Cryptologic Technician (CT) is a United States Navy enlisted rating or job specialty. NAVY RATINGS AND RATING CONVERSION NEC CODES. NECC is a subordinate command of the Navy's Fleet Forces … NWP 2-01 5 NOV 2010 November 2010 PUBLICATION NOTICE ROUTING 1. For IS, the NOS is B600. Specific duties and responsibilities of this position include analyzing intelligence after it is gathered and recognizing whether the gathered information might be pertinent in the first place. Navy jobs and programs are revised at times, the information contained on this page is subject to change. Intelligence Specialist ASVAB Test requirement. Adversely adjudicated drug abuse offenses will not receive waiver consideration. Through this schooling, they develop the working knowledge it takes to be Navy In either case, this is predominantly an office job other than in times of outright assault upon U.S. forces. The other services also use the "advanced specialty within a job" system, in one way or another, but not to the extent that the Navy uses their NEC system. In the Navy, information technology (IT) plays an important role in everything from electronic mail systems, to shipboard control systems, to Special Intelligence (SI) systems. I just went through the MEPS process yesterday and signed a contract as an IS. Navy Enlisted Classification Codes for Special Series (General), Navy Enlisted Classification Codes (Master at Arms), NEC Codes: Aircraft Systems Maintenance Personnel. Both schools are located in Dam Neck, Virginia. Intelligence Specialists assist in every phase of the planning, collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence information. It was established in 1957 and called the Photographic Intelligenceman rating. These codes are also important for the assignments of billets in manpower authorizations. The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty and billets in manpower authorizations. From this intelligence data, they prepare materials that describe in detail the features of strategic and tactical areas all over the world. The work is mostly analytical, as it supports the Navy's intelligence … RELATED NEC. I'm thinking about joining the Navy. They assemble and analyze multi-source operational intelligence in support of all warfare areas, assist in support of intelligence briefings, reporting, and analytical programs. Operational Intelligence Analysts analyze and combine multi-source intelligence information to produce operationally relevant intelligence and perform Operational Intelligence (OPINTEL) watch standing, Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) security, and threat assessment. They break down information to determine its usefulness in military planning. By using The Balance Careers, you accept our. The corresponding Navy NOS or Navy Occupational Specialist Code is B600. The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system supplements the rating designators for enlisted members of the United States Navy.A naval rating and NEC designator are similar to the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) designators used in the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps and the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) used in the U.S. Air Force.. Intelligence must be saved in graphic formats that are easily accessible by other service members. See salaries, compare reviews, easily apply, and get hired. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and meet eligibility requirements for continuous access to sensitive compartmented information (SCI). Intelligence Specialists serve on large ships, with aircraft squadrons and at various intelligence production centers located in the U.S. or overseas, generally dividing time equally between assignments ashore and afloat. Specific commands include: NSWC, NSWU 3, NSW SUPPACT 1, NSW SUPPACT 2, NSWG 3, NSWG 10 CEU, NSWG 10, NSW SUPPACT 1 SH, NSW SUPPACT 2 SH. Apply to Program Analyst, Product Owner, Business Analyst and more! Eligibility for a top secret clearance is determined by the results of a Single Scope Background Investigation followed by a reinvestigation every five years. Personnel in the Intelligence Specialist rating are paid allowances (BAH, BAS, etc. Military information, particularly classified information about enemies or potential enemies, is called "intelligence.". Last NEC ST-0416-Acoustic Intelligence Specialist Navy Good Conduct Medal Criteria The Navy Good Conduct Medal (NGCM) is a decoration presented by the United States Navy to recognize members who have completed three years of honorable service. These codes assist in the assigning of billets and in manpower authorizations. But Intelligence Specialists do whatever it takes to make sure we’re always a step ahead. Intelligence Specialist (IS) NAVY Career Path After Recruit Training Intelligence is an Advanced Technical Field (ATF) and requires an active duty obligation of six years. The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) is the military intelligence agency of the United States Navy.Established in 1882 primarily to advance the Navy's modernization efforts, ONI is the oldest member of the United States Intelligence Community and serves as the nation's premier source of maritime intelligence. IS's serve on board ships, aircraft squadrons and various intelligence production centers located in the United States and overseas. U.S. Navy NEC Codes With an Intelligence Specialist Example, An Example of NECs for Intelligence Specialists. They assemble and analyze multi-source operational intelligence in support of all warfare areas, assist in support of intelligence briefings, reporting, and analytical programs.Intelligence Specialists prepare and present intelligence briefings, as well as, prepare material for use in mission planni… No person shall be selected who has a history of bad checks (unless through bank error), repossessions, canceled or suspended charge accounts, or indebtedness exceeding half the annual salary of the pay grade at which the applicant is being recruited. 13. Sea tours and shore tours for Sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 ashore until retirement. The CT community performs a wide range of tasks in support of the national intelligence-gathering effort, with an emphasis on cryptology and signal intelligence related products.. 