Take your hunting skills online and battle against opponents from around the world, then settle back for a mysterious journey through the Alimbic system by yourself. When they try to open their car, they will be greeted by a mysterious icky substance all over their hand. Now Leon works for the government, and he's been sent to rescue the president's daughter, who has fallen into the hands of a mysterious Illuminati-like cult. From in front and especially from the right, in the unlifting smoke the guns boomed, and out of the mysterious domain of smoke that overlay the whole space in front, quick hissing cannon balls and slow whistling shells flew unceasingly. In reality the younger son of Ivan the Terrible had been strangled before his brother's death - by orders, it was said, of Godunov - and the mysterious individual who was impersonating him was an impostor; but he was regarded as the rightful heir by a large section of the population, and immediately after Boris's death in 1605 he made his triumphal entry into Moscow. Along with this affirmation, the Church of Rome (if less decisively) has adopted the limitations of the Thomist theory by the condemnation of " Ontologism "; certain mysterious doctrines are beyond reason. See more. Meeting with a refusal, Paris opposed the kings army with her citizen-soldiers; and Taking by the taking of the Bastille, that mysterious dark Bast tile, fortress which personified the ancien régime, secured the triumph of the Revolution (July 14). It is safe to say that no prehistoric monument in Great Britain has given rise to more speculation as to its origin, date and purpose; and although the few hoary stones still extant are but a small portion of the original structure they are still sufficiently imposing to excite the wonder of the passing traveller, and mysterious enough to puzzle the antiquary. A proof is the mysterious rapid extinction of savages the moment that their group-life is broken up; they are individually so many lost sheep, without self-reliance or initiative. Solving the crime was mysterious because the detectives were missing crucial evidence. 1. Cast powerful incantations, discover ancient artifacts, mysterious secrets and unusual weapons. Dig and excavate the skeleton of a mysterious prehistoric dinosaur and assemble the pieces to form a dinosaur model ! For centuries, the mysterious half-human, half-aquatic creatures have captured the hearts of mortals. The term " closed cities " sounds mysterious - how can a whole city be " closed "? … The loch’s wild and mysterious grandeur attracted tourists even before anyone outside of the Highlands had heard of the monster. Then came a mysterious four-episode run this past January. Sora, Sidious, Goofy and Donald just stood there staring in amazement at the mysterious figure take care of all the monsters. received the mysterious letter which revealed the conspiracy and of which the conspirators received information the following day. You find yourself stranded on some foreign planet… stop me if you've heard this one before… and they've found yet another lame excuse to have all of the abilities Ms. Aran learned in the last game sucked away through mysterious forces. The correspondence was shown to Franklin by a mysterious " member of parliament " to back up the contention that the quartering of troops in Boston was suggested, not by the British ministry, but by Americans and Bostonians. 5. Remember that many of these could also be signs of love - the unexpected gift (that might turn out to be an engagement ring), the mysterious phone calls (that could be planning for a surprise party). Mysterious doctrines are ascribed by Protestants to scripture; so half of revelation is regarded as matter for blind assent, if another half is luminous in experience. Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, allowing us to do things more quickly and efficiently. Here are examples of the word/phrase "mysterious" used in a sentence and paraphrased in a sentence...How to go about solving this mysterious case is a mystery within itself.. How to go about solving this cryptic case is a mystery within itself.. Once you see Sylvanas, you will get insight to a key character and treated to a mysterious vocal performance, which is a highlight in Burning Crusade that should not be missed. their subjects are faith, love, fasting, prayer, wars (a somewhat mysterious setting forth of the conflict between Rome and Persia under the imagery of Daniel), the sons of the covenant (monks or ascetics), penitents, the resurrection, humility, pastors. Yukie Fujimoto, a mysteriouswoman in scarlet, points her index finger at the hapless hero. It was evident that her eyes did not see Princess Mary but were looking within... into herself... at something joyful and mysterious taking place within her. 1. Smoky eye: Smoky eyes are sexy and mysterious. That mysterious change is too subtle and too gradual to be measured by dates. This is an intimate and sometimes mysterious process. Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #11211: Mysterious sentences > Other English exercises on the same topic: Several tests [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Placement test (beginners) - Confusion and words - Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer - Short placement test - Spelled words N°2 - Placement test 3 - What time is it? The Carbonari were probably an offshoot of the Freemasons, from whom they differed in important particulars, and first began to assume importance in southern Italy during the Napoleonic wars. "The mysterious virtue … That mysterious upheaval, most generally attributed to a love of adventure, stimulated by the pressure of over-population, began with the ravaging of Lindisfarne in 793, and virtually terminated with the establishment of Rollo in Normandy (9r r). Poignant gals with a jaded, tough side have the mysterious ability to look cool while convincing the world they invested little care or effort. I do know that there's something deeply mysterious about it. eclipse watcher, Avebury's mysterious history attracted a group of UFO enthusiasts. Here only a few words must be said as to the mysterious death of Peter at the castle of Ropsha, to which he was removed immediately after his surrender. Black will always be a goth's go-to color, but you'll find plenty of other deep shades that work well with your pale skin and mysterious nature. Many women find that slipping a piece of sexy lingerie beneath their clothes instantly elevates their confidence and makes them feel infinitely more alluring and even a bit mysterious. Fred called after him, your mysterious buddy called again, twice. At the Macworld show in 1999, Bungie demoed footage of a sci-fi shooter based on a mysterious alien ring thingie. Woodthorpe was followed into Burmese fields by many others; and amongst the earliest travellers to those mysterious mountains which hide the sources of the Irrawaddy, the Salween and the Mekong, was Prince Henri d'Orleans Burma was rapidly brought under survey; Siam was already in the 'mapmaking hands of James M'Carthy, whilst Curzon and Warrington Smyth added much to our knowledge of its picturesque coast districts. Find more ways to say mysterious, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 4. possessed a secret and mysterious knowledge, in no way accessible to those outside, which was not to be proved or propagated, but believed in by the initiated, and anxiously guarded as a secret. And Pierre's soul was dimly but joyfully filled not by the story itself but by its mysterious significance: by the rapturous joy that lit up Karataev's face as he told it, and the mystic significance of that joy. THE VEILED PROTECTRESS; OR, THE MYSTERIOUS MOTHER. At other times the ceremonial was more mysterious and symbolical, as in the feast of the raising of the Ded-column when a column of the kind was drawn by cords into an upright position. Opt for one of those if you plan to be flashing your mysterious grin at a sexy acquaintance all night. He held extreme Catholic views and wrote on the most risque subjects; he gave himself aristocratic airs and hinted at a mysterious past, though his parentage was entirely bourgeois and his youth very hum-drum and innocent. Baker's personal life was soon thrust into the limelight, along with the mysterious goings-on at the Quorum Club. The language of the Mitanni state, however, was neither Aryan nor Semitic, and may very well be that of the mysterious "Hittite" hieroglyphic inscriptions (see Hittites). mysterious stranger had handed it to his servant in the street earlier in the evening. Practically the very definition of cool and mysterious, fedora hats for men have enjoyed renewed popularity in the 21st century. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In 1933, it was possible to take a sleeper train from London to Inverness for a weekend at the loch, or to book a four-day motor coach tour from Edinburgh at a … Toland, writing at first professedly without hostility to any of the received elements of the Christian faith, insisted that Christianity was not mysterious, and that the value of religion could not lie in any unintelligible or self-contradictory elements; though we cannot know the real essence of God or of any of his creatures, yet our beliefs about God must be thoroughly consistent with reason. skeleton of a mysterious prehistoric dinosaur and assemble the pieces to form a dinosaur model! strange, not known, or not understood: She's an actress whose inner life has remained mysterious, despite the many interviews she has given. Another word for mysterious. Jean Nicolet, an experienced explorer, was sent west by Samuel de Champlain, the governor-general of New France, in the summer of 1634 to investigate mysterious rumours of a people known as "the men of the sea" who were thought by some to be Tatars or Chinese. spiritualism discovered that the human organism is in some mysterious way bound up with the séance room phenomena. He died in mysterious circumstances. ous (mÄ­-stîr′ē-əs) adj. A beautiful summer day had dawned, the day on which I was to make the acquaintance of a somber and mysterious friend. A mysterious conversion had been effected in him by an austere Cistercian abbot. was both infirm and childless, was settled, after the mysterious death (May 28, 1810) of the first elected candidate, Prince Charles Augustus of Augustenburg, by the Crown selection of the French marshal, Bernadotte (see Prince. Thus the early idea of the services, as occasions for mutual edification through the interchange of spiritual gifts, gave way in course of time to the theory that they consisted of sacred and mysterious rites by means of which communion with God is promoted. His teaching, essentially, was a training in the art of appreciating and living in the light of that mysterious unconditioned reality. Elizabeth Bennett is feisty, intelligent, sharp, even sly, mysterious, and a nineteenth century version of sarcastic. Dean reluctantly explained Fred O'Connor's idea about the newspaper subscription and the fact that a paper had been sent to Scranton to a somewhat mysterious occupant. Examples of Mysterious in a sentence. Outwardly they are Mussulmans of the Shiah branch, but most of them show little veneration for either Prophet or Koran, and the religion of some of them seems to be a mixture of Ali-Illahism involving a belief in successive incarnations combined with mysterious, ancient, heathen rites. It is conceivable that the priestesses employed this exit when descending on their mysterious errand. On Saturday, the 26th of October, Lord Monteagle (q.v.) The secret behind the swordman's technique is mysterious.. Justice is executed, and taboos, feasts, taxes, &c., arranged by a mysterious disguised figure, the duk-duk. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Figured it was no coincidence that a mysterious man named after a dead-dead Immortal just happened to fall into the life of a former deity, Gabriel replied. He died in mysterious circumstances, and there is still a … Gorgeous, smart, sexy, mysteriousshe is held up as the ultimate yummy mummy. the Jewish youth were forbidden to read the mysterious first chapter (called the markaba, the " chariot ") and the concluding section (x1.-xlviii.) Once applied liberally and blended, the effect on the eyes is smoldering and mysterious. As if this action had some mysterious and menacing significance, the workmen surrounding the publican paused in indecision. Fred displayed a tad more interest in the mysterious find than the prior evening. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel to keep video production going! Scooby Doo and Shaggy are trying to find their way out of the mysterious tomb. He wore the royal diadem, assumed the title of lord, and introduced a complicated system of ceremonial and etiquette, borrowed from the East, in order to surround the monarchy and its representative with mysterious sanctity. thinkis dark and mysterious, and has thought provoking mental exchanges. Still, there's another mysterious tournament to be held, Tekken Iron Fist Championship 5. After Evan figures out the code to a mysteriouspaper that Lisa picks up, they head towards mayhem. The jaguar is one of the most beautiful and mysterious animals found in nature. Such differentiations and integrations of living bodies are the subject-matter of discussions on evolution; some will see in the play of circumambient media, natural or supernatural, on the simplest forms of living matter, sufficient explanation of the development of such matter into the highest forms of living organisms; others will regard the potency of such living matter so to develop as a mysterious and peculiar quality that must be added to the conception of life. A glimpse into the mysterious world of benchmark providers. Jackson spent most of his life embroiled in one scandal after another, and in death the singer is still shrouded in mysterious circumstances and unusual situations. The landscape, with its mysterious spiry mountains and winding waters, is very Leonardesque both in this picture and in another contemporary product of the workshop, or as some think of Leonardo's hand, namely a very highly and coldly finished small "Madonna with a Pink" at Munich. mysterious realm, where magic is everywhere. While most people who opt for chunky highlights incorporate a blonde or lighter hue, dark lowlights can also be chunked into the hair color to create panels of deep, mysterious color. Even to his friends, and to many near him, he remained mysterious to the last. But the mysterious forces that move humanity (mysterious because the laws of their motion are unknown to us) continued to operate. 5. It is not known whether the mysterious events that culminated in the slaying of the earl of Gowrie and his brother, by John Ramsay, in their own house in Perth, on the 5th of August 1600, had any connexion with James's attitude to England and the kirk. Every Tomb Raider game presents a 3D world of underground caves, mysterious locations and of course, tombs. Instead of studying on the northbound train you will now spend your time eyeing that chiseled, mysterious stranger who habitually sits across from you. Similarly, if you had a missed call on your phone from a mysterious number, a reverse phone lookup can tell you who it was-no call back necessary. D: the road rules state that this must be so. This significant action provokes a challenge of His authority, which is answered by a mysterious saying, not understood at the time, but interpreted afterwards as referring to the Resurrection. On the west of the northern part of the English kingdom of Bernicia, severed from that by the Forest of Ettrick, and perhaps by the mysterious work of which traces remain in the " Catrail," was the Brython or Welsh kingdom of Strathclyde, which then included the territory and population, later anglicized, of Renfrewshire, Ayrshire, Lanarkshire, Dumfriesshire, and, south of the historic border, Cumberland and Westmoreland to the Derwent. formula for marital harmony and success is not a mysterious secret. But the most characteristic passage of the epopee is the mysterious disappearance of Shah Kaikhosrau, who suddenly, when at the height of earthly fame and splendour, renounces the world in utter disgust, and, carried away by his fervent longing for an abode of everlasting tranquillity, vanishes for ever from the midst of his companions. A mysterious young woman is living next door. Then he conceived the idea of using the Cossacks, who were deeply attached to him, as a means of chastising the szlachta, and at the same time forcing a war with Turkey, which would make his military genius indispensable to the republic, and enable him if successful to carry out domestic reforms by force of arms. In the halo of his mysterious power he passed through Greece, Italy and Spain. "Dolokhov, Mary Ivanovna's son," she said in a mysterious whisper, "has compromised her completely, they say. like the mysterious 7rp€a135Trls T pfros or senex tertius of Mani, whose becoming visible will betoken the end of the world. While there are many aspects of etiquette that can seem mysterious, the basic idea is almost always to preserve the feelings of others. Mysterious definition, full of, characterized by, or involving mystery: a mysterious occurrence. hard to notice or see. In such an atmosphere, deism readily uttered its protest against mysterious revelation. 