his last stand at Trellwan for the Norse god of thunder due to its use of a PPC (man-made lightning) and an autocannon (thunder). They were never designed to take the abuse elemental armor is, their primary role is reconnaissance. The infamous skull-headed ‘Mech, it bears more armor than any other ‘Mech and is known for its vast array of weapons and firepower. Hyades Rim - a BattleTech videogame mod BattleTech 1.9.X compatible - requires all DLCs "Slavish adherence to a formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about." The BattleMech—King of the Battlefield—was born. It was created by Defiance Industries, who wanted to create a successful ‘Mech similar to their failed Defiance model. In secret Hanse Davion and Katrina Steiner sign the FedCom Accords, a secret pact to join the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth. And do puzzles. The Nova Cat is an OmniMech known for its high speed and its beam-only design. Included in this book included profiles written up on BattleMechs using Technology levels … A fast medium ‘Mech with its origins in the Draconis Combine, this ‘Mech excels in guerrilla tactics. Phantom 'Mechs. BattleTech’s latest update adds 10 new ‘Mechs, including the all-new Bull Shark. Designed by Lieutenant Foster using data from the Ragnarok data core, it has a powerful claw capable of slashing a ‘Mech's armor off and neurohacking. Generally, the light class of BattleMechs are used for recon/scouting, ambush and giving target locations to heavier 'Mechs and artillery. The design was re-introduced to the Inner Sphere in the early 3070s. An earlier, more complete refit by House Marik replaced the engine with an XL variant to increase its speed, altered the PPCs to ER versions, and added additional support weaponry. The Jenner, oddly for a light ‘Mech, is designed for interdiction and raiding instead of recon. At fifty tons it can mount more than enough weapons to make it a deadly fighter. Along with being fast and heavily armoured, the Hellhound packs quite a punch even with its default armaments. Able to field multiple beam weaponry while still being fast and having a very good heat efficiency. Its only disadvantages is its unimpressive top speed. Designed as a raider, the Crab's reliance on energy weapons means it can spend long periods of time in combat without need of resupply. The Owens is a ‘Mech with good long range support, speed, and electronics, which makes it a good for scout missions where the pilot does not want to get too close. All medium 'Mechs are both fast, and deadly. The Compact was conquered by Capellan Confederation, which has taken this design and created more variants, some using stealth technology. ... era weapons to the game, in various tiers. The Wasp, like the Stinger, is capable of transforming into an aerospace fighter. In 3064, Clan Jade Falcon captured the Red Devil Industry plant on Pandora, where production of the recently re-introduced redesigned Battlemaster BLR-4S had begun. What they lack in speed they make up for in strong armour and weaponry. This Clan-’Mech carries a significant amount of firepower for its size and can come close to the speed of most of the fastest 'Mechs in its class. The Clint's only real failing is its ammunition supply. While suitable for fighting Inner Sphere opponents, it is woefully unprepared for fighting Clan opponents as demonstrated in the battle for Coventry. We've adopted this system to make faction-specific starter mech pools. , the Spider is fast, has unsurpassed jump capability, and secondary weaponry a! Of double heat sinks is, their 'Mechs tend to be reckoned with just that Hegemony., some adding more lasers and others adding SRM or LRM racks to strike at cost... 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