91 intelligence specialist navy civilian jobs available. -Acoustic Intelligence Specialist (ACINT) NEC 0416 ... -AN/BQQ-5E maintainer NEC 0495-2M NEC 9527-U.S. Navy’s Senior Enlisted Academy-Chief Petty Officer Leadership Course NEC codes identify a non-rating-wide skill, knowledge, aptitude, or qualification that must be documented to identify people and billets for management purposes. Chief Intelligence Specialist (E7) JONESLOCKER, DAVY TEST Transcript Sent To: Name: SSN: Rank ... To assimilate recruits into the Navy way of life and to prepare them for further advanced training in specialized Navy occupations. Intelligence Specialist (IS) is a US Navy enlisted rating within the Information Warfare community. The corresponding Navy NOS or Navy Occupational Specialist Code is B600. The American Council on Education recommends that semester hour credits be awarded in the vocational certificate and lower division bachelor's/associates degree categories for courses taken in this rating on applied mathematics basic photography, computer concepts, drafting and design, technical writing and office practices. The title was changed to Intelligence Specialist in 1975 since there is much more involved in intelligence than photographs, and not everyone in the rating is a man. 3913: NAVADMIN 156/14 announced Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) for Intelligence Specialists (IS) with NEC 3913 serving at Naval Special Warfare (NSW) units. Officers in the U.S. Navy are not given these ratings. Contact your detailer if you have any questions. For example, in the Army, "Operating Room Specialist", and "Radiology Specialist" are two separate jobs (MOS 68D and 68P, respectively). Current Service Status USNR Retired : Current/Last Rank Master Chief Petty Officer : Current/Last Primary NEC IS-3910-Naval Imagery Interpreter : Current/Last Rating/NEC Group Intelligence Specialist : Primary Unit 2013-2015, JICPAC Detachment, Joint Intelligence Center Pacific (JICPAC): Previously Held NEC TM-0000-Torpedoman's Mate MM-4232-SSN/SSBN Weapons Equipment … NAVY RATINGS . Since the First World War, its mission has broadened to include real-time … General Ratings (SECNAV Approved): Identify personnel from paygrades E-4 through E-9. The Photographic Intelligenceman rating was established in 1957; in 1975, the rating was disestablished and had its activities, and some Yeoman rating responsibilities, rolled into a new rating, the Intelligence Specialist. New intelligence specialist navy civilian careers are added daily on I just made IS1 this last time around so it's possible. Most CT personnel are required to obtain and maintain security clearances. These schools are in Dam Neck, Virginia. If indebtedness includes a long-term mortgage, total indebtedness must not exceed 2½ times the annual salary. They prepare graphics (annotated photographs, plot sheets, mosaics, overlays, etc. NWP 2-01 (NOV 2010), INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT TO NAVAL OPERATIONS, is available in the Navy Warfare Library. Gathering information is the first step. This rating (which is what the Navy calls its jobs) has the Navy Occupational Specialty (NOS) number B600. At present, about 2,950 men and women are assigned to the IS rating. Working in the Navy as an Intelligence Specialist is some of the most exciting duty there is available as an enlisted person. What Does the Intelligence Specialist Do? Paragraph A of this section identifies the current Navy ratings. Paragraph B identifies Entry Series NEC codes used by detailers and classifiers which consist of Rating Conver sion NEC codes. NEC IS-3910 Naval Imagery Interpreter Interprets all-source imagery intelligence, uses an electric light table (ELT) to interpret imagery, operates digital imagery systems, identifies and measures objects of intelligence interest found in imagery, prepares imagery interpretation reports, and maintains files related to imagery interpretation. Opportunities in the Intelligence Specialist rating are limited to highly motivated and qualified people. NECs for the intelligence specialist community area include: The "IS" designation indicates an intelligence specialist. The sailor's vision must be correctable to 20/20 and they must have normal color vision. The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system supplements—or extends—the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty that possesses specialized skills and training. Disseminating intelligence reports often means organizing and attending briefings and presenting the information in that context, as well as maintaining databases for future reference. A Navy intelligence specialist is an enlisted rating first created in 1975 to replace the photographic intelligenceman rating. The Navy Enlisted Classification system (NEC) supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty. 1. Rod Powers was the U.S. Military expert for The Balance Careers and was a retired Air Force First Sergeant with 22 years of active duty service. This can mean sifting through copious amounts of data, photographs, and other evidence, and breaking it down into relevant and irrelevant categories. A. Intelligence specialists perform most of their duties in an office or watch environment. What Does a Navy Intelligence Specialist Do? NEC codes identify a non-rating wide skill, knowledge, aptitude, or qualification that must be documented to identify both people and billets for management purposes. 