3. But it may be doubted whether De Morgan's own system, "horrent with mysterious spiculae," as Hamilton aptly described it, is fitted to exhibit the real analogy between quantitative and qualitative reasoning, which is rather to be sought in the logical works of Boole. It is certain that this mysterious people were Asiatic, for they are called so by the Egyptians. There they are, those rudely painted figures that once seemed splendid and mysterious. we find, 0 31 (Alif Lam Mim), before Mysterious xl. In this he apologized for Christianity not Mysterious, as a youthful indiscretion, and declared his conformity to the doctrines of the established Church. Toland is generally classed with the deists, but at the time when he wrote Christianity not Mysterious he was decidedly opposed to deism. 6 The mysterious crimes supposed to be concealed under the obscure details of this case have cast a shadow of vague suspicion on all who were concerned in it. 4. Larabars are proof that finding gluten-free foods does not necessitate buying over-processed snack items with mysterious combinations of wheat replacements. Examples of Mystery in a sentence Nancy Drew was able to solve the murder mystery by following several clues. Everything that had formerly appeared mysterious and fascinating in Speranski suddenly became plain and unattractive. Terror Island: Pirates whose ships sank under the most mysterious of circumstances come back to dwell on this hidden island beneath Millennium Force. As the story unfolds, the Spartan who wants to help his homeland finds out about his mysterious past, and goes forth to fulfill his destiny. She wanted to see the mysterious D and couldn't repel his magnetic draw. https://www.nownovel.com/blog/how-to-write-mystery-suspense 🔊 Only the diamond expert could see the subtle difference between the real diamond and the fake one. Exploring the vast oceans is both exciting and mysterious. $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Protestantism centred - or was by Catholics supposed to centre - in a mysterious " right of private judgment "; the council accordingly retorted by hymning the praises of obedience, of submitting to authority and never thinking for oneself. Sidetrack your sleuths. One of the chairs pushed back from the table, and this was so astonishing and mysterious that Dorothy was almost tempted to run away in fright. Wear a clingy black velvet mini dress with a mysterious cape for an appropriately dark look. It was in the early 2000's that I had the pleasure of using this website. Examples of Enigmatic in a sentence. He disappeared in mysterious circumstances.Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English” The other and more elaborate work was composed by Philo of Byblus (temp. Surrounded by ancient seats of culture in Egypt and Babylonia, by the mysterious deserts of Arabia, and by the highlands of Asia Minor, Palestine, with Syria on the north, was the high road of civilization, trade and warlike enterprise, and the meeting-place of religions. The jaguar is one of the most beautiful and mysterious animals found in nature. Investigators Seek Information After Mysterious Brockton Explosions By CBSBoston.com Staff December 28, 2020 at 10:57 am Filed Under: Brockton Fire Department , Brockton News 27 synonyms of mysterious from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 102 related words, definitions, and antonyms. There was a series of mysterious sounds coming from the room next door. Discover ancient artifacts, mysterious secrets, and find new incantations and weapons. Description: What’s going on Supreme fans! Like "Brazil," it dates from a period anterior to the discovery of the New World, "Antilia," as stated above, being one of those mysterious lands, which figured on the medieval charts sometimes as an archipelago, sometimes as continuous land of greater or lesser extent, constantly fluctuating in mid-ocean between the Canaries and East India. What Creates Mystery? Taking place at an undetermined amount of time after the Black Mesa catastrophe, a mysterious and chilling new foe called the Combine have taken control of the planet and altered it to their liking, creating the dystopia around you. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. 