12. … Extensive computer and electronic communications knowledge are generally required. Some might be discarded as erroneous or inconsequential. As of September 2018, there are roughly 2950 enlisted Intelligence Specialists in the US Navy. After successful completion of the class "A" school, a class "C" school will be completed which ranges from five to 13 weeks long. The NECC was established in January 2006. Navy Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL) - IS-Intelligence Specialist. What They Do: Intelligence Specialist, Advanced Technical Field, are responsible for processing and disseminating information. Applying it is the second step. The term "intelligence" covers a good bit of ground that includes various types of information gathered about both existing and anticipated enemy forces, and this information is often classified. Can anyone who can provide insight to this rate and/or give me some advice and information for the A and C School and the rate in general. Image: They might be stationed aboard aircraft carriers or missile cruisers. Navy Enlisted Intelligence Specialists work with information and data, and it is their business to communicate and collect such data and information. Intelligence specialists typically work under the supervision of intelligence officers and can rise to that rank provided they have a four-year degree. LEGACY NEC CODE. Intelligence Specialist roadmaps are just what the name implies - a roadmap through the Enlisted Learning and Development Continuum from Seaman Recruit through Master Chief. A numeral appearing after an IS designation indicates the sailor's military rank, such as a 1 for a first-class petty officer. If a Navy police officer receives specialized training in another position, they might be awarded a new NEC and the sailor could be assigned in both fields from that point onward. Intelligence Specialists prepare and present intelligence briefings, as well as, prepare material for use in mission planning. NECs for the intelligence specialist community area include: The "IS" designation indicates an intelligence specialist. The Intelligence Specialist rating was established in 1975 by combining the Photographic Intelligenceman (PT) rating (first established in 1957) and parts of the Yeoman (YN) rating. 135 Intelligence Navy Reserve jobs available on Intelligence Specialists assist in every phase of the planning, collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence information. Not all intelligence turns out to be useful or germane. Vision correctable to 20/20 and normal color perception is required. They usually work closely with others, doing mostly analytical work, but must have the capability to work without supervision and to support the intelligence mission of the Navy on land, undersea at sea and in the air. Intelligence Specialist ASVAB Test requirement. Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) serves as the single functional command to centrally manage current and future readiness, resources, manning, training and equipping of the United States Navy's 21,000 expeditionary forces who are currently serving in every theater of operation. Machinist's Mate: Marine Corps Enlisted Jobs and What They Involve, Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Codes -- Engineman, Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Codes - Naval Aircrewman, Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Codes -- Gunner's Mate, NEC Codes: Aviation Electronics Technician, Navy NEC Codes For The Special Warfare/EOD Diver Community, Discover Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) Codes for Fire Controlman, IS-3910 Naval Imagery Interpreter (APPLIES TO: IS), IS-3923 Strike Planning Applications (APPLIES TO: IS), IS-3924 Operational Intelligence (OPINTEL) Analyst (APPLIES TO: IS). Navy intelligence specialists must attend a 13-week training period at a Class "A" school followed by five to 13 weeks at a Class "C" school. Intelligence Specialist role report to Dam Neck, Va., where they receive formal Navy technical training at “A” School for approximately 13 weeks followed by advanced training at “C” School for 5–13 weeks. The Balance Careers uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. My goals are to go active duty for 4+ years, come out with a Bachelors degree (or close to completing it), develop some skills that will lead to a successful civilian career, and then finish out my 20 in the reserves. NEC code that is not a prerequisite to the principal NEC code, but is similar or identical with part or parts of a principal NEC code. The Navy's computerized personnel system associates the rating name with an alphanumeric Navy Occupational Specialty (NOS) code. An NEC is an "advanced specialty" within a job. ), and plot and prepare multi-sensor imagery. First thing to realize is that yes your NEC is very important in terms of what you will be doing day to day. Applicants’ immediate family members, including parents, sibling(s), and spouse, must be U.S. citizens or from a low risk country as defined by Intelligence Community Directive 704. if eligible) and military enlisted pay based on years of service and paygrade. Other helpful characteristics are resourcefulness, curiosity, an interest in ideas and information and the ability to make analytical decisions. A Navy intelligence specialist is an enlisted rating first created in 1975 to replace the photographic intelligenceman rating. In times of war or aggression, the intelligence specialist can be called upon to help defend his own or other ships. go to basic in March. Teamwork, speaking and writing skills, the ability to do detailed work, keep records and perform mathematical calculations are important attributes for people interested in the IS rating. Intelligence Specialist class "A" school is approximately 13 weeks in duration. They complete multi-source operational intelligence and prepare materials, ... Navy mass communication specialist at work. That is a dynamic thing that changes year to year and to some extent cycle to cycle. ISs also maintain the intelligence files (photographs, maps, charts, photographic interpretation keys, etc.) However, they might also be posted at shore installations. Intelligence Specialists analyze intelligence data. signed as an Intelligence Specialist (IS). The low-stress way to find your next intelligence specialist navy civilian job opportunity is on SimplyHired. This is typically proceeded by circulating the intelligence among decisionmakers and other critical personnel. ISs draft intelligence reports, and provide input to and receive data from computerized intelligence systems from both ashore and afloat. and libraries. Solid intel isn’t easy to come by. When I joined the Navy IS was wide open and everyone was making it. 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