🔊 The lady in red had an enigmatic smile which made all the men curious about her. squishing sounds of the mysterious creatures haunting our kids. In 1877 he was the first to define a then mysterious childhood disease, which he named ' infantile scurvy ' . You don’t really appreciate little words like “who,” “which,” or … Another roll-call by the mysterious heterogeneous if not hermaphroditical Carolina sergeant! You'll get to take control of Kian, who's a rather mysterious warrior from the world of Arcadia. The Quakers of Pennsylvania possibly began the work of the mysterious Underground Railroad; the best known of them was Thomas Garrett (1789-1871), a native of Pennsylvania, who, in 1822, removed to Wilmington, Delaware, where he was convicted in 1848 on four counts under the Fugitive Slave Law and was fined $800o; he is said to have helped 2700 slaves to freedom. The first son had died in 1705, and in 1712 the second son, the duke of Brittany, as well as his father and mother, was carried off by a mysterious disease. The mysterious Dracula House is situated inside the walls of this medieval citadel. "Dram-da-da-dam, dam-dam..." rattled the drums, and Pierre understood that this mysterious force completely controlled these men and that it was now useless to say any more. Sonya was softened, excited, and touched by all that had occurred that day, especially by the mysterious fulfillment she had just seen of her vision. They're dark and mysterious, often big and sexy. At last, in August 1905, the long and mysterious silence was broken by the announcement that a son had been born to Pigott by his "spiritual wife," Miss Ruth Preece, an inmate of the Agapemone. These are mysterious words implying (1) a formal ecclesiastical censure, (2) a physical penalty, (3) the hope of a spiritual result. This mysterious language, despite the existence of more than 6000 inscriptions, and the publication in 1892 of a book written in the language and handed down to us by the accident of its use to pack an Egyptian mummy, remains as obscure as ever, but apparently it underwent very great phonetic changes at an early period, so that the voiced mutes B, D, G disappeared. Mysterious definition, full of, characterized by, or involving mystery: a mysterious occurrence. Several months later, news and photos of Jon Gosselin out on the town with a "mysterious female" hit the tabloids and celebrity magazines. For some mysterious reason, probably connected with the increasing estrangement between the two sections of the empire, the ministers of Arcadius conferred upon Alaric the government of some part - it can hardly have been the whole - of the important prefecture of Illyricum. In contrast to common misbelieve there is nothing weird or mysterious about the hypnotic state. The mysterious woman passenger vanished. Play as the Spartan with a mysterious past, who helps Ares the God of War get vengence on an unknown opponent. ", If in one mysterious passage Jesus speaks of " the Father " and " the Son "- terms with which the Gospel of St John has made us familiar St Mark also in one passage uses the same impressive terms " the Son " and " the Father.". use "mysterious" in a sentence He has some mysterious appeal which seems to drive women crazy. If you're visiting this page, you're likely here because you're searching for a random Another word for mysterious. In the game, people are asked to identify the subtle differences between the similar pictures. It is suffused with " magic realism " a folk surrealism in which people fly and mysterious juxtapositions are the norm. Though the Committee of Union and Progress took no open part in governing the country, and remained an unseen mysterious power, they had their nominees in the Ministry, and at the beginning of 1909 could already influence the policy of the Government. But in general the tales that passed current about the gods are referred to only in mysterious and recondite allusions; as Herodotus for his own times explicitly testifies, a reticence in such matters seems to have been encouraged by the priests. Here in Kyrgyzstan, with the mysterious and primeval landscapes, you feel like the first and the sole man on the planet, as if you were transferred through the time, and appeared at the starting point of the Earth history. He decides to use this opportunity to search for a mysterious woman shaman he had been told about by his mentor, Socrates. And the important consequences following from the demonstration of the identity in structure of Limulus and Scorpio are evaded by arbitrary and even phantastic invocations of a mysterious transcendental force which brings about " convergence " irrespective of heredity and selection. 255+16 sentence examples: 1. and the conjoined Estates in the mysterious conspiracy which established absolutism in Denmark. Stepping around the horse, he disappeared down that mysterious pathway. pilothouse perch river travel began on our cruise mysterious orinoco river. Help vanquish the mysterious Twilight beasts from the peaceful land and roam across a massive landscape as you enjoy the deep storyline and over 50 hours of gameplay. Dean also spoke to Cece Baldwin again, just to touch base and see if she might have heard further from her mysterious benefac­tor. Belief in mysterious powers attached to food, feasts, ceremonial rites and sacred things is all but universal. Edgar Allan Poe. Some had the rare courage to investigate the mysterious disease by dissecting the bodies of the dead. The costume is practical in that it can be classic, dramatic and mysterious, depending on how you accessorize. Britney, the one who shells out for everyone's payroll, not to mention lawyer's fees (for both her and Kevin) and has to pay $25,000 for some mysterious audit at Jive Records is allowed access to a meager $1,500 per week of her own money. It is hinted that he made a mysterious visit to the American colonies. After his Christianity not Mysterious and his Amyntor, Toland's Nazarenus was of chief importance, as calling attention to the right of the Ebionites to a place in the early church, though it altogether failed to establish his main argument or to put the question in the true light. 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